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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 61 a) Translate the words.

Hope less, aim less, window less, meaning less, breath less, moon less nights, thank less task, limit less hatred, class less society, spring less seat, price less treasure, beauti ful, master ful, help ful, duti ful, use ful, watch ful, forget ful, thank ful, pain ful, dread ful, doubt ful, fear ful.

b) Express the following in one word using the suffix –less.

Having no collar, having no end, without a home, without help, without defence, without motion, doing no harm, making no effort, making no sound, without care, without words.

Exercise 62 Translate the following words using - less or - ful.

a) Безсердечний (heart), безсмачний (taste), безсонний (sleep), безглуздий (sense), безмовний (speech), беззмінний (change), безгрішний (sin), безжалісний (pity), даремний (use), безформний (shape), без каблуків (heel), неродючий (fruit);

b) багатий подіями (event), чудовий (wonder), законний (law), сильний (force), фатальний (fate), успішний (success), моложавий (youth), повний зневаги (scorn), забутливий (forget), уважний (саre), потужний (power), довірливий (trust), повний жаху (fear).


Exercise 63 Read and translate the words.

Dark – dark ness, cheap – cheap ness, bright – bright ness, near – near ness, great – great ness, smooth – smooth ness, hard – hard ness, steady – steadi ness, idle – idle ness, gentle – gentle ness.




Exercise 64 Retell the following jokes.

1. English professor: What is the difference between an active verb and a passive verb?

Student: An active verb shows action and a passive verb shows passion.

2. Professor: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 17th century?

Student: They are all dead, sir.

3. A motorist speeding along a highway at a very high speed was stopped by a policeman. ‘Was I driving too fast?’ the motorist asked apologetically. ‘Hell, no’, replied the policeman, ‘You were flying too low’.

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