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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The vowel sound /ס / as in “box”.

· Read the instruction to learn how to make the short sound / ס /.

The blade of the tongue is retracted. The back of the tongue is only slightly raised. The lips are rounded.

The jaw is lowered. / ס /.


· Listen to the target sound and the words and repeat. Look at the mouth diagrams to help you position your lips, tongue and jaw for the target sound. Transcribe the words.

/ ס ס ס /

Spelling variations for the /ס /sound. Highlighted bold letters are pronounced as /ס /.
o a fond, lock, stop, gone, odd, sorry, wrong, often, clock, knock, obvious, promise, doctor want, was, wander, wallet, wallow, wash, watch, warrior, waffle, squat, quantity

· Read these words with the sound / ס /. Transcribe them.

Want, rob, doll, sausage, stop, lock, rock, dog, what, wash, got, gone, dock, quality, quarrel, fond, God, lot, because, quantity, wrong, got, hot, spot, watch.

· Listen to the sentences and repeat. Read each sentence aloud slowly at first, then as if you were telling it to someone in a natural way.

1) A l o t of o dd d o cuments in str o ng b o xes are l o cked in the o ffice.

2) Can I w a sh my c o tton s o cks in the l o ng p o nd?

3) The d o ctor pr o mised to w a tch T o mmy’s c ou gh and after four days the c ou gh had st o pped.

4) S o rry, I’ve forg o tten my w a llet in the sh o p.

5) The c o nversation in the o ffice was m o derated when the b o ss, Mr. O xford, came in.

6) R o ger and R o bin o ften spend their h o lidays in Sc o tland in O ctober.


· Listen and copy the intonation and voice modulation on the CD.

All I w a nt is a pr o per cup of c o ffee,

Made in a pr o per c o pper c o ffee p o t.

Tin or iron c o ffee p o ts,

They’re no use to me.

If I can’t have a

Pr o per cup of c o ffee

In a pr o per c o pper c o ffee p o t

I’ll have a cup of tea.


· Listen to the tongue twister. Learn it by heart. Practice saying it as quickly as you can. Be careful not to mispronounce the target sound.

When a doctor doctors a doctor,

Does the doctor doing the doctoring

Doctor as the doctor being doctored

Wants to be doctored

Or does the doctor doing the doctoring

Doctor as he wants to doctor?


· Listen to the dialogues. Intone them. Learn and reproduce, paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound / ס /, intonation and tempo.

Dialogue 3

- What does that model cost?

- This modern model?

- What does it cost?

- Oh, not a lot.

- Mm.

- What have you got?

- Er… not a lot.

- Mm.

Dialogue 4

- A frog! Look! A frog on a log!

- It’s hopped off. Got it.

- No, John, stop it! Let it hop to the pond.

- Come on then… Froggy! Hop! Hop! Hop to the pond! Hop! … Plop!1975

· Practice reading the dialogues. Be careful not to mispronounce the target sound.

Dialogue 1 Mr Knott and Mr Watt on the Phone

- Hello?

- Who's calling?

- Watt.

- What's your name?

- Watt's my name.

- Yes, what is your name?

- My name is John Watt.

- John what?

- Yes.

Dialogue 2

-... I'll call on you this afternoon.

- All right, are you Jones?

- No, I'm Knott.

- Will you tell me your name, then?

- Will Knott.

- Why not?

- My name is Knott.

- Not what?

- Not Watt. Knott.

- What?


· Listen to the words with sounds / o:/ and / ס / in contrast and repeat. Look at the mouth diagrams to help you position your lips.

/o:/ / ס/ /o:/ / ס/
daughter lawn law morning glorious bore door doll lofty lobster mock glossy boss dog portion gorgeous stalk naughty quarter ought walk polish gone stock notch quality office what

· Listen to the sentences and repeat. Read each sentence aloud slowly at first, then as if you were telling it to someone in a natural way. Mind the highlighted letters.

1) I have a l o t of l o ng and sh or t shirts.

2) I have b ou ght these aw esome ch o colates from the st ore at the t o p of Chekh o v Street in D or king.

3) T o m’s n au ghty d au ghter ate a ll the l o bsters and str aw berries.

4) There was a gl o rious picture of A lmighty G o d on the w a ll in the c o ttage.

5) M au d’s mind was c au ght with h o rrible d au nting th ou ghts.

6) What a g or geous g o lf c ou rse! T o p n o tch!

7) It doesn’t b o re T o m to w al k his d o g in the gl or ious au tumn m or ning.


· Read the following sentences. Mind the right articulation of the sounds / o: / and / ס /.

b) Laura’s daughter bought a horse and called it Laura.

c) It’s wrong to lock a dog.

d) He got wrong quality sausage and quarreled because of that.

e) Do not walk on the lawn.

f) The shawl is in the automobile.

g) Can you draw a horse?

h) The ball has fallen over the wall.

i) When it is warm in autumn I often sit in the orchard.

j) Paul’s audience applauded warmly.

k) I thought Shaw was the author.


VIII. Listen to the dialogue (Sound Right 26.1). Intone it. Learn and reproduce it, paying attention to the pronunciation of the sounds / o: / and/.

IX. Learn the following graphical rules:

· Vowel / o: / is represented in spelling by:

1) “oor”, “our”, “oar” (door, your, board)

2) “or” /third syllable-type/ (port)

3) “a” followed by “ll” or “l” + consonant (all, salt, talk)

4) “au”, “aw” (autumn, law)

5) “ough”, “augh” + “t” (ought, thought, taught)

6) “war” (war, warm), “quar” (quarter)

Irregular Readings: our, flour, sour, poor

· Vowel /ס/ is represented in spelling by:

1) The letter “o” in closed stressed syllables (not)

2) The digraph “wa” (was), EXCEPT: water /o: /, “wha” (what)

3) “qua” (quality), EXCEPT: qua r ter, quarrel /kwo:/

Rare Spellings: because, sausage, cough, knowledge


X. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs and sayings. Learn them:

/ o: /

31) All for one and one for all.

32) It never rains but it pours.

33) Trust me not all or all in all.

34) All roses have thorns.

/ס /

a. Honesty is the best policy.

b. A little pot is soon hot.

c. Be slow to promise and quick to perform.

d. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.




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