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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Лексична тема: “Track and ballast; rails”.

Граматична тема: “Повторення займенників. Інфінітивні звороти.”

I. Read the words correctly:


Mining, numerous, suggest, iron, cast, superior, plant, inauguration, metallurgy, straight, Baltic, tremendous, unique, necessity, freight, available, foreign, locomotive, machines, mechanisms, technique, efficient, maintenance, axle, resources, mountains, path, through, via, Danube, Mediterranean, weight, tunnel, data, supply, sewerage, major, Siberia, Urals, Asia, ascertain, appliances, air, baggage, parlour, dining, assigned, departure, crew, schedule, few, vacuum, refrigerators, cupboard, linen, various, board, caboose, rear, prior, series, character, fuel.


ІІ. Complete the table with the forms of the verbs:

built built будувати
write written писати
do did робити
catch caught caught
see saw бачити
speak spoken говорити
read read читати
put put put

III. Put the verbs into correct group according to the way of forming their 3 forms:




1) shut; 2) write; 3) cut; 4) fight; 5) meet; 6) sing; 7) sit; 8) sleep; 9) steal; 10) swim; 11) drink; 12) bring; 13) cost; 14) ride; 15) let; 16) ring; 17) know; 18) lose; 19) catch; 20) teach.

ІV. Learn how to read the following words:

Granite [`ɡrænıt]; substitute [`sʌbstıtju:t]; furnace [`fə:nıs]; blast [`blα:st]; shovel [`ʃʌvl]; plough [`plau]; average [`ævərıʤ]; advantageous [ֻædvən`teıʤəs]; diverge [daı`və:ʤ].

V. Learn the following words and the word-combinations:

1) Broken stone ballast – щебневий баласт;

2) suitable – підходящий;

3) costly – дорогий;

4) substitute – заміна;

5) blast furnace slag – шлак доміної печі;

6) heap – купа;

7) platelayer – працівники колії;

8) gang – група, партія;

9) shovel – лопата;

10) tuck – підбирати;

11) sleeper – шпала;

12) discharge – розвантажувати, звільняти;

13) draw – тягнути;

14) plough – плуг;

15) stringer – продольна балка;

16) fasten – кріпити;

17) upkeep – утримання;

18) welding process – процес зварювання;

19) crossings and forks – перехрестя, розгалуження, розвилка;

20) diverge – розходитися (про шляхи);

21) to reduce the expense – скоротити витрати.


VI. Read and translate the fist part of the text:



Of all the various materials which are used for ballast broken ballast or broken granite are the most suitable. These materials are however costly. Recently a very effective and much cheaper substitute has been found in blast furnace slag.

In the early days the ballast to be laid on the track was first taken to the site in ordinary wagons and unloaded into heaps spaced at suitable intervals beside the track. Gangs of platelayers armed with shovels then spread the ballast over the track, tucking it under the sleepers until a firm foundation was made. In these days ballast trains are employed. They consist of wagons that can discharge the loose stone directly on to the track through the floors of the wagons. As the engine draws the ballast train slowly forward, a plough like a snow plough, which is fixed in front of the brake van, spreads the ballast thus discharged from the wagons. The platelayers then finish the operation.


VII. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

1) Бригада залізничників; 2) озброєні лопатами; 3) прямо на колію; 4) тверда основа; 5) звичайний вагон; 6) набагато дешевший; 7) в наші часи; 8) подібно до плуга снігоочисника; 9) дуже ефективний.


VIII. Find the synonyms to the words in the box from the words in the column:

1) group;

Sleeper track gang wagon 2) car;

discharge costly 3) unload;

4) tie;

5) expensive;

6) line.

IX. Read the second part of the text and answer the questions:



The early railway builders laid wooden stringers lengthwise, fastening straps of iron on top of the stringers to serve as rails. The practice of laying wooden stringers soon gave way to iron rails which did not prove satisfactory, as they were subject to buckling and warping¹ and wore out rapidly. Steel rails were first rolled in England in 1856. From that date they rapidly became the standard type.

In England and in the USA rails vary in weight from 50 to 152 pounds per running yard,² the average being about 94 pounds per yard. Increasing size of locomotives and trains and greater speed of train movement in both freight and passenger service have made necessary an increasing of rails weights.

The standard length of a single rail in America is 39 feet, 60 foot rail is common in Europe. The use of longer rail is advantageous in maintenance work.

On modern development in the upkeep of the permanent way is the use of welding process. Most railway travellers are fairly familiar with the crossings or forks of the permanent way where one track diverges from another. These rail crossings wear away fairly rapidly. They are costly to make and also to maintain. In order to reduce the expense in maintaining these joints and crossings, welding processes are now being used, so that new metal can be welded on the worn parts of the crossings in such a way as to build up the rails to their original form.


¹ as they were subject to buckling and warping – так, як вони покривилися

² per running yard – на поточний ярд


1) How was the ballast laid on the track in the early days? 2) Where were the first steel rails rolled? 3) What rails were used by early railway builders? 4) What made necessary to increase the weight of rails? 5) What is the weight and the standard length of rails used in USA and Europe nowadays? 6) What is used to reduce the expense in maintaining the joints and crossings?


Grammar Revision


X. Study the grammar material:


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