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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Unit 1. The Layout of the Letter.

Letter writing is an essential part of business communication. Business letters may be divided into official and semi-official. The official letter is a formal communication between people or companies and it is written to conduct some sort of business. But many people want to buy something or to accept an invitation – this is a kind of semi-official letters. The business letters may be subdivided into such groups as: inquires, offers, orders, and so on.

It is important to remember that a business letter is an official document. Of course, there are many other communications between people and companies, for instance telephone conversations, meetings and presentations, but the business letter is the most powerful communications tool for providing structured and considered information in a formal way.

When writing a business letter, you should follow the format of a standard business letter. Keep the letter to one page. Business people are busy and do not appreciate unnecessarily long letters. Most business letters are less than one A4 page long. The typical business letter usually consists of about 7 essential parts:

1. The Letterhead Заголовок (включающий место написания письма)
2. The Date Дата отправления письма
3. The Inside Address Внутренний адрес
4. The Greeting/Salutation Обращение/приветствие
5. The Body of the Letter Содержание письма
6. The Ending/ The Complimentary Close Заключительная формула вежливости
7. The Signature Block Блок подписи


and 4 additional parts of the letter:


1. The Reference Line Указание на ссылку
2. The Attention Line (if any) Указание на конкретное лицо (если есть)
3. The Subject Title (if any) Указание на общее содержание письма(если есть)
4. The Enclosure (if any) Приложение (если есть)


The heading of the letter contains the full address of the sender. Most companies have letterhead with this information already imprinted. The inside address coincides with the address that appears on the envelope and contains the name, title and address of person to whom you are writing. The salutation should be consistent with the whole tone. The body of the letter is where you write the purpose of the letter. The complimentary close should be relevant to the tone of the letter and the salutation. And, your signature should be hand written legibly below the complimentary close.


Study the following table:

Item Notes Example
1. The Heading or the sender's address (The Return Address) or Letterhead. The heading of the letter contains the full address of the sender. Most companies have head with this information already imprinted. In correspondence that does not have a printed letterhead; the sender's address is written in the top right corner of the letter (British Style) or in the top left corner of the letter (American Style). In the UK is not usual to write the sender’s name before the sender’s address. The sender's address includes Company Name (and logo), Address, Phone/Fax number, E-mail (optional).
2. Date of writing The date is written below the sender's address, sometimes separated from it by 2 lines below the heading. The date may be written as month-day-year (The US style) or day-month-year (The UK style). October 19, 2008 (American Style), 19 October 2008 (British Style).
3. The Inside Address It is written below the sender’s address and on the opposite side of the page (UK style) or on the left-hand side of the page (US style). If you know the surname of the person, you write the courtesy title, person’s initial and his/her surname. If you don’t know the name of the person, you write the position in the company (The Sales Manager) or the name of company. Mr. A. Harper 'E' Division Headquarters Hessle Police Station Hessle High Road Hull HU4 7BA UK Note: Order of inside address: the recipient, the name of the company, the number of house, the name of street, town/city, the state/county, postcode, the country.
4. The Greeting/ Salutation It begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the courtesy title and person's last name. Initials or first names are not used in salutations. If you do not know the name or the sex of your receiver addresses it to Dear Madam or Sir (or Dear Sales Manager). Dear Mr./Ms. Smith: Dear Sir or Madam: After the salutation there is a colon (:) (The US style). Dear Mr./Ms. Smith, Dear Sir or Madam, After the salutation there is a comma (,) (The UK style). Note that in the US a letter to a company opens with Gentlemen.

Ms. [mez] or [miz] – должностное лицо, женщина, чье семейное положение вам не известно. В деловой переписке важно использовать Ms вместоMrs. или Miss. (Mrs. – замужняя женщина, Miss – незамужняя женщина, Mr. [mistә] – обращение к мужчине, Messrs [mesәz] –используется при адресации к двум или более мужчинам. Mmes [`meidæm] – используется при адресации к двум или более женщинам.

Если письмо обращено к должностному лицу, имя которого неизвестно, то название должности пишется с большой буквы и употребляется определенный артикль: The Chairman председателю. Если известны и фамилия и должность адресата, то артикль не ставится. Mr. D. Brown, Chief Executive – мистеру Д. Брауну, исполнительному директору.


