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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

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Saipem's offshore construction

Saipem is recognized as one of the leading companies for the design, procurement and installation of fixed platforms and also engages in the installation of floating and subsea production systems.

Since its establishment it has laid more than 15000 kilometers of sea lines around the world, particularly in the North Sea, the Mediterranean, West Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia.

Saipem also owns and operates a fleet of 40 robotized vehicles used in underwater work, able to perform advanced subsea operations. The company offers offshore and onshore drilling services to oil companies worldwide; activities arc now concentrated in Italy, North Africa, Latin America and Kazakhstan.

Saipem is a world leader in the installation of large onshore pipelines. Since the beginning of its onshore construction activities, it has laid more than 55000 kilometers of onshore pipelines worldwide, and specializes in the laying of large diameter pipelines, especially in challenging terrain and remote locations. Its main areas of activity are Italy, Nigeria, the Arabian Peninsula.


Notes to the text:

1. Installation - доставка

2. Procurement - обеспечение, доставка

3. Floating- плавающий, текучий

4. Establishment - создание

5. Drilling- бурение

6. Vehicle - транспортное средство

7. Offshore - двигающийся в направлении от берега

8. Onshore - движущийся к берегу

9. Concentrated - концентрированный, обогащенный


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