![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Обратитевнимание! Форма were используется для всех лиц и чисел. Союзы в условных придаточных предложениях: if – если, unless – если не, provided/providing (that), on condition (that) – при условии, что (кроме 3-го типа). Условные придаточные предложения могут быть без союзов, тогда они начинаются с глаголов: were, had, should, could, might (эти глаголы как бы вытесняют союз с первого места условного придаточного предложения). На русский язык переводятся «если бы..., то бы». Were the systems compatible, there wouldn’t be a problem – если бы системы были совместимы, то не было бы проблемы. Иногда встречаются смешанные предложения, в которых главное и придаточное предложения относятся к разным типам: If we were still using the old server, we could have lost all our data yesterday (2-й и 3-й типы). Упражнение 24. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод условных придаточных предложений. a) Even if you are not talking on your cell phone, your phone is constantly sending and receiving information, so that the cell phone system knows which cell your phone is in. If someone tries to call you, the tower sends your phone a message over the control channel. The control channel also provides the pathway for SMS messages. If a friend sends you an SMS message, the message flows through the SMSC, then to the tower, and the tower sends the message to your phone as a little packet of data on the control channel. In the same way, if you send a message, your phone sends it to the tower on the control channel and it goes from the tower to the SMSC and from there to its destination. b) Don’t expect users to report problems to you unless the issues are severe. If network operators aren’t already addressing these challenges, they should be. If you've been in an airport, coffee shop, library or hotel recently, you might have been right in the middle of a wireless network. Unless you're looking for a place to use your laptop, you may not even notice when you're in a hotspot. Provided that they all have wireless adapters, several devices can use one router to connect to the Internet. If the router fails or if too many people try to use high-bandwidth applications at the same time, however, users can experience interference or lose their connections. c) If you already have several computers networked in your home, you can create a wireless network with a wireless access point. If you have several computers that are not networked, or if you want to replace your Ethernet network, you'll need a wireless router. If your home is very large, you can buy inexpensive range extenders or repeaters to increase your router's range. If you set your router to create an open hotspot, anyone who has a wireless card will be able to use your signal. Упражнение 25. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод условных придаточных предложений. a) What would happen if there was a long outage? If there was a comms (= telecoms) outage we would switch to the back-up service. We would contact the PTT to carry out false finding. If we lost power, our own back-up power systems would start and we wouldn't lose power at all. If there were a problem with the cooling systems, our managers would see alarms about that before it affected the equipment. So your downtime would be a matter of minutes. b) 1. Should we fail to replace the legacy hardware we would have problems with compatibility. 2. Were there a problem with one of the servers we would isolate it and change it straight away. 3. Had one telecoms service lost connectivity they would have used the other network POP. 4. Had the air conditioning gone wrong the temperature alarm would have gone off. 5. Should anything terrible occur at least you would have a copy of all your data in another place. 6. Unless other conditions are defined specifically, we shall use the term «state» to represent an equilibrium state. 7. The system will fail to perform unless the requirements are satisfied. 8. The experiments show agreement with theory provided the conditions are met. 9. Given reliable data, it was possible to determine the reaction rate. Упражнение 26. Прочтите и переведите следующий микротекст. Wi-Fi Hotspots If you want to take advantage of public Wi-Fi hotspots or start a wireless network in your home, you'll need to make sure your computer has the right wireless gear. Most new laptops and many new desktop computers come with built-in wireless transmitters. If your laptop doesn't, you'll have to buy a wireless adapter that plugs into the PC card slot or USB port. Once you've installed your wireless adapter and the drivers that allow it to operate, your computer should be able to automatically discover existing networks. This means that if you turn your computer on in a Wi-Fi hotspot, the computer will inform you that the network exists and ask whether you want to connect to it. If you have an older computer, you may need to use a software program to detect and connect to a wireless network. ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ Подлежащее является главным членом предложения и чаще всего обозначает предмет или лицо, реже – процесс, действие или состояние. В простом утвердительном предложении стоит слева от сказуемого. 1. «IT» В ФУНКЦИИ ФОРМАЛЬНОГО ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕГО It может выступать в предложении как личное местоимение (переводится – он, она, оно, ему, ей, ее, и т. д.), как указательное местоимение (переводится – это), например: It is a book. It is on the shelf. Read it – это/ вот книга. Она на полке. Читайте ее. Очень часто it располагается в начале предложения перед сказуемым, играя роль формального подлежащего. Такая функция it характерна для безличных предложений, обозначающих времена года, время суток, явления природы, душевное или физическое самочувствие человека, а также для безличных конструкций, за которыми обычно следуют инфинитивы или придаточные предложения. В этом случае it не переводится. It is winter. It is cold. It is 10 o`clock now – Зима. Холодно. Cейчас 10 часов. It is expected that software will be cheaper – ожидается, что программное обеспечение будет дешевле. Упражнение 27. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод it. 1. It is necessary, to test these devices. 2. It is known that the inductance is measured in henries. 3. It is proposed to help computers «read» and use the Web in a more sophisticated way. 4. It was necessary to see that all of the beam was utilized. 5. It’s a bit embarrassing charging my phone in a customer’s office. 6. It’s not very convenient only being able to access all information when I’m in the office. 7. It is necessary to subtract one vector from another or to find their vector difference. 8. It is helpful for a network administrator to know the pros and cons of different network topologies when putting together a network. 9. It was obvious that something important had happened. 10. It is surprising that such a simple measure should give such constant information. 11. It is difficult to explain how cosmic rays could have crossed such distance to the Earth. Если предложение начинается с обстоятельства, то формальное подлежащее it располагается в середине предложения. Using the concept of gesture recognition (распознание жестов), it is possible to point finger at the computer screen so that the cursor will move accordingly. Обратите внимание! It может стоять в середине предложения в функции формального дополнения. На русский язык не переводится. A television telephone makes it possible to see a person at the other end of the line. 2. ПЕРЕВОД УСИЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ: IT IS/WAS … THAT/ WHICH/ WHO/ WHEN
При переводе этого оборота часто используются слова именно, это. It was this device that (which) formеd the basis for the telephone industry – именно это устройство создало основу телефонной промышленности. It was Popov who demonstrated the practical application of electromagnetic radio waves – именно ( это) Попов продемонстрировал практическое применение радиоволн. Обратите внимание! Не нужно путать усилительную конструкцию с безличной конструкцией с формальным подлежащим типа: It is possible that the problem will be solved – возможно, эта проблема будет решена. Упражнение 28. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод усилительной конструкции. 1. It is the computer which provides the key to the fully automation of the future. 2. It was this device that was ultimately (в конечном счете) successful and that formed the basis of telephony industry for many years. 3. It was he who informed us about the results of their work. 4. It is perhaps for this reason that their results are not acceptable. 5. It is this last category that is of interest to us. 6. It is this question that we are interested in. 7. It is exactly this technology that will do (подойдет) for our purpose. 8. It is Borland (a software company) which makes programming environments, notably for C++ and Java. 9. It is a character – based system that requires the entry of commands on a command line. 10. It is a viewpoint that I cannot adequately describe in a few words. Вариантом усилительной конструкции «it ist... that» является конструкция «it was not until... that (when, where)». В этом случае перед выделяемым словом при переводе ставятся слова «только», «только после», «только тогда, когда». Упражнение 29. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. 1. It was not until the 17th century that man began to understand pressure. 2. It was not until 1930 that third type of particles that make up atoms was discovered. 3. It was not until around 1610 when Galileo first observed Saturn through his telescope. 4. It was not until the late 1920s and 1930 that the social dimensions of the device became a prominent theme in telephone advertisements. 5. It wasn`t until the rise of personal electronic devices that the demand for wireless power materialized. 3. ВАРИАНТЫ ПЕРЕВОДА СЛОВА «ONE» 3.1. «One»как числительное и как слово-заместитель Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: