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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



air воздух annualгодовойassembly сборка concreteбетон desertпустыня a great deal of много areaплощадь, зона as well as также carry out выполнять compress сжимать commonобщий,обычный costстоимость, стоить distributeраспределять erect возводить, строить fundamentalsосновы  
heavyтяжелый land земля level уровень liftподнимать need нуждаться projectобъект pumpнасос purpose цель qualityкачество scale масштаб successуспех weldсваривать when когда convenientудобный deliver доставлять drawingчертеж heating отопление introduce вводить irrigateорошать populationнаселение powerfulмощный quantityколичество range ряд, диапазон receiveполучать reduceуменьшать such (as) такой (как) handlingтранспортировка nowadays сейчас, теперь paintingкартина, живопись partчасть, деталь, участие property[΄prɔpəti] свойство protect [prə'tekt] защищать purify[΄pjuərifai] очищать put - put - put класть running water водопровод superviseруководить treat [tri:t] обрабатывать unit единица, элемент, узел variety разнообразие
assembleсобирать, монтировать attractпривлекать, притягивать hydrotechnicianгидротехник modernizeмодернизировать operate приводить в движение power station электростанция realizeосуществлять, понимать reinforced concrete железобетон sameтот же самый, одинаковый be familiar with быть знакомым с connect [ kə'nekt ] связывать, соединять draw - drew - drawn рисовать, чертить housing жилье, жилищное строительство improve улучшать, совершенствовать prefab = prefabricated сборный prepare готовить, подготавливать town planning градостроительство store [ stɔ: ] хранить, запасать, наполнять

The building profession attracts many young men and women nowadays. In our country housing construction is carried out on a large scale. Hundreds of factories produce prefab panels. Builders construct and reconstruct residential and industrial buildings, bridges, schools, palaces of culture, etc. They build tunnels, canals, power stations, dams and reservoirs. They also construct aqueducts to store and transport water for populated areas and to irrigate desert lands. The distribution of water in irrigated areas is based on annual plans. Very many irrigation systems are built and modernized. Hydro-technicians erect dams, reservoirs and pumping stations.

Builders and engineers design and erect houses, schools, factories and other buildings. Builders, as we know, assemble a house from prefabricated units which are delivered to the construction site. A welder then welds the units. Builders use building equipment and operate it by electricity¹ or compressed air. Powerful cranes lift heavy building materials and the workers put them into position. Nowadays builders use a great variety of materials.

Civil engineers and architects have a common aim - to provide people with all modern conveniences, such as running water, gas, electricity, central heating. A sanitary engineer protects the quality of water.² He treats and purifies this water when it is used for domestic purposes. An architect designs buildings. He must receive a great deal of scientific training connected with his profession. He must know mathematics as well as properties of building materials. He must need some knowledge of sculpture, painting, design, mechanical engineering, geography, city planning, etc.³

An engineer prepares the plans and specifications and usually supervises the construction of the project. He must use engineering fundamentals to improve the quality and at the same time reduce the cost of construction. An engineer must be familiar with construction methods.

1. приводить в действие / управлять с помощью электричества

2. следить за качеством воды

3. знать скульптуру, живопись, проектирование, градостроительство и т.д.

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