5. The Body of the Letter It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with "I". Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. It is usual to leave a line space between paragraphs in the body of the letter. Body Paragraph 1: Explain who you are and why you are writing this letter. Body Paragraph 2: Use facts, details to support your opinion or request. Body Paragraph 3: Tell the reader what you want him to do. Short sentence: End your letter by saying something courteous to your reader.


Текст большинства писем состоит из трех частей. После приветствия или обращения ("Уважаемый г-н...") следует начало основного текста, где говорится о причинах обращения; в главной части текста сообщается о деталях (подробностях); в завершающей части делаются выводы, сообщается о планах на будущее и т.д.

В первой части могут использоваться следующие фразы:

–... Мы пишем, чтобы узнать (навести справки) о... (... We are writing to inquire about...);

– Мы пишем в связи с... (We are writing in connection on with...);

– Мы интересуемся (заинтересованы) и хотели бы узнать... (We are interested in... and we would like to know...) и т.п.

Предложение, содержащее основное сообщение, может начинаться такими словами:

– Мы хотим сообщить... (We would advise...);

– С удовольствием сообщаю, что... (It is my pleasure...);

– Имеем честь сообщить Вам, что... (We bed to inform you that...) и т.п.

Просьба сообщить необходимую информацию начинается словами:

– Сообщите, пожалуйста,... (Could you please tell me...);

– Пожалуйста, сообщите... (Please let me know if...);

– Я был бы рад узнать... (I should be glad to know if...) и т.п.

Письмо-ответ может начинаться с таких фраз:

– Благодарю Вас за письмо от (дата).. (Thank you for your letter of (date)...);

– Мы получили Ваше письмо (дата)... (We have received your letter of (date)...) и т.п.

В деловой переписке используются следующие выражения благодарности и внимания:

– Очень любезно с Вашей стороны... (It is very kind of you to...);

– Пишу, чтобы поблагодарить Вас за... (I am writing to thank you very much indeed for...);

– Позвольте воспользоваться случаем, чтобы поблагодарить Вас... (May I take this opportunity of thanking you for...);

– Благодарим за Ваш большой вклад в... (Thank you for contributing so much to...);

– Примите, пожалуйста, мою искреннюю (глубокую) благодарность за Вашу помощь... (Please, accept me sincere (deep) appreciation for your help...) и т.п.

Извинения могут начинаться такими словами:

– Мы должны извиниться за... (We must apologise for...);

– Мы извиняемся за... (We apologise for...);

– Мы очень огорчены из-за того, что... (We are extremely sorry for...);

– Хочу принести свои самые искренние извинения за... (I wish to offer me sincere apologies for...) и т.п.

После изложения основной причины письма, деталей и подробностей приводятся заключительные фразы:

– Буду ждать Ваш ответ... (I look forward to receiving your soon reply...);

– С нетерпением жду ответа... (Looking forward to hearing from you...)

В заключительной части может быть дана оценка приведенной в письме информации:

– Надеюсь, что эта информация Вам поможет (I hope that this information will help you);

– Пожалуйста, без колебаний свяжитесь со мной, если Вам нужна более подробная информация (Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information) и т.п.


6. The Complimentary Close This short, polite closing ends with a comma. It begins at the same column the heading does. 1. Dear Sir or Madam: (colon or comma) Yours faithfully,(comma) 2. Dear Mr. Last Name/Ms Last Name (no colon or comma) Sincerely (no comma)


Если Вы в начале письма обращаетесь к адресату по имени, то закончить письмо нужно Yours sincerely (GB), Sincerely yours (US). Если Вы не знаете имени адресата и обращаетесь нейтрально Dear Sir/Madam и т.д., то в конце письма должно стоять Yours faithfully (US/GB).


7. The Signature Block The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. Include 4 spaces and type your full name and title, sign the letter between theComplimentary Close and the typed name and title. 1. Sincerely, (Skip four lines to allow space for signing your name) Dennis Jackson Marketing Director Jackson Brothers 2. Sincerely yours, (Signature) John Taylor p.p. B. Hanson HR Manager


При подписании используются такие слова и выражения: For and on behalf of – за и от имени; Per pro. (от per procuration) – по доверенности. Под подписью иногда пишутся слова Authorized Signature – лицо, имеющее право подписи.

The additional parts of the letter:


1. The Reference Line It is usually below the Letterhead, very often in the top right-hand side of the page. It may be the number of the letter, date of letter or some abbreviation. The Reference Line contains the initials of the sender and the addressee. Your Ref: 6 May 2007 Our Ref: DA / mr


DA stands for D. Ashen. Mr. D. Ashen has signed the letter and his initials in capital letters come first in the Reference Line. They are followed by the initials – not necessarily in capital letters – of his secretary or typist (Mary Raynor).


