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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Hazards from volatile liquids or gases.

Theatre ventilation systems help to extract toxic gases that could lead to fatigue, nausea, headaches and may play a part in a range of health problems including renal, hepatic, and neural diseases. Therefore any system-failure warning lights should be reported, investigated and rectified promptly. Minimum requirement for air changes is 20 per hour in the actual operating room and the sterile supplies room. The smoke produced when electrosurgical devices are used contains toxic substances that present biological and chemical hazards, so extraction systems should be used during procedures involving diathermy. It is advisable to avoid the use of flammable solutions with diathermy as there is the risk of ignition. Methyl methacrylate is a volatile flammable liquid used in orthopaedic surgery to make bone cement. The vapour given off on mixing may cause irritation of the eyes and the respiratory' passages or a general feeling of ill health. Anyone affected should leave the theatre immediately. Soft contact lenses should be removed when methyl methacrylate is being mixed as they are permeable to irritant vapours.

Inhalation anaesthetics may be gases or volatile liquids and require suitable equipment for storage and administration. Gas cylinders used in theatre must be clearly labelled with the name or chemical symbol of the gas on the shoulder of the cylinder and the valve. They should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated room, free from flammable materials. No lubricant of any description should be used on the cylinder valves.

Nitrous oxide, used in anaesthesia, can be dangerous to both patient and staff if used for a prolonged period in an inadequately ventilated space. Side-effects can include megaloblastic anaemia and the depression of white cell formation.

Waste disposal.

Theatre design should incorporate a sequence of clean zones from the entrance to the operating area, to allow easy movement of staff from one clean area to another. Conversely, waste and contaminated items should be removed through ‘dirty’ areas without passing through clean areas. Body fluids collected in suction bottles should be treated with a gelling agent and allowed to solidify before being double-wTapped to prevent leakage, as should waste tissue and bone fragments. All clinical waste (placed in yellow bags) should be labelled with the date, theatre number and case number to allow traceability. From an environmental point of view, machines are now available that use microwaves to make used materials safe for disposal in landfill sites. Normal rubbish should be placed in black bags and disposed of in landfill sites to avoid incineration and minimise air pollution.



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1. Patient care concept. The doctor as the organizer of the qualified care of patients.

2. Medical ethics and deontology.

3. Medical staff role in treatment and care of surgical patients. Communication and psychological influence as effective remedy of treatment.

4. Iatrogeny: reasons of emergence and its prevention.

5. Safe hospital environment.

6. Functions of the charge nurse.

7. Personal hygiene of patients and service personnel.

8. Sanitary care of the patient.

9. Pediculosis: reasons, prevention, fight measures.

10. Decubital necrosis: reasons, prevention, treatment.

11. Fever: reasons, types of temperature curves. Supervision and care of in a fever patients.

12. Supervision and care of patients with blood circulation diseases.

13. Supervision and care of patients with digestive organs diseases.

14. Supervision and care of patients after surgical interventions.

15. Supervision and care of patients with urinary system diseases.

16. Training of patients and their relatives homecare concepts.

17. Prevention of professional traumatism of medical stuff.

18. Traumatism at persons of senile age and its prevention.

19. Wound dressing agents for combustion treatment.

20. Types of a meals for surgery patients. Nutrition of critically ill patients.



Date Work description Quantity


Signature of head nurse

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