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Ahmed Salman Rushdie (b. Bombay, India, June 19, 1947)

A world known even notorious writer and poet Salman Rushdie, best known for his novel The Satanic Verses (1989), a fantasy whose publication aroused the wrath of many Muslims and persuaded Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini to offer a multimillion-dollar reward for the author's assassination. Rushdie was forced to go into hiding.

Rushdie's work hinges on his many identities—an Indian Muslim who writes in English, whose family left India for Pakistan, and.who now lives in England. Midnight's Children (1981), which first brought Rushdie a wide audience and won Britain's Booker Prize, is an allegory about the birth of independent India. Shame (1983) focuses on Pakistan's recent rulers. The Satanic Verses is a complex work whose two protagonists, like Rushdie, are expatriate Indians. The passages describing the birth of a religion resembling Islam are seen as blasphemous by Muslims, and the book has been banned in most Islamic countries. Despite Rushdie's denial of any intentional blasphemy, and his pubic decision in 1990 "to enter into the body of Islam after a lifetime spent outside it," his death sentence remained in force. He as continued to write, however, publishing both the children's tales in Haroun and the Sea of Stories and the essays in Imaginary Homelands in 1991.


Britain has two kinds of national newspaper: the quality papers and the tabloids. The quality often called "broadsheets" because they are printed on large pages, report national and international news and

are serious in tone. They have editorials which comment on important issues and reflect the political views of the paper's editor.

They also contain financial and sports news, features (= articles obituaries) life histories of famous people who have just died, listening of TV & radio. Programmes, theatre & cinema shows, a crosswords "comic strips", advertisements and weather broadcast". The main quality dailies are:

Sunday papers include The Sunday Times, The Observer and The Independent on Sunday". They have more pages than the dailies, supplement, for example motoring, the arts, and a colour magazine. The tabloids have a smaller page size and report news in less depth.


Many people disapprove of the tabloids and they call them the GUTTER PRESS. The most popular are The Sun, The Mirror, The Express, The Daily Mail, The News of the World, a Sunday tabloid sells more than any other newspapers in Britain.


1. The ability to publish provides first a voice and second a position in the "establishment".

The ability to write poetry gives better ways of expressing your thoughts and feelings.

The ability to get the author's message shows us the key for understanding literature.

2. It is interesting to view Robert Maxwell's determination. It was exciting to see a little child so absorbed by the book.

It is sad to find out that this renowned author has left our country.

3. A book is more than its cover, pages and ink thereon. His word is more than just a reader's opinion. Pushkin is more than a great poet and writer.

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