2. The Attention Line It is written below the inside address to attract the attention of a specific person. The following various styles of attention lines: Attention: Mr. Edward Brown Attention of the Traffic Manager For the attention of …
3. Subject Title Indicates the subject or purpose of the letter. The words “ Subject: ” or “ Re:” (“regarding”) may be placed before or below the salutation. Remember that the subject line is always underlined in business letters. HRD Conference Subject: Order for Furniture
4. Enclosures If you include other material in the letter you write Enc. or Encl. at the bottom of the letter, and if there are a number of documents, these are listed. Enc.: Letter of guarantee (2 pages) Encl.: Insurance certificate (1 copy) c.c. Mr. Brown


Если вы отсылаете копии письма и другим адресатам, тогда в конце письма сделайте соответствующую отметку:

"c.c. " – carbon copies (точные копии) или Copy to….

Иногда вы не хотите, чтобы получатель вашего письма знал, что вы еще кому-то отослали копии. В этом случае внизу писем-копий вы указываете "b.c.c." – blind carbon copies (скрытые копии).

В конце письма, после подписи возможен дополнительный текст, Post Scriptum (P.S.). P.S. состоит из одного предложения.


Look at the letters:

The letterhead


The Reference Line




The Inside Address


Attention line


The Greeting


Subject Title


The Body of the letter


The Complimentary Close






The letterhead


The Reference Line




The Inside Address


Attention line


The Greeting


Subject Title


The Body of the letter


The Complimentary Close






The UK style of letter The US style of letter


Exercise 1. This is a layout of a letter but the different parts of the letter have been replaced with boxes. You have to decide what should go in each box. Choose from the list. One has been done for you as an example.






4 Dear
























Choose from this list:

A) Opening sentence (reason for writing)

B) Greeting/ salutation (Dear …)

C) Date

D) Signature

E) Receiver’s name and address

F) Sender’s name

G) Company logo

H) I look forward …

I) Main body of text

J) Sender’s title

K) Indication of an attachment

L) Subject heading

M) Yours …

N) Closing sentence (request for action)

Exercise 2. Look at this business letter and put the following parts of it in the correct order:

The layout of the letter:

1. … 3. … 5. … 7. … 9. … 11. …

2. … 4. … 6. … 8. … 10. … 12. …


Greeting / salutation, sender's address (not name), date, signature, receiver’s address, concluding comment, title of subject, main parts of the text, the aim of the letter, the Reference Line, the Attention Line, the Enclosure.


  HRD Institute 119Mill Road Cambridge 1 GB 12 AZ UK   Our Ref.: DA/st 2 12 July 2004 3     Trade Company 4 400 S 5th Avenue, Suite # 80 Detroit, MI, 48202-2831 USA   Attention: Mr. Tan 5   Dear Mr. Tan, 6   HRD Conference 7 As a valued member of the HRD Institute, I have pleasure in inviting you to a conference on the future of the HRD a function to be held at Towers Hotel on Thursday and Friday, 7 and 8 October 2004. 8   Highlights of the conference include: · HRD Past, Present and Future 9 · On line training · Training with The British Council   The seminar is presented by a distinguished panel of professional speakers who will be able to give you expert advice on any area of HRD. I have enclosed a detailed outline of the topics that will be covered; with I am sure you will not want to miss.   If you would like to join us please complete and return the enclosed registration form to me by 30 September.   I look forward to seeing you at this event. 10   Your sincerely, (the signature) 11   D. H. Ashen Manager   Enc 12  


Exercise 3. Look at this envelope. Match numbers with letters.

New Jersy Power Company 5695 South 23 Road (1) Ridgefield, (2) NJ 08887 (3) Mr.Frederick Wolf Director of Marketing (4) Smith Printing Company 590 (5) Sixth Avenue Milwaukee, (6) WI 53216

A) the addressee’s company name

B) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

C) the town the letter comes from

D) the ZIP Code in the return address

E) the street name in the mailing address

F) the addressee

Exercise 4. Are these addresses correct? What changes should be made?

