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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


synchronous orbit satellite

/.sirjkranas 'Dibit.sastalait/ [6] a satellite that orbits the Earth at a controlled speed so that it maintains its position in relation to the Earth

system board /'sistam bo:d/ [2] the main circuit board of a computer containing the microprocessor chip. Other devices will be attached to this board.

systems analysis /'sistamz a.naslasis/ [K] the activity performed by an analyst

systems analyst /'sistamz.eenalist/ see analyst

systems manager /'sistamz,maenid3a(r)/ [7] a person responsible for the management and administration of a computer system

systems program /'sistamz.praugraem/ [4] a program written for a particular type of hardware. Examples are operating systems and compilers. They are usually provided by the manufacturer.

systems routine /'sistamz ru:,ti:n/ [4] utility programs provided by the computer operating system. These might be used for converting numerical data into different formats, or performing operations on dates.

systems software /'sistamz,softwea(r)/ [J] see systems program

bearings so that it is free to rotate in any direction. The ball is rotated by the operator to control the cursor and, as with a mouse, there are buttons to click to initiate an action.

transaction /traen'zaekjn/ [10] a logical unit of work for a database

transaction processing system /trasnz.aekjn 'prausesirj.sistam/ [8] a system which processes the operational transactions of an organization

transistor /traen'zista(r)/ [F] a semiconductor device having three terminals that are attached to electrode regions within the device

transmission /trasnz'mijn/ [6] the sending of a message

transmitter /traenz'mita(r)/ [10] a device for sending a radio message

trigger /'tnga(r)/ v [7] set a process in motion

turnkey /'t3:nki:/ [J] describing a system in which hardware and software have been delivered by the supplier so that the whole system can be put to immediate use

type declaration statement /,taip dekla'reijn.steitmant/ [4] see declaration statement


table /'teibl/ [10] used to refer to data held in a database in a conceptual schema which is a flat two-dimensional table

table of contents /.teibl av 'kontents/ [5] a word-processing software feature which can automatically generate a table of contents for a document

tag /teeg/ [5] a code used in word processing or DTP to denote a feature of a document, such as bold type, the start of a paragraph, or an index word

tape drive /'teip draiv/ [L] a device on which a magnetic tape is mounted in order that information may be transmitted from the tape to the memory of the computer or vice versa

template /'templeit/ [2] a pre-shaped pattern used as a guide

terminal /'t3:minal/ [2] a VDU screen and keyboard used to interact with a computer, usually with no computing capacity of its own

test suite /'test swi:t/ [13] a set of sentences or phrases in a given language designed to test the effectiveness of a machine translation system

token /'taukn/ [6] a unique sequence of bits granting permission to a user to send on a network

trackball /'traskbo:l/ [I] an upside down mouse. It consists of a ball supported on

UNIX /'ju:niks/ [4] an operating system originally developed by Bell laboratories in 1971 forDECPDP 11 minicomputers. UNIX has become very popular and is now implemented on a wide range of hardware.

update /Ap'deit/ v [2] modify data held by a computer system

upgrade /Vpgreid/ n [5] a later version of software

upgrade /Ap'greid/ v [1] replace or modernize software with a later version of the same software

user /'ju:za(r)/ [6] an individual or group making use of the output of a computer system

user-friendly /ju:zs 'frendh/ [E] describing interactive systems that are designed to make the user's task as easy as possible by providing feedback

user interface /Ju:zar 'intsfeis/ [6] the means of communicating between a human being and a computer

utility program /jui'tibti.praugrasm/ the collection of programs that form part of every computer system and provide a variety of generally useful functions

variable /'vearigbl/ n [4] a string of characters used to denote a value stored within a computer which may be changed during execution

VDU /,vi: di: 'ju:/ [1] visual display unit: the screen of a computer terminal or PC

vertical refresh rate /,v3:tikl ri'frej reit/ [14] the number of times per second that an image is written on a TV or computer screen, measured in kiloHerz

VGA /,vi: d3i: 'ei/ [14] video graphics array: a standard for colour monitors developed by IBM for their PS/2 range of PCs

virtual reality /,v3:tju9l n'aebti/ [10,12] an attempt to create an artificial world within a computer in which the user can (apparently) move about. This is usually achieved by the user wearing a helmet which covers the eyes and ears and sends visual and oral signals to the user. Special gloves allow the user to manipulate computer-generated items.

virtual storage /,v3:tjusl 'sto:nd3/ when disks are connected to a computer and used as an extension of internal memory in order to increase the capacity of primary storage

virus /'vaiaras/ [7] a self-replicating program, usually designed to damage the system on which it lands

virus checking program /'vaioras.tjekin.praugreem/ [7] a program that is used to detect the presence of a virus in memory or on disk

virus scanner /'vaiaras,skasna(r)/ [7] a program that detects viruses which have already infected a computer

virus shield /'vaisras Ji:ld/ [7] a program that detects viruses as they attempt to infect the computer

virus signature /'vaigras,signatf3(r)/ [7] the particular features of each computer virus that enable it to be recognized

voice recognition fvois rekag.nijn/ [8] the technology that allows a computer to interpret human speech. This is a part of artificial intelligence studies.

voltmeter /'voltmi:t3(r)/ [2] a meter for measuring voltage

VR /,vi: 'a:/ [12] virtual reality

WAN /wasn/ [6] wide area network

war game /'wo: geim/ [12] a computer game which emulates warfare

wide area network /, waid.earia 'netw3:k/ [6] a network linking nodes ove long distances

window /'windgu/ [1] a type of graphical user interface. Separate tasks are represented by a rectangular portion of th screen called a window. A window may display a menu, and an option on the menu is selected by use of a mouse.

word processing /'w3:d prgusesin/ [5] the use of a computer to compose documents with facilities to edit, re-forme store, and print documents with maximum flexibility \

work scheduling /'w3:k Jedjuolnj/ [2] the process of allocating computer resources between different programs running on a multi-tasking computer

workstation /'w3:ksteifn/ [14] a powerful single-user computer, usually attached to a network

worm /w3:m/ [7] an entirely self-replicating virus which is not hardware dependent

write-protect tab /.rait pra'tekt taeb/ [ a notch on a floppy disk which may be covered to prevent the disk being writter


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