![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
V. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видо-временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.1. The properties of the metal depend on the size of its grains. 2. The poor quality of that material determined its application. 3. The replacement of these defective parts will be the last step of the repair. VI. Прочтите, перепишите и переведите. STUDY There are many different institutes and universities in our country. There study full-time students, part-time students and external students. The course of study lasts five years, and external students sometimes study less. There are many faculties in the institutes and university. And your university has them too. Here are several of them: the faculty of economics, the faculty of foreign languages and your faculty. It has different departments that give many specialties. Students know a lot of about machine-tools, metalworking processes, kinds and types of plastics and about industrial automation and robotics. Your university has many laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date equipment. Here students carry on lab works and conduct various experiments. Many students have their own research work. An academic year has two semesters and at the end of each of them students have examinations.
full-time, part-time, external students - студенты дневного, вечернего, заочного отделений to be equipped - быть оборудованным up-to-date - современный
VII. Ответьте на вопрос: What student are you?
Тексты для студентов-заочников группы ИМ,АВ 1 курса 1 семестра
RHODIUM Rhodium is very much like aluminium. It is white-grey metal with a bluish tint. From Greek its name means "a rose". Rhodium is not very brittle at ordinary temperatures as some of the other platinum metals. It mixes with many metals. When this material mixes with gold or silver it resists even aqua regia. Engineers believe that rhodium is the most useful for plating. They think it makes many things long-lasting. Rhodium makes long-lasting those parts of machines which stand brutal usage and remain strong and beautiful. Here are some examples of machine parts and devices that use rhodium. Engineers coat with it, for example, automobile headlight reflectors. We use pure rhodium or rhodium alloys in production of many instruments and small devices for special purpose. For example, engineers coat with rhodium all the surgical instruments. It makes them long-lasting.
CRYSTALS Someone say "crystal" and people often imagine something beautiful, perfect and rare. In reality any body around us is a crystal. The exceptions are plants, animals, water and the atmosphere. Crystallography is referred to as ''the most difficult and the most useless of sciences''. But it is one of the most important branches of natural science. Mathematics closely relates to crystallography. Now the method of neutron diffraction comes into wide use in the field of crystal analysis. Crystals offer a simple way for transformation of one kind of energy into another one. Research into the strength of crystals is of special interest. All the metals and alloys constitute a collection of tiny crystals. The more perfect the crystals, the higher the strength of the metal. This means that it is possible to obtain crystals of the necessary strength. Nowadays most of crystals are artificial. For example, engineers grow rock crystals at factories in a quantity far larger than that are at the nature. Ruby crystals have numerous applications. Ruby rods form the core of lasers. Engineers and scientists pay much attention to the future of crystal application. ZIRCONIUM After ten years of laboratory research the engineers obtain zirconium, a new metal "with a bright future". Now factories produce it on a large scale. Its properties make it a useful construction material, especially in the field of nuclear energy. Zirconium is almost as strong as steel, but lighter. It resists strong acids. Zirconium has a very high melting point of 3,350 degrees Fahrenheit (F). It is often higher than that of steels. Most of steels melts below 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Engineers use zirconium in building atomic reactors because it does not absorb neutrons. Chain reactions need them. Zirconium is a valuable material for radio tubes and fluorescent lamps. It gives the hardest gold-based alloy that we know. It can withstand temperatures up to 6,000 F. Zirconium also brings impurities from the air. Engineers extract it and melt it in a vacuum. MACHINE-TOOL A machine-tool is stationary machine that power drives. Workers use machine-tools to shape or form solid materials, especially metals. They can achieve with the help of a particular machine-tool many materials of the necessary shape, size and form from a workpiece. Machine-tools form the basis of modern industry. There are many different machine-tools that workers use in different steps of production processes. Lathes are an example of them. A lathe is the oldest and most common type of turning machine. It usually holds and rotates metal or wood while a cutting tool shapes the material. You may move a lathe parallel to or across the direction of rotation. It helps you form parts that have a cylindrical or conical shape or cut threads. Engineers also use a lathe to produce flat surfaces. It may drill or bore holes in the workpiece. Different machine-tools are for different purposes. We use one machine-tool for a nail or bolt production. And with the help of another one we change the shape or size of the parts for other machine-tools. METERS Engineers and scientists use many different meters for different purposes. The ohmmeters, the ammeters and wattmeter are the most common meters among them. We use the ohmmeter to measure the value of resistance. It consists of a milliammeter that we read in ohms, a battery and resistors. This meter is in parallel in the circuit and the circuit has no open when you want to measure its resistance. The readings on the scale show the value. Engineers use the ammeter to measure the value of current. The circuit opens at one point. An engineer connects the terminals of the meter to the ammeter. He connects the positive terminal of the meter to the positive terminal of the source; the negative terminal of the meter - to the negative terminal of the source. The ammeter is in series in the circuit. The readings on the scale show the value of current. Engineers use a wattmeter to measure the value of power. They connect it directly to the circuit. A wattmeter consists of two coils. The readings on its scale show the value of power. STUDY There are many different institutes and universities in our country. There study full-time students, part-time students and external students. The course of study lasts five years, and external students sometimes study less. There are many faculties in the institutes and university. And your university has them too. Here are several of them: the faculty of economics, the faculty of foreign languages and your faculty. It has different departments that give many specialties. Students know a lot of about machine-tools, metalworking processes, kinds and types of plastics and about industrial automation and robotics. Your university has many laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date equipment. Here students carry on lab works and conduct various experiments. Many students have their own research work. An academic year has two semesters and at the end of each of them students have examinations. ENGINEERING Among various recent trends in engineering computerization is the most widespread. Computers help us solve complex problems and handle, store and generate all the information we have and will have. All the engineers work with them in production and construction. Nowadays they often use so-called systems engineering principles. Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people who test, adjust or work with all kinds of machine-tools. They determine how we can operate this or that machine most efficiently. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines and equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator often results in volume of production. This type of engineering work we call time-studying engineering. Human-factors engineering (we call it ergonomics) deals with the safety of nuclear reactors and any production process. Engineers look for design failures and test new equipment. They also work with complex control panels that monitor and govern nuclear reactor operations or dangerous for human health productions. Engineers analyze possible and real operator errors. Measurements Metric system is a decimal system of physical units. It got its name after its unit of length, the meter. The majority of countries adopts the metric system as the common system of weights and measures. The scientists all over the world use this system in their scientific work. Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: