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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

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Regret, remember, forget

A regret, remember, forget are used with a gerund when the action expressed by the gerund is the earlier action: / regret spending so much money = I'm sorry I spent so much money, (spending is the first action, regret is the second.)

I remember reading about the earthquake, in the papers, (reading is

the first action, remember is the second.) remember can be followed by possessive adjective/object + gerund:

/ remember his/him telling me about it.

I remember my father('s) telling me about it.

forget + gerund is possible only when forget is in the negative. It is often used after will never forget:

I'll never forget waiting for bombs to fall = I'll always remember waiting for bombs to fall.

В When regret, remember, forget themselves express the earlier action they are followed by an infinitive:

/ regret to say that you have failed your exam, (regret is the first


action, to say is the second.)

regret here is normally followed by a verb such as say, inform, tell. It is normally used only in the present tense.

remember can be used in any tense:

I'll remember to ring Bill, (remember is the earlier action.) forget is used similarly:

/ often forget to sign my cheques.

I remembered to lock/I didn't forget to lock the door. (I locked it.) Conversely:

/ didn't remember/I forgot to lock it. (I didn't lock it.)

С regret, remember, forget can also be followed by a noun/pronoun or a that-clause.

remember and forget can also be followed by noun clauses beginning how, why, when, where, who etc.:

I can't remember when I saw him last. I've forgotten where I put it.

269 agree/agree to, mean, propose A agree and agree to (preposition)

agree takes the infinitive. It is the opposite of refuse + infinitive: When I asked them to wait, Tom agreed to wait a week but Bill refused to wait another day.

agree cannot take a noun/pronoun object. The opposite of refuse + object is accept + object:

He refused any reward. She accepted the post. agree to (preposition) can be followed by possessive adjective

+ gerund:

He agreed to my leaving early on Friday. (I asked if I could leave early on Friday and he said that I could. The opposite here would

be He ivouldn 't agree to my leaving early etc.) agree to can be followed by noun/pronoun object:

He agreed to the change of plan/to this/to that.

В mean meaning 'intend' takes the infinitive:

/ mean to get to the top by sunrise.

mean meaning 'involve' (used only with an impersonal subject) takes the gerund:

He is determined to get a seat even if it means standing in a queue all night.

С propose meaning 'intend' usually takes the infinitive:

I propose to start tomorrow. propose meaning 'suggest' takes the gerund:

I propose waiting till the police get here. (For propose + that... should, see 289.)

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