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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The subject of stylistics.

Linguistic stylistic is a newly developed branch of science. It goes to ancient rhetoric and poetics.Much has been introduced by Lomonosov, Aristotel, Vinogradov, Peshcosvsky, Ahmanova, Bally etc. In a broad sense,STYLE has several meanings. The first - Literately genre. Second - author’s individual style. Technique of expression. The first definition of style is a quality of language which communicates precisely some emotions and thoughts or a system of emotions and thoughts,peculiar to the author. Style is a contactually restricted variation. Chatman suggested that the style is an individual patten(модель).

The property of style mentioned in the definitions will summed up by the famous french scholar Charles Bally.

ex. Умирать - to go to one’s last home, to buy the dust, to kick the bucket, to die (смысл такой, что слово 1, а значений много)

If we assume a style as a result at follows we must decide what linguistic and extra linguistic factors predetermine the choice and arrangement of means when we speak or write.

1)Aim of communication

2)The form of communication

3)The situation of condition in communication (the states or the addresser.The relationship and etc)

4)The degree of expressions



1)Brief new items


3)The additorial article.

4)Analytical articles


6)Advertisement and announcement

7)journalistic (magazines,newspapers)

8)TV and radio presentations


Style of official documents.

The aim - to reach an agreement. Stylistics studies the peculiarity of writing language. The situations of communicative acts.

The degree of formality. Generally, the vocabulary and syntax are varied. It’s use to show respect. Casual style our normal relaxed style. Appropriate(типичный) to conversations with friends or colleagues. ex. 1)would you mind upstairs please?(best way, polite and correct) 2)visitors should go upstairs at ones (formal) 3)up you go chaps(intimate). 4)time you all go upstairs now (casual).

Expressive means and stylistic devices:Poetry, fiction, oratory, some genres of media.

ex. A beautiful swan spread her wings - it’s an article of the newspaper about ballet dancer. This is prolong (развернутый) metaphor. It’s a fresh association and appealing new feelings.

ex. Melony looked and was as simple as earth,as transperant as spring water. - Metaphor of comparison.

The study of stylistic means and devises are structure and stylistic devises.The study of english literary norm and deviations(отклонения) of norm.

ex. How much is it? = emmachigit? obreviation


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