![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Text 3.1. All-American sportExercise 3.1.1. Learn the words below and write your own sentences using There + to be noisy - шумный colorful - красочный advertising companies - рекламные компании cheerleaders - команда поддержки incredible - невероятный
Exercise 3.1.2. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the structure ‘There + to be’ Sport in the USA is very noisy and colorful. There is also a lot of money in it. In 1992 the basketball player Michael Jordan got more than $30 million. Television is very important in American sport. In 1990 the television company CBS paid $1.1 billion dollars for a baseball contract. Advertising companies pay $2 million per minute for TV time during the Super Bowl. American football is good for television, because there's a break every fifteen minutes - just right for the advertisement!
American football You are at the Rose Bowl football stadium in Pasadena for the biggest game of the year - the Super Bowl. The Dallas Cowboys are playing the Buffalo Bills. There are 100,000 people in the stadium. You are eating popcorn and a hotdog, and you are waiting for the game. There's music, and the cheerleaders are dancing. At the fifteen-minute breaks, there's more music, and time to get some more popcorn. At half time there is a really big show. It is really big with Bruce Springsteen, 700 dancers and incredible special effects. Players wear a heavy uniform to protect themselves.
Exercise 3.1.3. Put these sentences into interrogative (вопросительная) and negative forms. 1. There is a lot of money in American sport. 2. There is a break every fifteen minutes in American football. 3. There are 100.000 people in the stadium. 4. At the fifteen-minute breaks there’s more music. 5. At half time there is a really big show. Exercise 3.1.4. Translate from Russian into English.
1. На стадионе сейчас находится 5 тысяч человек. 2. В альпинизме не существует правил, как в футболе или гольфе. 3. Но существуют, конечно, правила, которые было бы опасно игнорировать. 4. На стадионе звучит музыка. 5. В Англии много видов спорта, популярных как среди молодежи, так и среди взрослых. 6. В зале есть кто-нибудь?
Text 3.2. Read and translate the text.
AMERICAN SPORTS Football, baseball, and basketball, the most popular sports in America, originated in the United States and are largely unknown or only minor pastimes outside North America. The football season starts in early autumn and is followed by basketball, an indoor winter sport, and then baseball, played in spring and summer. Besides these top three sports, ice hockey, boxing, golf, car racing, horse racing, and tennis have been popular for decades and attract large audiences. VIOLENCE AND SPORTS Although many spectator sports, particularly football, ice hockey, and boxing, are aggressive and sometimes bloody, American spectators are notably less violent than sports crowds in other countries. Fighting, bottle throwing, and rioting, common elsewhere, are not the rule among American fans. Baseball and football games are family affairs, and cheerleaders command a remarkably non-violent crowd to root in chorus for their teams. COMMERCIAL ASPECTS For many people, sports are big business. The major television networks contract with professional sports leagues for the rights to broadcast their games. The guaranteed mass viewing of major sports events means advertisers will pay networks a lot of money to sponsor the program with announcements for their products. Advertisers for beer, cars, and men's products are glad of the opportunity to push their goods to the predominantly male audience of the big professional sports. Commercial businesses enjoy the publicity which brings in sales. The networks are glad to fill up program hours and attract audiences who might perhaps become regular viewers of other programs produced by those networks, and the major sports leagues enjoy the millions of dollars the networks pay for the broad-casting rights contracts. Many sports get half of their revenues from the networks. National Football League (NFL) teams, for example, get about 65 percent of their revenues from television. The networks' 1986 contract with the NFL provided each of the teams in the league with an average of $14 million a year. Just as in any business, investments are made and assets are exchanged. Team owners usually sign up individual players for lucrative long-term contracts. Star quarterback Joe Namalh was invited to play for the New York Jets, one of the NFL teams, for $425,000 in 1965. Coveted baseball player Kirk Gibson recently signed a three-year contract with the Detroit Tigers for $4.1 million. More often in the past than now, team owners traded players back and forth as items for barter. Any business operator hopes to get a good deal. However, the network sports industries have not been faring well lately. They have experienced financial setbacks mainly caused by the oversaturation of sports programming on networks and competing cable channels. Networks claim they are now losing money on once lucrative telecasts. Ironically, the slump in business is occurring at a time when sports shows are drawing larger audiences than in recent years. A part of the problem is that advertising costs got too high. Networks, dependent on advertising for revenue, are hoping that the market will change before they have to make drastic reductions in sports programming.
Exercise 3.2.1. Find Russian meaning to the words from the text. assets, back and force, bloody, crowd, drastic, to get a good deal, lucrative, minor pastimes, notably, oversaturation, predominantly, reductions, rioting, to root, slump Exercise 3.2.2. Ask questions to the underlined words and expressions. Example. When does the football season start?
Exercise 3.2.3. Write a short summary of the text (about 8-10 sentences). Revision 1. Exercise R1.1. Correct mistakes if necessary. 1. You go to the stadium? 2. Do she play basketball? 3. Is he your coach? 4. Is these games popular in your country? 5. Can he takes part in the competition? 6. Is there much money in American sport? 7. Is there many people at the stadium now? 8. What your name is? 9. Where she go every Friday? 10. When was Sharapova the winner of Wimbledon? 11. Why do you are so tired? 12. What kind of sports do you like? 13. How many people are there at the stadium? 14. What you know about croquet? 15. How much does it costs? 16. Who is in the gym? 17. Who know the rules? 18. What team are playing today? 19. Which is the most popular game in your country? 20. What do your coach does? Exercise R 1.2. Rendering. Спорт очень важен в жизни миллионов людей. Спорт делает людей здоровыми, сильными и более организованными. Почти всех людей можно разделить на две группы. Некоторые предпочитают смотреть спортивные события на стадионе или по телевизору, читать интересные истории о спортсменах, слушать по радио новости о футболе и других видах спорта. Другие выбирают участие в соревнованиях и спортивных играх. В мире существует множество различных спортивных событий и соревнований. Самыми популярными зимними видами спорта являются конькобежный спорт, лыжи, хоккей, биатлон. Появляются новые виды спорта, такие, как сноуборд. Этот вид становится популярным среди молодых спортсменов. Многие предпочитают заниматься спортом летом. Они увлекаются плаванием, яхтингом, дайвингом и т.д. Футбол – наиболее популярная игра в мире. Это национальный спорт Англии. Некоторые люди увлекаются такими видами спорта, как борьба, гимнастика, бокс, армрестлинг и другими. Аэробика очень популярна среди женщин. Благодаря ей девушки становятся здоровыми и стройными. Большое внимание уделяется спорту в учебных заведениях. Физическая культура является обязательным предметом в школах и университетах.
Exercise R1.3. Read about Yalany and put the verbs into the correct forms of the Present Simple.
I ____ (be) Yalany and I ____ (be) a defender. I ____ (play) at left-back. Players of the other team never ____ (get) past me! I ____ (be) from Guinea-Bissau, but I ____ (live) in Scotland. It always ____ (rain) here, but I ____ (like) it. Our team ____ (play) really well. I ____ (like) our number 10. He usually ____ (play) behind the striker. He ____ (be) often our best player. Our team sometimes ____ (win) home games 3-0 or 3-1. When we ____ (get) three points, everybody ____ (be) happy. But we sometimes ____ (lose), and our coach ____ (be) very unhappy! When we ____ (draw) away, he ____ (be) happy with the point.
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