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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Handling Stylistic Devices

To enhance the communicative effect of his message the author of the source text may make use of various stylistic devices, such as metaphors, similes, puns and so on. Coming across a stylistic, device the translator has to make up his mind whether it should be preserved in his translation or left out and compensated for at some other place.

Metaphors and similes though most commonly used in works of fiction, are not excluded from all other types of texts. A metaphor and a simile both assert the resemblance between two objects or processes but in the latter the similarity is made explicit with the help of prepositions “as” and “like”.

Many metaphors and similes are conventional figures of speech regularly used by the members of the language community. Such figurative units may be regarded as idioms and translated in a similar way. As in the case of idioms their Ukrainian equivalents may be based on the same image (a powder magazine — пороховий погріб, white as snow білий як сніг) or on a different one (a ray of hope — проблиск надії, thin as a rake — худий як жердина). Similarly, some of the English standard metaphors and similes are rendered into Ukrainian word for word (as busy as a bee — роботящий як бджілка), while the meaning of others can only be explained in a non-figurative way (as large as life — в натуральну величину).

More complicated is the problem of translating individual figures of speech created by the imagination of the ST author. They are important elements of the author’s style and are usually translated word for word. Nevertheless the original image may prove unacceptable in the target language and the translator will have to look for a suitable occasional substitute. Consider the following example:

They had reached the mysterious mill where the red tape was spun, and Yates was determined to cut through it here and now. (St. Heym. “Crusaders”)

“Red tape” is usually translated as „бюрократизм, тяганина, зволікання“, but bureaucratism cannot be spun or cut through. The translator had to invent an occasional substitute:

Вони вперлись у стіну штабної бюрократії, проте Йєйтс твердо вирішив зразу ж пробити цю стіну.

A similar tactics is resorted to by the translator when he comes across a pun in ST. If the SL word played upon in ST has a Ukrainian substitute which can also be used both literally and figuratively, a word-for-word translation is possible:

Whenever a young gentleman was taken in hand by Doctor BUmber, he might consider himself sure of a pretty tight squeeze.

Коли доктор Блаймбер брав у руки якого-небудь джентльмена, той міг бути впевненим, що його як слід стиснуть.

In other cases the translator tries to find in TL another word that can be played upon in a similar way:

He says he’ll teach you to take his boards and make a raft of them; but seeing that you know how to do this pretty well already, the offer... seems a superfluous one on his part.

Here the word „teach“ is intended by the owner of the boards to mean “to punish” but the man on the raft prefers to understand it in the direct sense. The Ukrainian equivalent „вчити“ does not mean „to punish“ and the translator finds another word which has the two required meanings:

Він кричить, що покаже вам, як брати без дозволу дошки та робити з них плота, але, оскільки ви й так прекрасно знаєте, як це робити, ця пропозиція здається вам зайвою.

A very popular stylistic device is to include in the text an overt or covert quotation. Unlike references in scientific papers the stylistic effect is usually achieved not by citing a complete extract from some other source, giving the exact chapter and verse and taking great care to avoid even the slightest change in the original wording. In literary or publicist texts quotations often take the form of allusions with a premium put on a general impression. It is presumed that the cited words are well known to the reader and can readily suggest the sought-for associations.

Translation of such allusions is no easy matter. The translator has to identify the source and the associations it evokes with the SL receptors and then to decide whether the source is also known to the TL receptors and can produce the similar effect. He may find the allusion untranslatable even if the source is sufficiently popular. For instance L. Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” was many times translated into Ukrainian and is much enjoyed both by children and adults in this country. However, the translator will hardly preserve the obvious allusion to the book in the following sentence:

The Tories were accused in the House of Commons yesterday of “living in an Alice in Wonderland world” on the question of nuclear arms for Germany.

Учора в палаті общин консерваторів звинуватили в тому, що вони плекають марні надії щодо ядерного озброєння Німеччини.

