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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Special literally vocabulary.

They are restricted in usage. They comparatively low. When they are used in appropriate context they may create a comic effect. (1. jocular 2.Humorous 3.Ironical effect 4. Satirical 5.Sarcastic effect)

Terms are easily accepted. They are mainly used in scientific style. The next feature is mono symentic. In the course of time. Determinelisation.

EX.Launching pad.

Sometimes they are used in books of fiction. In stylistic function they are used in belitteral style.

The Lord giveth and taketh away - Бог дал - Бог взял.

In historical texts authors try to show old times. For this they use historical words. The denote consects or things of modern life.


EX. of comic effect. If manners maketh man the manner and grooming make a poodle.



Mostly used in poetry.The have several types.There are words of latin and french origin. EX. garment-одеяние






They belong to a word stock of english vocabulary. Detente - means relaxation of international tensions. Maidn name - means девечья фамилия.

They usually translated in full names and are usually explained. As for graphical popularities -they are italisiced. Another feature of foreign words - a type of such words os called terminological borrowings (EX. Kolhoz, Perestroyka etc) Musical terms (solo, duet, etc) The function is to supply the local color in books of fiction.These words can show local traditions. They also add a touch of authority. In public speeches and mass media we can use them. It’s based on polysementic.

Literal neologisms. Newly coined words which are fresh new and some of them are meant to suit one particular occasion. EX.There were New zealanden in the man.




The part of speech that we use with another part of speech. EX.I'm wild in Taxes. And my,mother-in-law is here too. (The speaker create a humor) Ex. The haves (имущие). Blanding. Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridg unis), Singlish (учить англ. слушая песни), Compound words (couch potato - лентяй, лежебока) mouse potato (задрот комп. игр)

Rock-n-roll, Rap-n-roll


Many of such words bare a touch of humor. Especially in books of fiction. EX. This lipstick is eventually touchproof, kissproof, hisproof. Special colloquial vocabulary.

Common features. Non literally words and phrases. Below to level of study English. They are stylistically colored. Highly expressive.And the expressiveness ranges from humoriests and jockulyar. Some of them have derogatory connatation. Extremely unstabled. To create a speech characteristic.

The means of word formation. (Slang, jargon etc.)There are a lot of ways to form words. Ex. Use your loaf (думай головой)

Wheels is the lexical meaning of a word. Ir means a car (Тачка)

There are different forms of shorting (Doc, Dr, uni, Tele etc)


Slang. It was clearly defined. There are different opinions on the notional slang. Linguists in the west. sing the term slang reform jargons, professionalism. Opinions of other linguists between 6 colloquial groups. While slang can be used by all social groups jargon can be restricted in the usage to particular social groups of people EX. Young people, well-off people, less-well-off people. Slang does not secrecy within group of people. Slang concepts which come across in everyday life. Slang is a language.

In the 40th the fashionable word was “wizard”.

In the 60th the were 2 other words - fab (fabulous) and groovy

In the 70th - was “cosmic “ - meant excellent

In the 80th - brill -meant brilliant

In the 90th - wicked, cool


Slang is never respectable. When it becomes respectable there is no more slang. But now it’s commonly used. It’s very expressive idiomatic.

Tin fish - консервная банка (о субмарине)

Motion lotion - бензин

Hackneyed - мягкие вульгаризмы.

Dickens - как Бог можно использовать или в матерном смысле(Where is a Dickens my shoes) She is as clever as a Dickens - она чертовски умна.

Taboo words or valgorisms.


Dialects in the USA. New England, Sagon, Mid westen.



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