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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


B. Write in the singular.

Skies - sky, skis - ski, Negroes - Negro, zeros - zero, parties - party, keys - key, flies - fly, files - file, cuckoos - cuckoo, hairdos - hairdo, pianos - piano, stories - story, stores - store, taxis - taxi, axes - axe, tomatoes - tomato, matches - match, languages - language, roofs - roof, leaves - leaf, mice - mouse, feet - foot, data - datum, deer - deer, oxen - ox, moose - moose, halves - half, cliffs - cliff, tuna – tuna - tuna, bases - basis, criteria - criterion, Japanese – a Japanese.

C.Make the sentences complete by using the words in brackets.

1. In September I try to learn (имена моих студентов). my students’ names

2. (Больница Святого Алексия) is on Lenin Avenue. St. Alexis’s hospital

3. On my way home I usually drop in the (булочную, бакалею, овощной). bakery’s grocery’s greengrocery’s

4. This is (плащ моей дочери). my daughter’s raincoat

5. (Правнучка Чарльза Диккенса) is also a writer. Ch. Dickens’s great granddaughter

6. (Климат Англии) is much warmer and sunnier than many think. The climate of England

7. (Сынишка моей подруги Люси) has broken a window again. my friend Lucy’s son

8. (Ради бога), let me alone! for heaven’s sake

9. There are craters on (поверхности Луны). the surface of the Moon

10. – Whose car is this? Is it yours? – No, it’s (моего босса). my boss’s

11. Please buy (плитку шоколада) for the hippo’s son on your way home. a bar of chocolate

12. The witch likes having a nice (утреннюю чашку кофе). morning cup of tea

13. The dwarf wants to buy a (кожаный ремень). leather belt

14. My brother is a (школьный учитель математики). school teacher of Math

15. The pirate slipped on a (пивной банке) and fell heavily on the ground. beer can

D. Insert articles where necessary and retell the joke.

When I arrived at …the gate for …an early-morning flight from San Diego to Baltimore, there was no one at …the check-in desk. Then …a fellow in …the airline uniform walked to …the jet’s gateway (коридор, ведущий к самолету) entrance and tried several times to enter … numbers to unlock …the door. He did not have any success with it. Then, he went behind …the check-in desk and tried to switch on …the computer. Thinking that I could check in for my flight, I approached him. “I don’t know …the new code for …the gateway”, he said. “I can’t get …the computer to work, and I’m not going to check you in.” Deciding that a bit of humour might help I said, “Are we having …a bad day?” “You’d better hope not,” he replied. “I am your pilot.”

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