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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Unit 2. Classification of restaurants and bars

- purpose

- location

- star system


1. Pre-reading. Match the words on the left with their definitions in Russian on the right:


1 gourmet a цепь (сеть) предприятий

2 chain b самообслуживание

3 franchise c кухня (поваренное искусство)

4 fast food d гурман

5 self-service e франчайзинг

6 waiter or waitress f владелец ресторана

7 restaurateur g быстрое питание

8 cuisine h официант (ка)


2. Read the following text and answer the questions:


1) What are main factors restaurant categories depend on?

2) What are two main types of restaurant operation?

3) What kinds of foodservice enterprises are under the convenience category?

4) Is the choice of cuisine is a duty of the chef?

5) What are the main differences of restaurants and bars?


Restaurants, Bars and Their Categories


Different people who “eat out” every day have a wide variety of needs and tastes from a quick lunch to a luxurious dinner with elaborate service. Because of these differences, there are many kinds of restaurants varying from street stands for a hot dog to wealthy restaurants with the best cooking. Restaurants generally fall into the following categories:

The gourmet restaurant. A gourmet is a person who appreciates the best food and drink. A restaurant, which offers meals that appeal to such a person, is in this group. It can be also called a luxurious restaurant or high-end restaurant. The service and the prices are usually according to the quality of the meal so that these restaurants are the most expensive of all foodservice establishments.

The family-type restaurant. Many eating-places serve simple food at moderate prices that appeal to family groups. Their principal feature is the reliability they offer their customers through standardized food and service.

Many of these restaurants are owned by chains or operated under a franchise. Franchise is an arrangement in which the name and procedures of the business are leased from a central organization. When a family stops to eat at a Pizza Hut restaurant, they know what kind of food they will get and what the price will be.

The specialty restaurant. The specialty restaurant offers a limited variety of definite food. Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food, for example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Restaurants selling food of foreign origin are called accordingly, for example, a Chinese restaurant or a French restaurant. Both the quality of the food and prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants.

The convenience restaurants. These restaurants serve customers who are in a hurry and most interested in fast service and low prices. This large group includes several sub-categories.

One of them is the lunch counter, which as a rule serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages. A modern variation on the lunch counter is the fast food operation. Thousands of these establishments have sprung up all over the world in recent years. Fast food is that, which can be prepared, served and eaten quickly. The hamburger, a grilled patty of ground beef served between the slices of a round roll, is the most typical fast food.

Cafeterias which are worldwide accepted as a successful way for restaurant operations also come under the convenience category. They are said to have originated during the gold rush days in California. There customers are serving themselves and pay a cashier for each item they choose.

Most institutional foodservice enterprises fall into the convenience category, including canteens and cafeterias in factories, offices, schools and hospitals. Street stands are also convenience foodservice enterprises whether they offer a wide variety of dishes or only snacks.

Another way to categorize restaurants is by the kind of service they offer. There are basically four types: table service, counter service, self-service, and carry-out.

In table service restaurants, customers are seated at tables where food is served by a waiter.

In counter service restaurants, customers sit at a counter and are served either by the person who prepares the food or by a waiter.

A self-service restaurant is frequently called a buffet or cafeteria; there customers pass in front of a counter where food is displayed and help themselves to what they want. Then they carry the food to a table themselves.

Carry-out restaurants often serve fast food. Customers place their orders at a counter (or by telephone ahead of time) then “take-out” the food to wherever they wish to eat it – at their job, in a park or at home.

Taste and style of cooking and eating are fulfilled by cuisine. Gourmet cuisine usually consists of dishes freshly and thoroughly prepared, often in ways too time-consuming and skillful to be duplicated at home. These meals are often taken from one of the great cuisines, perhaps French, Italian or Hungarian. The choice of cuisine is an important one both for customers and restaurant owners. It is a crucial choice for the restaurateur because it may mean the difference between success and failure in business.



A bar (also called a pub or tavern) is a business that serves drinks, especially alcoholic beverages such as beer, liquor, and mixed drinks, for consumption on the premises. Bars provide stools or chairs for the patrons along tables or raised counters. Some bars have entertainment on a stage, such as a live band, comedians, go-go dancers, a floor show etc). Bars that are part of hotels are sometime called "long bars" or "hotel lounges".

