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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The vowel sound / o: / as in “horse”.

· Read the instruction to learn how to make the long sound /o:/.

The back of the tongue is raised still higher towards the soft palate than in pronouncing the English / ס /. The English / o: / is more retracted and close than the English / ס /. The mouth is less open and the lips are more rounded than for / ס /.

· Listen to the target sound and the words and repeat. Look at the mouth diagrams to help you position your lips, tongue and jaw for the target sound. Transcribe the words.

/ o: o: o: /

Spelling variations for the / o: /sound. Highlighted bold letters are pronounced as / o: /.
or aw au augh al a before l/ll storm, door, horse, corpulent, sordid, organic awe, law, dawn, lawn, sprawl caustic, Paul, cautious naughty, haughty, daughter walk, talk almost, ball, wall, appalling, although


· Read these words with the sound / o:/. Transcribe them.

Short, bored, war, before, door, salt, walk, bought, wall, Paul, court, daughter, four, call, fort, laundry, thought, draw, ball, cause, quarter, chalk, sport, awful, bore, caught, fault, auto, course, straw.

· Listen to the sentences and repeat. Read each sentence aloud slowly at first, then as if you were telling it to someone in a natural way.


1) G eo rge was f a lling asleep aw kwardly in a spr aw l.

2) The written l aw s ough t to prevent th ough tless t a lks.

3) This app a lling st or e was full of a ll s or ts of or dinary sh or ts.

4) M au d’s d au ghter G eor gina was an aw ful d augh ter-in-l aw.

5) F our hundred and f or ty-f ou r st or ks flying home in the st or m.

6) P au l c a lled out when he th ough t he s aw his n au ghty d au ghter f a ll in the w a ter.

· Listen and copy the intonation and voice modulation on the CD.

As I was going by Mr. King’s yard,

I s aw a man s aw ing,

And of a ll the s aw yers I ever s aw,

I never s aw a s aw s aw like that s aw s aw ed.

· Practice reading the tongue twisters as quickly as you can. Be careful not to mispronounce the target sound.

1. I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,

I wouldn't have thought so much.

2.I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

3. If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard,

Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?


· Listen to the dialogues. Intone them. Learn and reproduce, paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound / o: /, intonation and tempo.

Dialogue 1

- So, this is your small daughter.

- I’m called Paula. And I’m not small, I’m tall.

- Can you walk?

- Of course – I can walk and walk. And I’m never naughty!

- Well, look, Paula – I’ve brought you a small present. It’s a lovely ball.

- And I’ve got four balls already.

Dialogue 2

- What've Hawkins, Ball, Porter and Hall been doing, Corporal?

- Brawling again, sir. Here’s the report.

- More brawling? All four? They’re always brawling, Corporal

- Always, sir.

- Call them in.

- Hawkins! Ball! Porter! Hall! Fall in!

- They’re always brawling. Hm! Now, you four – what was this brawl about? Mm?75

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