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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

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aimцель a lot of много alsoтакже alwaysвсегда andи, а basicосновной basisоснова bookкнига butно, а canмогут course курс deanдекан divideделить each каждый everyкаждый exactточный hallзал hourчас itэто manyмного new новый oneодин only только otherдругой peopleлюди roomкомната scienceнаука termсеместр themих thisэто todayсегодня two два up to до wellхорошо withс year год attendпосещать Сhemistryхимия cultureкультура differentразличный discussобсуждать equipоборудовать etc. и так далее fieldполе, область forдля, в течение, за futureбудущее good хороший instructобучать knowledgeзнания languageязык largeбольшой libraryбиблиотека main главный miningгорное дело nowсейчас, теперь obtainполучать outlookкругозор Physicsфизика scientificнаучный secondвторой Septemberсентябрь several несколько such as такие как task задача, работа thousandтысяча todayсегодня usually обычно variousразличный whereгде, куда which который wide широкий youngмолодой advancedпередовой alternateчередовать(ся) amountколичество as well asтакже, а также carry on вести, проводить carry out выполнять createсоздавать, творить creativelyтворчески department отделение engineeringтехника educationобразование end конец, заканчивать facultyфакультет foreign иностранный generalобщий, обычный get – got – got получать laboratory лаборатория lastдлиться, продолжаться managementуправление Mathematicsматематика modernсовременный mustдолжен, нужно, следует naturalестественный necessaryнеобходимый part часть, роль, участие read – read – read читать reading hall читальный зал so так, таким образом specialспециальный specialistспециалист subjectпредмет, тема take – took - takenбрать train обучать, готовить trainingподготовка while когда, в то время как work работа, работать
apply[ə¢plai]применять, прикладывать become – became – become стано­виться begin – began – begunначинать branch отрасль, ветвь, ветка, филиал developразвивать, разрабатывать know[nou]– knew[nju:] – knownзнать mostбольшинство, большая часть, самый national economy народное хозяйство practiceпрактиковаться, практика provide [prə¢vaid]обеспечивать, снабжать skill искусство, умение, мастерство someнесколько, какой-нибудь, некоторый study изучать, учить(ся); изучение, учеба use [ju:z] использовать, применять academic year учебный год a number of ряд, несколько completeполный; заканчивать devoteпосвящать, уделять enable давать возможность firstпервый, сначала,впервые have – had – had иметь, обладать head голова, глава, возглавлять power engineering энергетика production производство self-training самоподготовка specializeспециализироваться take exams сдавать экзамены technology техника, технология
mechanical engineeringмашиностроение produce производить, выпускать higher school вуз, высшая школа humanitiesгуманитарные науки

construction строение, зданиe; конструкция, строительство

enter (the University) поступать в университет; входить

general engineering subjects общетехнические предметы

graduate from [¢grædjueit] (the University) заканчивать (университет)

research научно-исследовательская работа, исследование, исследовать


There are a lot of higher schools in Russia where young people can get higher education. Every year a lot of students enter Universities. Universities train specialists in the natural and exact sciences and the humanities. Specialized Institutes and faculties train specialists for one of the fields of culture and various branches of national economy, such as power engineering, mining, construction, mechanical engineering and many others.

The head of each University is Rector. There are several faculties at each Institute. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and is headed by a dean. The academic year always begins on the first of September and is divided into two terms. Students take exams at the end of each term. The complete course of studies usually lasts 4 - 5 years. At every Institute there is a reading hall and a library where the students can take the necessary books as well as books for reading. Study rooms are now equipped with TV sets, computers, etc.

The first and second year students study general engineering subjects. Students have lectures and practical hours. They attend lectures on different subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, etc. They have hours of practical training in the well-equipped laboratories of the Institute. So lectures and seminars alternate with laboratory work, discussions, consultations, research work and their self- training. This provides a basis for the study of special subjects and the organization of practice. Today a student must obtain a large amount of new information¹. This enables² future specialists to get good professional knowledge and to apply it to practice, to use modern methods of scientific research, advanced production technology³, its organization and management.

The aim of higher education is not only to provide the students with the necessary knowledge, but also to develop them creatively. Thousands of specialists graduate from institutes and universities and get diplomas every year. Some of them work in the various branches of industry, while others carry on research work in different research institutes. Training highly-skilled specialists with a wide theoretical outlook is the main task of higher education.