The term "bar" is derived from the specialized counter on which drinks are served and is a synecdoche applied to the whole of the drinking establishment. The "back bar" or "gantry" is a set of shelves of glasses and bottles behind that counter. In some bars, the gantry is elaborately decorated with woodwork, etched glass, mirrors, and lights. When food is served elsewhere in the establishment, it may also be ordered and eaten at the bar. There are many types of bars, which can be categorized according to the types of entertainment provided at the bar and by their clientèle.

Bars categorized by the type of entertainment or activities offered at the bar include: "sports bars", where sports fans watch games on large-screen televisions; "salsa bars", where patrons dance to Latin salsa music; and "dance bars", which have a modest-sized dance floor where patrons dance to recorded music. However, if a dance bar has a large dance floor and hires well-known professional DJs, it is usually considered to be nightclub or discothèque.

Bars categorized by the clientele who come to the bar include: "biker bars", which are bars frequented by motorcycle enthusiasts, and in some regions, motorcycle gang members; "cop bars", where off-duty law enforcement agents gather; and "singles bars" where (mostly) unmarried people of both genders can socialize and meet etc.

A bar's owners and managers typically choose establishment names, decor, drink menus, lighting and other elements they can control so as to attract a certain clientele. However, bar operators have only limited influence over who patronizes their establishments and a bar envisioned for one demographic can become popular with another. For example, a gay bar with a dance floor might attract an increasingly-straight clientele over time and vice versa. As well, a blues club may become a de facto "biker bar" if its main clients are biker gang members.




counter прилавок, стойка
de facto фактически, на самом деле
envisioned воображаемый
gold rush золотая лихорадка
liquor крепкий спиртной напиток (виски, водка, джин)
patty пирожок
premise помещение
roll круглая булочка для гамбургера
synecdoche синекдоха (фигура речи)

3. Exercise 3.1. Match the words on the left with the corresponding definition on the right:

1gourmet restaurant a an arrangement in which an operator from a central organization leases the name and procedures for a business
2 fast food b a restaurant from which customers take food to eat at some other place
3 table service c a restaurant for people with educated taste in food
4 counter service d food that can be prepared, served and eaten quickly
5 self-service e a French word for a particular style of cooking
6 carry-out f a restaurant service in which customers are seated at tables and served by waiters
7 franchise g a restaurant service in which customers are seated at a counter and served by a person who prepares the food or by a waiter
8 cuisine h a restaurant in which customers serve themselves from food displayed on a counter    

Exercise 3.2. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase from the text:


1. A ___ is a person who appreciates the best food and drink.

2. Many of the family-type restaurants are owned by ___ or operated under a ___.

3. The ___ restaurant offers a limited variety or style of food.

4. The ___ restaurant serves customers who are in a hurry and most interested in fast service.

5. One of them is the ___ ___, which as a rule serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages.

6. A modern variation of the lunch counter is the ___ food operation.

7. In ___ service restaurants, customers are seated at tables where food is served by ___.

8. Taste and style of cooking and eating are fulfilled by ___.

9. Bars are categorized according to the type of ___ provided in a bar and its ___.

10. A bar is considered to be a nightclub or discotheque if it has a large ___ ___ and hires professional ___.



Exercise 3.3. Match the following restaurants of Saint-Petersburg with the categories they belong to. Make a short report about one of these restaurants:


1 fast-food restaurant a 1001 night

2 gourmet restaurant b Palkin

3 family-type restaurant c KFC

4 specialty restaurant d Eurasia

5 cafe e Italy

f Grand Cru

g Leonardo

h Pizza Hut


Exercise 3.4. Match the following dishes with a restaurant or bar they can be offered:


1 fast-food restaurant a Bouillabaisse

2 street stand b beer with potato chips

3 sports bar c hot dog and cola

4 gourmet restaurant d sushi

5 specialty restaurant e hamburger



Exercise 3.5. Make a presentation about a restaurant you would launch in your area. In your presentation follow the next points:


