ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
There are several patterns of methods used in teaching deaf children. Manual method This method comprises the use of the hand gesture and signs, manual alphabet and writing. The deaf learn the system of signs consisting of gestures, bodily movements and mimic actions. The deaf learn this form of communication readily and prefer it to any other. It represents today their principal means of non-written communication and is employed almost everywhere. A serious disadvantage of education by the manual method is the inability for direct contact with persons unfamiliar with the sign method, unless by using pad and pencil. Finger spelling method Annual alphabet or finger spelling is the chief means used in the instruction of the deaf. More exactly, finger spelling is a means by which the fingers of the hand are fashioned into forms to represent the letters of the alphabet. The deaf of most nations employ single-handed manual alphabet. In the British Isles, except Ireland, a double handed alphabet is used. The two-handed system is said to be a slower method. The sign language The sign language is a system of gestures and movements of body, face, head, arms and hands and postures of the whole body to convey meanings. This method has the disadvantage of contact only with those familiar with it. Oral method The oral method has for its aim the training of the deaf child in oral speech and in written speech. It serves to accomplish the mechanics of articulation, the production of voice differentiation in pitch and rhythm, the control of breath, and efficiently instructed by this method can acquire fluency of oral speech, and efficiency in lip-reading. This method undertakes to train the pupil to “hear” ordinary speech by means of lip-reading and to communicate by speech. The pupil being taught to form words consciously, attempt is made too, to improve the voice quality which is not pleasing. Simultaneous method. “The simultaneous method” is called because the class room teacher speaks while he uses the language of signs and manual alphabet, so the pupils who have lipreading ability and wish to follow the lesson in that way can do so. Thus he always has language of signs and the manual alphabet to fall back if he misses a word on the lips. A hearing person can follow the work in the classroom as well as a deaf person because the teacher is speaking orally while he is using the language of signs.
patterns of methods образцы методов manual method ручной комбинированный метод to comprise охватывать hand gesture and signs жестикуляторная-мимическая речь manual alphabet ручной алфавит, дактилология bodily movement движение тела mimic actions мимические выражения form of communication форма общения principal means главные средства non-written communication общение без помощи письменной речи to be employed применяться inability невозможность unfamiliar незнакомый disadvantage недостаток pad and pencil блокнот и карандаш Finger Spelling method or manual alphabet метод ручной азбуки chief means главное средство to fashion ставить, ставиться / о пальцах/ single handed manual alphabet ручная азбука одной рукой double handed спомощью обеих рук gesture жест posture положение тела to accomplish достигать совершенства oral method устный, оральный метод pitch of voice высота голоса control of breath контроль дыхания by means of при помощи simultaneous method симультанный метод a language of signs язык жестов consciously сознательно
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