As a rule, previous translations of the source of the allusion are widely used to render it into Ukrainian. This can be exemplified by S. Marshak’s translation of the popular English nursery rhyme about Humpty Dumpty which is often cited in Britain and USA. In the translation Humpty Dumpty who “sat on the wall and had a great fall” was called „Шалтай-Бовтай“ and “all the king’s men” who “cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again” became „вся королівська рать“. And ever since all allusions to the rhyme have been translated on the basis of Marshak’s version. So, when C. Bernstein and B. Woodward called their famous Watergate story „All the President’s Men“, it was unquestionably rendered into Ukrainian as „вся президентська рать“.

Some stylistic devices may be ignored by the translator when their expressive effect is insignificant and their reproduction in the target text would run counter to the spirit of TL. One of the oldest and most commonly used stylistic devices in English is alliteration. Many headings, strings of epithets and other phrases in English texts consist of words which begin with the same letter. An Englishman seems to be very happy if he can call an artificial satellite “a man-made moon” or invent a headline like “Bar Barbarism in Bars”. As a rule, the formal device cannot be reproduced in the Ukrainian translation where it would look rather bizarre and often distort the meaning of the phrase. There are, however, infrequent exceptions when the repetition of the initial letters assumes a particular communicative value. A much cited example is from Ch. Dickens “Little Dorrit”:

“Pара is a preferable mode of address,” observed Mrs. General. “Father is rather vulgar, my dear. The word Papa, besides, gives a pretty form to the lips. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips, especially prunes and prism.”

Obviously the Ukrainian equivalents to the “good” words should all begin with the letter “n” even if they referred to quite different objects, e.g.: папа, пряник, персик, прохання, призма, etc.

Still more infrequent is the reproduction in translation, of another common English stylistic device, the so-called zeugma, when a word enters in several collocations within one sentence each time in a different sense, e.g.:

(The man)... took a final photograph of Michael in front of the hut, two cups of tea at the Manor, and his departure.

In Ukrainian such usage is outside the literary norm:

Йшли три студенти: одину кіно, другийу сірому костюмі, а третійу гарному настрої.

A stylistic effect can be achieved by various types of repetitions, i.e. recurrence of the word, word combination, phrase for two times or more. A particular type of repetition is the reiteration of several successive sentences (or clauses) which usually includes some type of lexical repetition too, e.g.:

England is a paradise for the well-to-do, a purgatory for the able, and a hell for the poor.

Англія — рай для багатіїв, чистилище для талановитих і пекло для бідноти.

Repetition is a powerful means of emphasis. It adds rhythm and balance to the utterance. In most cases the translator takes pains to reproduce it in TT. Repetition, however, is more often used in English than in Ukrainian and the translator may opt for only a partial reproduction of the English long series of identical language units.



1. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. – М.: МО, 1975. – 238 с.

2. Влахов С., Флорин С. Непереводимое в переводе. – М.: 1985. – 210 с.

3. Левицкая Т.Р., Фитерман А.М. Теория и практика перевода с английского на русский. – М.: Изд-во литературы на иностранных языках, 1963. – 264 с.

4. Петрова О.В. Введение в теорию и практику перевода. – М.: Восток-Запад, 2006, – 96 с.

5. Сдобников В.В., Петрова О.В. Теория перевода. – М.: Восток-Запад, 2006. – 448 с.

6. Фёдоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода. – М.: Филология-Три, 2002. – 416 с.

7. Chapman, Robert L. American Slang. – N.Y.: HarperPaperbacks, 1994. – 500 p.

8. Collis H. 101 American English Idioms. – Lincolnwood, Illinois: Passport Books, 1987. – 104 p.

9. Makkai A. and others. Handbook of Commonly Used American Idioms. – New York: Barron’s, 1995. – 338 p.

10. Gillett A. Speak English like an American. – Ann Arbor, MI: Language Success Press, 2004. – 256 p.

11. Robinson D. Becoming a Translator. – London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2003. – 304 p.

12. Seidl J., McMordie W. English Idioms and How to Use Them. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983. –

13. Spears R. Essential American Idioms. – Lincolnwood, Illinois USA: NTC PublishingGroup, 1996. – 248 p.

14. Spears, Richard A. Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts. A Detailed Guide to real-life Conversation and Small Talk. – Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA: NTC Publishing Group, 1996. – 278 p.

