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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Handling Attributive Groups

It has been mentioned that there is a considerable dissimilarity in the semantic structure of attributive groups in English and in Ukrainian. This dissimilarity gives rise to a number of translation problems.

The first group of problems stems from the broader semantic relationships between the attribute and the noun. As has been pointed out the attribute may refer not only to some property of the object but also to its location, purpose, cause, etc. As a result, the translator has to make a thorough analysis of the context to find out what the meaning of the group is in each particular case. He must be also aware of the relative freedom of bringing together such semantic elements within the attributive group in English that are distanced from each other by a number of intermediate ideas. Thus a resolution submitted by an executive body of an organization may be described as “the Executive resolution” and the majority of votes received by such a resolution will be the Executive majority. If a word-for-word translation of the name of the executive body (e.g. the Executive Committee — виконавчий комітет) may satisfy the translator, the other two attributive groups will have to be explicated in the Ukrainian translation as „резолюція, запропонована виконкомом“ and „більшість голосів, поданих за резолюцію, яка була запропонована виконкомом“, respectively.

The second group of problems results from the difficulties in handling multi-member attributive structures. The English-speaking people make wide use of “multi-storied” structures with complicated internal semantic relationships. The tax paid for the right to take part in the election is described as “the poll tax”. The states where this tax is collected are “the poll tax states” and the governors of these states are “the poll tax states governors”. Now these governors may hold a conference which will be referred to as “the poll tax states governors conference” and so on.

The semantic relationships within a multi-member group need not be linear. Consider the following sentence:

It was the period of the broad western hemisphere and world pre-war united people’s front struggle against fascism.

Here we have a whole network of semantic ties between the attributes and the noun: “broad” is directly referred to “struggle”, “western hemisphere” is joined with “world” and together they express the idea of location, i.e. “the struggle in the western hemisphere”; “pre-war” may be referred either to “struggle” or to the “united people’s front”; “united” and “people’s” belong to “front” and together they qualify the “struggle” implying either the “struggle by the united people’s front” or the “struggle for the united people’s front”.

In translation this complexity of semantic connections will result in replacing the group by a number of different structures in which the hidden relations within it will be made explicit:

Це був період широкої передвоєнної боротьби проти фашизму за єдиний народний фронт у Західній півкулі й в усьому світі.

Given the multiplicity of possible translations such structures should be analyzed in terms of factors influencing the choice of Ukrainian variants rather than with the aim of listing regular correspondences.

The same goes for attributive groups with latent predication where a whole sentence is used to qualify a noun as its attribute “He was being the boss again, using the its-my-money-now-do-as-you’re-told voice”. Here correspondences can also be described in an indirect way only by stating that the attribute is usually translated into Ukrainian as a separate sentence and that this sentence should be joined to the noun by a short introductory element. Cf.:

The Judge’s face wore his own I-knew-they-were-guilty-all-along expression.

На обличчі судді з’явився звичайний вираз, який промовляв: „Я весь час знав, що вони винні“.

There was a man with a don’t-say-anything-to-me-or-I’ll-contradict-you face. (Ch. Dickens)

Там була людина, на обличчі якої було написано: що б ви мені не говорили, я все одно буду вам суперечити.

There is one more peculiar feature of the English attributive group which may be the cause of trouble for the translator. It may be transformed into a similar group with the help of a suffix which is formally attached to the noun but is semantically related to the whole group. Thus “a sound sleeper” may be derived from “sound sleep” or the man belonging to the “Fifth column” may be described as “the Fifth columnist”. The translator should be aware of the derivation process and should not rack his brains trying to figure out how a sleeper can be sound or in what kind of enumeration this particular columnist is the fifth. Rather, he should consider the meaning of the original groups “sound sleep” and “the Fifth column” and then realize that the added suffix makes the group refer to a person who enjoys this kind of sleep or is one of the subversive elements. As a rule, in the Ukrainian translation the meanings of the original group and of the suffix would be rendered separately, e.g.: людина, яка має здоровий (міцний) сон (людина, що міцно спить), and людина, яка належить до п’ятої колони (член п’ятої колони).

As often as not, translating the meaning of an English attributive group into Ukrainian may involve a complete restructuring of the sentence, e.g.:

To watch it happen, all within two and a half hours, was a thrilling sight.

Не можна було не захоплюватись, спостерігаючи, як все це відбувалося протягом яких-небудь двох з половиною годин.

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