Notes: 1.получить большое количество новой информации

2.это дает возможность 3. передовая технология производства


airвоздух all right хорошо alsoтакже bridgeмост damдамба forв течение landземля occupyзанимать offerпредлагать palaceдворец roadдорога siteплощадка staffперсонал too тоже waterвода canteen столовая classroomкласс constructстроить exceedпревышать experience опыт foundосновывать gainприобретать hospitalбольница pleaseпожалуйста protectionзащита residentialжилой spaciousпросторный varietyразнообразие vary различаться you see видите ли be sure быть уверенным departmentотделение diligentстарательный diverse разнообразный ecologicalэкологический embraceохватывать full-timeзанятый все время graduate studentаспирант house помещать, вмещать here they are вот они majorкрупный, главный name называть, имя pollutionзагрязнение repairремонтировать, ремонт undergraduateстудент
at presentв настоящее время build – built – built строить buildingздание, строительство civil engineer инженер – строитель civil engineeringстроительство fine прекрасный, красивый graduate[¢grædjuit]выпускник gymnasium = gym спортивный зал hard-workingтрудолюбивый outstandingвыдающийся technologyтехника, технология vastобширный, громадный certainопределенный, некий, некоторый completeзавершать, заканчивать; полный constructionстроительство, конструкция find – found – found находить, обнаруживать instructorпреподаватель вуза, руководитель mean – meant – meantиметь в виду, означать reconstructреконструировать, перестраивать research associateнаучный сотрудник second-year student студент второго курса socio-political социально-политический spaceпространство, космос, место think – thought - thoughtдумать, считать
environmentсреда, окружение, окружающая среда environmentalприродоохранный, относящийся к окружающей среде faculty memberчлен профессорско-преподавательского состава law закон, право, юриспруденция; юридический, правовой maintenanceтехническое обслуживание, уход, эксплуатация, ремонт real estateнедвижимость,движимое (недвижимое) имущество


We are students of the University. Our University was founded in 1974. In those days the student body did not exceed¹ 400 persons. At present the student body of the University exceeds 11,000 persons. The University occupies several buildings. The main building was completed in 1985. It houses the library with a spacious reading hall, a computer centre, many classrooms and well - equipped labs, a fine gym, a canteen, etc. The head of the University is Rector. Each faculty is headed by the dean. The course of studies lasts 5 years. Many of our teachers and instructors are outstanding specialists in various fields of technology and science. Some of them are graduates of our University.

There are several institutes at the University. We study at the Institute of Construction and Ecology. It trains civil engineers whose profession embraces many fields. A civil engineer constructs and reconstructs residential and industrial buildings, bridges, schools, palaces of culture, theatres, hospitals, tunnels, dams, etc.

The Institute has 17 classrooms and 9 laboratories. At the Institute the students specialize in Building Construction, Road Building (construction, maintenance and repair), Real Estate Management and Environmental Protection (land, water and air pollution and protection and other ecological problems).

Our second - year students work for a month² and ten days on construction sites³, where they gain certain experience. The graduates work at the plants and research Institutes. We can also find the graduates of our University at every major construction site.

Notes: 1. количество студентов не превышало; 2. в течение месяца

3. строительная площадка



area площадь border граница coalуголь deepглубокий desertпустыня district округ faunaфауна floraфлора forest лес lakeозеро landземля oceanокеан oilнефть ore [ɔ:] руда steppeстепь taigaтайга totalобщй washомывать whiteбелый bannerзнамя, флаг capitalстолица chamberпалата friendshipдружба hardly едва ли includeвключать judicialсудебный lowerнижний mountainгора occupyзанимать plainравнина populationнаселение powerдержава, власть ratherдовольно scientific научный separateразделять Speaker спикер upperверхний zoneпояс, зона belongпринадлежать border on граничить с climate ['klaimit] климат condition [kən'di∫n] условие consist of состоять из cooperation сотрудничество globeземной шар, глобус irrespective of независимо от ferrousиз черного металла governmentправительство internationalмеждународный mild[maild] мягкий, умерен­ный moderate['mɔdərit] умерен­ный non-ferrous цветной regionкрай, область, район resourcesресурсы be rich inбытьбогатым be situatedрасполагать(ся) tundra[‘tÙndrə] тундра
executive[ig'zekjutiv] исполнительный Federal Assembly Федераль­ное Собрание Federal Council Совет Федерации foreign ['fɔrin] внешний, (между­народный) highlands нагорье, горная местость legislative [‘ledʒislətiv] законо­дательный the Urals ['juərəlz] Уральские горы aircraftвоздушное судно compriseвключать, охва­тывать lowlandнизина, долина numerousмногочисленный the Caucasus [΄kɔ:kəsəs] Кав­каз Prime Ministerпремьер-министр State Duma Государственная Дума

be famous for быть известным, быть знаменитым

Supreme Court [sju'pri:m‘kɔ:t] Верховный суд

the Council ['kaunsl] of Fede­ration Совет Федерации

Russia (the official name — the Russian Federa­tion) is the largest country in the world. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. It occupies about 1/6 of the Earth surface. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres.

Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.

The country has a great variety of flora and fauna. There are numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts in our land. The highest mountains are the Altai, the Urals, and the Caucasus. There are over 2 million rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei, the Lena and the Amur. Our land is also rich in various lakes. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arc­tic and mild (moderate) — to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources coun­tries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. It is one of the highly developed industrial pow­ers in the world. The main industrial branches are machine-building, aircraft, aerospace, automobile, tex­tile, chemical and others.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is over 140 million people. More than 100 different nations and nationalities live in the Russian Federation. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the Russian Federation are the state white-blue-red flag and 2-headed Eagle.

The Russian Federation is a constitutional state headed by the President. The President controls only the executive branch - the government, but not the Supreme Court and Federal Assembly. The country government con­sists of 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber). Each chamber is headed by the Speaker.

The executive power belongs to the Government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts.

The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations of the Globe irrespective of their political and social systems.

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. Its popu­lation is over 10 million people. It is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center of the coun­try and one of the most beautiful cities on the globe.


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