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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Diagram to illustrate the place of psychology among the sciences and humanities

I. Natural Sciences Physics Chemistry Pharmacology Mathematics II. Social Sciences Anthropology Sociology Economics Political Science Linguistics   Zoology - Neurophysiology and Anatomy - Psychology III. Humanities Philosophy Literature History of Art Religion IV. Applications Education Law and criminology Management Medicine Psychiatry  

Each of the subjects listed in the four groups has its own relationship with psychology. For example, knowledge of physics and chemistry is necessary to provide a scientific basis for experimental psychology. Psychology is also closely linked to sociology. But whereas sociologists direct their attention to groups, group processes, and social forces, social psychologists focus on group and social influences on individuals. Psychology and biology are also closely connected. Physiological psychologists investigate the role of the brain and the nervous system in such functions as memory, language, sleep, attention, movement, perception, hunger, anger and joy. On the other hand, psychologists took much from the theory of knowledge, logic and philosophy of science. Besides, psychology separated from philosophy.

The word «psychology» is derived from the Greek word meaning «study of the mind or soul». So in the definition of psychology there are three basic words: «science», «behaviour», «mental processes».«Science» means rational investigationof processes and phenomena. By «behaviour» psychologists mean everything that people and animals do: actions, emotions, ways of communication, developmental processes. «Mentalprocesses» characterize the work of the mind and the nervous system.

2. Study this table:

Specialist Primary activities
Clinical psychologist Assesses and treats people with psychological problems; conducts research
Counseling psychologist Counsels people with adjustment problems and promotes achievement in educational and work settings; combines research, consultation and treatment
Industrial psychologist Combines research, consultation, and program development to enhance morale and efficiency on the job
Educational psychologist Develops, designs and evaluates materials and procedures for educational programs
Social psychologist Studies how people influence one another
Developmental psychologist Studies change in behaviour with age
Experimental psychologist Conducts research
School psychologist Establishes programs, consults, treats youngsters’ problems, and does research in the school setting
Cognitive psychologist Studies mental processes
Community psychologist Treats distressed people within the community; initiates community action and develops community programs to enhance mental health
Engineering psychologist Designs and evaluates environments, machinery, training devices, programs, and systems to improve relationships between people and environment
Personality psychologist Studies how and why people differ from one another and how those differences can be assessed
Psychological psychologist Studies the physical bases of behaviour and cognition
Psychometric psychologist Develops and evaluates tests; designs research to measure psychological functions


3. Answer the following questions:

1.What basic functions do psychologists study?

2. What position does psychology occupy among the sciences and humanities?

3.What basic words are there in the definition of psychology? What do they mean?

4. Why is there a great number of different specialists in the field of psychology?

5. Which group of psychology experts is the largest?

4. Give English equivalents for:

Память; мышление; естественные науки; гуманитарные науки; внимание; восприятие; определение; общение; лечить; оценивать; окружающая среда.

5.Give all possible derivatives of the following words:

psychology science relate

human perceive observe

6. Discuss the following questions:

1. Who or what influenced on your decision to take up psychology?

2. What psychology specialist would you like to be and why?

7. Develop the following situations making up dialogues:

1. You are going to enter the Psychology Faculty but your parents object. You

are trying to persuade them that psychology is one of the basic fields of knowledge.

2. Ask you friend if they know the differences in the specialities of a

psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. If they don’t enlighten them.

3. You are interviewing a famous psychologist. What possible questions could

you ask about the development of psychology as a separate discipline.

8. Translate into English:

Слово «психология» образовано из двух греческих: “psyche”- душа и “Logos” – слово, учение. Оно имеет два значения: психология как наука и психология как совокупность особенностей характера, внутренний мир человека. Именно во втором смысле мы говорим о психологии того или иного человека, группы людей, даже животных, особенно наших домашних кошек и собак.

Такое понимание легло в основу житейской психологии, которая обобщает и закрепляет опыт многих поколений людей, наш собственный жизненный опыт. Она лежит в основе нашего представления об окружающих нас людях, о самих себе, о причине поступков, мотивах поведения, успехах и неудачах. Всякий человек, даже никогда специально не изучавший психологию, постоянно объясняет свои собственные поступки, слова и поведение других людей. И эти объяснения основываются на его представлениях о мотивах поведения, мыслях, чувствах, ощущениях, эмоциях. Без этого нормальная жизнь людей невозможна.

9. Speak on the following topic: “Psychology is my future profession.” Don’t forget to give information about yourself and your character. Say what or who influenced on your decision to become psychologist and what field of psychology you are going to major in.



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