15. Thornbury, Scott. About Language. Tasks for Teachers of English. – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002. – 270 p.

16. Kunin A. English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. M.: 1984. – 944 p.




INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3

LECTURE 12: Problems of Translating Idioms......................................................... 4

12.1. Idiom as a Stylistic Device.............................................................................. 4

12.2. Grammatical Peculiarities of Idioms............................................................. 6

12.3. Syntactical Peculiarities of Idioms................................................................. 7

12.4. Classes of Idioms.............................................................................................. 8

LECTURE 13: Phrasal Verbs and Common English phrases................................ 16

13.1. Phrasal Verbs................................................................................................... 16

13.2. Common English Phrases.............................................................................. 19

LECTURE 14: Slang as a Problem of Translation.................................................. 22

14.1. Sociolinguistic Aspects of Slang................................................................... 22

14.2. Primary and Secondary Slang...................................................................... 28

14.3. Individual Psychology of Slang................................................................... 28

LECTURE 15:Extra-linguistic Factor (Background Knowledge).......................... 32

LECTURE 16: Translation on the Level of Phonemes........................................... 40

16.1. Original English Names on the Map of the USA....................................... 40

16.2. Influence of Indian Names........................................................................... 42

16.3. The Dutch Place-names in the United States............................................. 42

16.4. French Place-names....................................................................................... 43

16.5. Spanish Place-names..................................................................................... 44

16.6. Telescope Coinages on the Map of the USA............................................. 46

16.7. Ways of Translating European Geographical Names.............................. 47

16.8. Latin in the Names of Canadian towns...................................................... 51

16.9. Names Including the Word “New”: Gender and Translation Issues..... 51

LECTURE 17: Replacements as a Type of Translational Transformations...... 53

17.1. Replacing Word Forms.................................................................................. 53

17.2. Replacing Parts of Speech............................................................................. 53

17.3. Replacements of the Sentence Members
(Restructuring the Syntactical Structure of a Sentence).................................... 55

17.4. Syntactical Replacements in a Compound Sentence.............................. 58

17.5. Replacement of a Main Sentence by a Subordinate One
and Visa Versa.......................................................................................................... 60

17.6. Replacement of Subordination by Coordination and Visa Versa......... 60

17.7. Replacement of Syndeton by Asyndeton.................................................. 62

LECTURE 18: Lexical Replacements....................................................................... 63

18.1. Concretization................................................................................................. 63

18.2. Generalization................................................................................................. 67

18.3. Replacement of Effect by Cause and Visa Versa.................................... 69

18.4. Antonymic Translation.................................................................................. 71

LECTURE 19. Lexical Replacements (continued).................................................. 75

19.1. Compensation................................................................................................. 75

19.2. Addition as a Translation Problem.............................................................. 80

19.3. Omission as a Translation Problem............................................................. 83

LECTURE 20: Pragmatics of Translation................................................................. 87

LECTURE 21: Lexical Problems of translation....................................................... 88

21.1. Handling Context-bound Words.................................................................. 88

21.2. Handling Equivalent-lacking Words........................................................... 88

LECTURE 22: Handling Translator’s False Friends................................................ 88

LECTURE 23: Collocational Aspects of Translation............................................. 88

23.1. Handling Attributive Groups......................................................................... 88

23.2. Phrasal Units as a Problem of Translation................................................. 88

LECTURE 24: Stylistic Aspects of translation......................................................... 88

24.1. Stylistically-marked Language Units.......................................................... 88

24.3. Handling Stylistic Devices............................................................................. 88

LITERATURE................................................................................................................ 88


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ҐУДМАНЯН Артур Ґрантович,

СИДОРУК Галина Іванівна







Конспект лекцій

(англійською мовою)



В авторській редакції


Технічний редактор А.І. Лавринович


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Тираж 150 пр. Замовлення № 159-1. Вид. № 11/V


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