10, Garston Road Worldwide Dealers Ltd. Mr. R. Stevenson Australia Melbourne  
Chicago, Illinois, USA 300, Lincoln Place The Modern Machine Tool Corporation



Mathews & Wilson Ladies’ Clothing General Manager 75, High Street Glasgow Scotland

Exercise 5. You also have business partners in different countries who would be glad to get news from you. Write their addresses on the envelope.

A) Export Division Wellhead Builders Ltd.,Mr. John K. Style is from England, London, Fen Road, 16.

B)Ms. H. Black lives in the USA (code 10213), in the state of New York, in Brooklyn, the name of the street is Lincoln Drive, 10.

C) Managing Director, USA, Office Equipment Inc., the state of Illinois, Chicago, Rue Road, 344.

D) Write your address to get an answer.

Exercise 6. Match a greeting with a suitable ending.

1. Dear Sirs A) Yours sincerely

2. Dear Mr. White B) Yours faithfully

3. Dear Gentlemen C) Sincerely yours

4. Dear Ms. White

5. Dear Sir or Madam

Exercise 7. Divide this letter correctly and fill the boxes in the letter below.


Rua Luis de Deus 18, 30 Coimbra, Portugal. 29 March 1991. The Principal, The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd., Eastbourne BN43UA. Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month’s English Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied English for three years but I have never been to England. I would like to improve my pronunciation. Please, could you send me more information about your courses, and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Ana Maria Fernandes.

















Answer the questions:


1. In what other ways can you begin and end formal letters?

2. Where is Ana’s address written?

3. Where is the address of the College she’s writing to?

4. In what other way can you write the date?

5. Where does Ana sign her name?

Exercise 8. Study the letter and complete it by selecting the correct words:

a) Currently seeking, d) trading, g) represent us,

b) great deal of, e) based, h) 'Yours sincerely',

c) market, f) 'Yours faithfully', i) to speaking.


Dear Ms White

It was very nice to meet you at the exhibition in Manchester. As I explained at the time, we are (....1....) a UK (....2....) company to (....3....) in Europe.

We require a company to (....4....) our holidays as, after 5 years of successful (....5....), we are now looking to expand our operations worldwide. I understand you have a (....6....) experience in this field.

I look forward (....7....) with you soon on this matter.


Tony Marshall

Exercise 9. All the parts are mixed up in this letter. Put them in order. Rewrite the letter in block style.


Yours sincerely Attention: Mr. N. Conshiwan Please send us your catalogue with sizes and colors of female and male national clothes of Thailand. Re: Enquiry for National Dresses We are opening a shop of national Asian dresses and fabrics in one of our hotels. International Trading Company Bangkok Thailand 3 August, 2003 Dear Mr. N. Conshiwan P. Morgan Your Ref: Manager Our Ref: PM/ma   Intercontinental Hotel Group Telephone: 487-6591 Telex: 79436 inho Telefax: (039) 367  


October 23, 2007 Ken's Cheese House Dear Mr. Flintstone: 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765 Tel: 465-8690 With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856 The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days. Fred Flintstone Kenneth Beare Sales Manager Director of Ken's Cheese House Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Yours sincerely,

Exercise 10. Now decide whether the following statements are true or false when writing a business letter.

1. It is normal to write Mr. John Tan in the first line of the receiver’s address, and underneath to write Dear Mr. Tan without the initial.

2. The subject heading usually comes after Dear Mr. Tan.

3. In a modern business letters Dear Mrs. Lee and Yours sincerely are followed by a comma.

4. Even if you know the person’s name, you don’t have to use it, you can still use Dear Sir/Madam.

5. Short, simple sentences are better than long complex ones.

6. Enc is used when you are sending something in addition to the letter e.g. a cheque.

7. In modern business documents punctuation is not used in the receiver’s address.


Exercise 11. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the parts of the Business letter?

2. What is "Letterhead"?

3. What is the difference between the English and American ways of writing the date?

4. What is the way of writing the inside address in English and in Russian?

5. How do the English and the Americans write the opening salutation and the complimentary closing?

6. What is the difference in placing the subject heading in English and in Russian business letter writing?

7. When is the phrase "For the attention of... " used?

8. What is the opening paragraph intended for?

9. What phrases do you know that may be used in the opening paragraph?

10. What is the main principle of dividing the letter into paragraphs?

11. What words are used to fit the paragraphs together smoothly?

12. What is the closing paragraph intended for?

13. What phrases do you know that may be used in closing paragraphs?

14. What should you remember about enclosures and why?

15. If you want a letter addressed to a firm to reach a certain person, how would you indicate this?

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