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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with articles or pronouns. Tell about the American organization structure.

Russian specialist: You are one of....... leading experts on management. What are...... general principles of company organizational structure in........ US?

American expert: Basically it’s....... functional form of organization with departments for marketing, production, finance and so on.

R.sp.: If I’m not mistaken, this form is more common for...... small firms, isn’t it?

Am.exp.: Yes, it is. As....... firms become larger and more complex, departmentalization by product, territory or customer may be effective.

R.sp.: Organizations structure also includes..... idea of..... relationship between...... positions and....... people who hold........ positions. What can you say here?

Am.exp.:..... oldest type of organization structure is the line organization.

R.sp.: Yes, but as far as I know, the line organization works well only for small companies. Large companies need people who are not...... part of......... chain of command.

Am.exp.: That’s right..........large companies need people like lawyers, financial and other experts whose jobs are known as staff positions. Large companies use a line and staff organization structure.

R.sp.: And what span of management is best?

Am.exp.: You’ve raised........ most difficult question, I must say. There is no single answer to it. In general,........ broad span of management reduces........ total number of managers but......... narrow span makes possible close supervision.

R.sp.: What’s........ most typical management hierarchy in....... US companies?

Am.exp.: Typically, there are three levels within management. They are supervisory managers, middle managers, and top managers.

R.sp.: What’s your idea of...... well-managed business?

Am.exp.: I personally believe that..... business is well managed if everyone has........ clear idea of what his or her job is.

R.sp.: I can’t agree more with you.


organization structure организационная структура

basically в основном

functional функциональный

complex сложный

departmentalization деление на подразделения (отделы)

relationship взаимоотношения, связь

position должность, положение

line organization линейная организация

chain of command цепь команд

staff organization функциональная организация

функциональная должность

span of management масштаб, объем управления

management hierarchy иерархия управления

level уровень

supervisory manager менеджер низшего звена

middle manager менеджер среднего звена

top manager менеджер высшего звена



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