- location of a restaurant

- potential clients

- category of a restaurant

- décor

- menu



Exercise 3.6. Translate the following text from Russian into English:


Первый путеводитель по дорогам Франции - "Michelin" изначально не имел никакого отношения к высокой кухне. В нем были указаны гостиницы и станции технического обслуживания.
Основатели крупнейшего производителя шин "Michelin" Братья Андре и Эдуард Мишлен, в помощь своим клиентам-автолюбителям решили посоветовать, где в дороге можно неплохо перекусить.
Постепенно функция указателя-путеводителя по ресторанам с картой автодорог отошла на задний план, а сами рестораны и качество их кухни стали основным содержанием Мишленовского гида.
Звезды Мишлен стали высочайшей наградой для европейского ресторатора.
Начиная с 1920 года гид не просто указывает, но и рекомендует рестораны, гостиницы.
С 1930 года рестораны во всем мире стали оценивать по шкале от 1 до 3 звезд, называемых "макаронами" (macaron - фирменное французское пирожное)
Сегодня, лишь факт упоминания ресторана в Красном гиде, даже без присуждения звезды, уже знак высокого качества его кухни:

· одна звезда Мишлена - это очень серьезная награда

· две звезды - блюда ресторана уже могут рассматриваться как произведения искусства

· три звезды имеют рестораны с индивидуальной, авторской кухней величайших, зачастую потомственных шеф-поваров.

Шеф-повар, уходя из ресторана, может унести звезду Мишлена с собой — то есть перенести в тот ресторан, где будет теперь работать.
Рестораны Мишлен не имеют права указывать или как-то упоминать о количестве присуждённых им звёзд Мишлен. Политика состоит в том, что клиент может узнать о количестве звёзд только из самого гида.
При нарушении этого правила, ресторан может быть исключен из рейтинга.
Звезды присуждаются каждый год и очень легко снимаются, если ресторан перестает соответствовать высокой награде. В течение года не известные никому гурманы-эксперты путешествуют и оценивают рестораны. Эксперты приходят инкогнито, без предупреждения, а сообщают о своем визите уже после, когда все свершилось. Возможны повторные посещения. И под наблюдением оказываются не только претенденты на звезды, но и те, у кого звезды уже есть.
Все критерии присуждения рейтинга являются коммерческой тайной компании Мишлен, однако известен главный критерий - это кухня. Атмосфера, обслуживание, интерьер и цена - всё это вторично по отношению к подаваемым блюдам.
Рестораны, имеющие звезды Мишлен встречаются по всей Европе, но пальму первенства держит Франция - 22 ресторана, имеющих по три звезды Мишлена.
Город-рекордсмен по «звёздным» ресторанам - Токио, там находятся 8 трехзвездочных ресторанов, 25 имеют 2 звезды и 117 одну.
В России пока нет ни одного «звездного по Мишлену» ресторана.
Существует 2 основных справочника "Michelin": в красной и зеленой обложке:

· в красном - информация исключительно о заведениях ресторанного и гостиничного типа

· в зеленом - информация классифицирована по географическому признаку (дорожные карты, путеводители, описание достопримечательностей региона)
В наши дни выпускается серия из 12 гидов, в которых около десяти тысяч адресов заведений стран:

· Франция

· Германия

· БеНиЛюкс

· Испания

· Португалия

· Великобритания

· Ирландия

· Италия

· Швейцария

· Северная Америка

Гид "Michelin" выпускается на французском, итальянском, немецком (на русском языке пока нет).


Exercise 3.7. Complete the text choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the following list:

Eatery, deli, competition, eating out, brunch, proper, cheaper, reputation, owners, former

1)___ ___in New York is no problem at all. There are so many places to eat. Their names are also different – restaurant or café, cafeteria or coffee shop, pancake house or steakhouse, pizza place or sandwich shop, 2)___ or simply grill. Some of them have 3)___ names like “The Pines”. Others are named after their 4)___ or 5)___ owners if the place has earned a good 6)___. You can even eat at a 7)___. When you buy something they ask you: “Here or to go?”

The 8)___ is so strong that you can always find a good meal you can afford. From time to time almost all restaurants make “special offers” of 9)___ meals. On Sundays, when I liked to sleep late, I always looked in the paper for a “Sunday 10)___ special”.



Exercise 3.8. Mark each of the following statements true or false (T or F). Correct the false statement:

1) The variety of restaurants depends on their owners’ taste. ___

2) The gourmet restaurant can be also called the luxury restaurant. __

3) The specialty restaurant prices are usually lower than in family-type restaurants. ___

4) The convenience restaurant serves customers with educated taste in food and who are interested in elaborated service.

5) In self-service restaurant customers sit at a counter and are served either by a waiter or by the person who prepares the food. ___

6) Carry-out restaurants often serve fast-food. ___

7) The choice of cuisine is a crucial point for the restaurateur because it may mean the difference between success and failure in business. ___

8) The French word “cuisine” has the same meaning as the English one “kitchen”. ___

9) Bars are categorized by the type of entertainment and activities that are provided in a bar. ___

10) Clientele can change the category of a bar. ___



Exercise 3.9. Translate the following dialogue into English. Combine the similar dialogue that will take place in a hotel of Saint-Petersburg:


A. - Сегодня у меня деловая встреча в центре города и я не смогу пообедать в отеле. Вы могли бы мне посоветовать какой-нибудь недорогой ресторан в центре?

B. – Да, конечно, сэр. Вы можете пообедать в специализированном ресторане «Бриз», который находится рядом с ратушей. Там готовят блюда из рыбы и морепродуктов и цены очень умеренные.

A. – Нет, это мне не подойдет, я не люблю морепродукты.

B. – Тогда я могу порекомендовать семейный ресторан «Зимняя сказка», там очень хорошая кухня и неплохое обслуживание.

A. – А не будет ли там очень шумно? Если ресторан семейный, там наверняка много посетителей с детьми.

B. – Нет, не волнуйтесь, в обеденное время там практически никого нет.

A. – Хорошо. Вечером мне необходимо провести деловую встречу в хорошем дорогом ресторане. Что вы порекомендуете?

B. – Лучшие рестораны нашего города для настоящих гурманов. Ресторан «Королевская трапеза» на центральной площади – европейская кухня, шеф-повар из Италии, средний счет ресторана от 200 евро. Но моя особенная рекомендация – французский ресторан «Chez Monsieur Jacques», который находится в квартале от нашего отеля. Средний счет ресторана – 400 евро, но блюда здесь просто необыкновенные. Шеф-повар - просто волшебник! Я советую вам поужинать там.


Exercise 3.10. Choose the right variant (several variants are possible):


1) The synonym for “fast-food” restaurant is:

a. family-type

b. convenience

c. cafeteria

2) The type of a restaurant that serves customers with educated taste in food is:

a. family-type

b. specialty

c. gourmet

3) A restaurant that specializes in certain type of food is:

a. gourmet

b. cafeteria

c. specialty

4) An arrangement in which the name and procedures of the business are leased from a central organization:

a. franchise

b. licensing

c. leasing

5) A restaurant where customers can order food and take it out to wherever they want:

a. carry-out

b. take-out

c. family-type

6) Bar that is in a hotel is sometimes called:

a. long bar

b. hotel lounge

c. lobby

7) According to the restaurants’ star system a restaurant can have maximum:

a. three stars

b. four stars

c. five stars

8) Two Michelin guides that really exist are in:

a. red cover

b. blue cover

c. green cover

9) The biggest number of star restaurants are in:

a. France

b. Japan

c. Russia

10) Most three-star restaurants are in:

a. France

b. Germany

c. Japan




brunch a meal eaten in the late morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch
clientele all the people who regularly use a restaurant or bar
consumption the act of buying and using products or service
deli (delicatessen) a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats etc
eatery a restaurant or other place to eat
law enforcement agent a police officer
establishment an organization or institution, especially a business, shop etc
etch (v) to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture or words
frequent(v) to go to a particular place often
gantry a large metal frame which is used to support smth
patron someone who uses a particular shop, restaurant, or hotel
patronize(v) to use or visit a shop, restaurant etc
time-consuming taking a long time to do
woodwork the parts of a house or room that are made of wood



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