ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
DEFINING MENTAL RETARDATIONАНГЛИЙСКИЕ СПЕЦТЕКСТЫ И СПЕЦЛЕКСИКА ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ-ДЕФЕКТОЛОГОВ (по материалам «Хрестоматии на английском языке для студентов-дефектологов» под ред. С.В.Русановой. – М., 1978) Сканирование, обработка доцента каф.ин.яз.ЗабГПУ Ломаева Б.Ф. С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е:
Special education...............................................................................................................2 Defining mental retardation ………………………………………………………………4 Classification of the mentally retarded …………………………………………………...5 Classification of mental retardation based on the intelligence quotient............................ 6 The retarded child learns best by special methods of instruction ……………….............. 8 Cerebral palsied children.................................................................................................. 9 Types of speech defects …………………………………………………………............ 11 Stuttering ………………………………………………………………………………... 12 Cleft lip and cleft palate ………………………………………………………………… 14 Speech therapy ……………………………………………………….............................. 15 Classification of the deaf ………………………………………………………………..17 Lipreading ……………………………………………………………………………….19 Methods of instruction ………………………………………………………..................21 The hard of hearing …………………………………………………………………….. 23 The hearing mechanism ……………………………………………………………........24 Speech and language development ……………………………………………...............26 The language problem ……………………………………………………………......... 27 Teaching of speech and language to deaf children ……………………………………... 29 Units for deaf children in ordinary schools …………………………………………….. 32 Deafness in children …………………………………………………………………..... 33 Educational guidance of handicapped children ………………………………………… 34 Problems of mental retardation ………………………………………………………… 36
In every school system there are pupils who deviate markedly from so called "normal children" and require special education. The primary function of special education is to provide treatment, training and instruction for such handicapped children. Special education is planned to make use of highly specialized methods in order to provide all exceptional children with the specific type of educational service they need. These special services may include a radical modification of the curriculum, special methods of instruction as well as special equipment. Consequently, special education is applied to each type of exceptional children who are handicapped physically, mentally or socially. In fact, such children cannot follow the regular school programme because of their handicaps but they can profit by a restricted and adjusted programme. Today all "handicapped" children are called exceptional children. In America "special education" is generally referred to as the "education of exceptional children". The term "exceptional" includes the various types of physically handicapped children such as: the crippled, the blind and the partially sighted, the deaf and hard of hearing, the deafened, the speech defectives and those with special health problems, the emotionally disturbed, the mentally retarded. Each kind of special handicap presents it’s own particular problems and needs. Handicapped children present learning difficulties; their sensory and motor impairments require careful study in order to adapt instruction successfully as they cannot adjust to the ordinary school programme. Special education presents a wide variety of medical, social, vocational and administrative problems for education. With universal compulsory education, special education became a necessity. Special education implies the development of a healthy well adjusted personality who can adapt himself to a society in which he can know success. The best system of training is one in which the child follows the normal training course designed for ordinary school work, but in addition devotes some time to special work designed to eliminate the respective defects. So a child with marked hearing loss requires additional services and special instruction in compensating for his handicaps. A child with seriously defective vision also requires special techniques of instruction, different from those applied to a child who has normal vision. The crippled child likewise requires special facilities for his physical handicap. Children with particular handicaps must be placed in special schools and classes, where they get additional services and special instruction. At such schools children are given knowledge, habits and abilities according to the normal training course but the applied methods are specialized. Classification of Exceptional Children. Children are classified according to their handicaps 1. the mentally retarded 2. the deaf and the hard of hearing 3. the blind and the partially sighted 4. the speech defective 5. the crippled 6. Health problem children There are two more groups in American classification They are: 7. the mentally gifted 8. children presenting serious behaviour problem
to deviate иметь отклонения to make use of использовать highly specialised methods специальные метода to provide обеспечить, охватить exceptional children аномальные дети educational service обучение и воспитание modification изменение curriculum учебный план methods of instruction методы обучения equipment оборудование mentally умственно to follow the programme следовать, обучаться по программе handicap недостаток /физический, умственный to profit извлекать пользу to restrict ограничивать to refer to ссылаться, называться, относиться to apply to применять to adjust oneself приспосабливаться crippled children дети-калеки the blind слепые the partially sighted слабовидящие the deaf глухие the hard of hearing слабослышащие partially deaf слабослышащие the deafened оглохшие the speech defective логопаты emotionally disturbed страдающие нарушением психики the mentally retarded умственно-отсталые the gifted одаренные impairment=handicap недостаток, нарушение sensory and motor impairment сенсорные и моторные нарушения to require требовать to adapt приспособлять, адаптировать to adjust приспособлять a wide variety большое разнообразие vocational education профобучение compulsory education обязательное обучение hearing loss потеря слуха additional services дополнительные услуги обучения defective vision слабое зрение special facility специальные средства
Many "labels" have been applied to the child who functions at an intellectual level below average. These include mentally defective, mentally subnormal, mentally retarded, intellectually defective, intellectually subnormal, intellectually retarded, oligophrenic, feebleminded, a mental, exceptional, slow learning and so forth. Really there is little difference among them, although some do carry more positive emotional connotations than others. In this text the phrase "mentally retarded" will be used to denote the whole range of retardation, but the term feebleminded or the phrase "mentally defective" will be used to denote more severe mental retardation. There have been many attempts at defining precisely what is meant by the concept of "mental retardation". Some persons have attempted to define the condition in terms of the intelligence quotient that an individual achieves. This has been particularly characteristic of authorities in the United States, where the use of intelligence tests has flourished. In such cases the usual procedure is to define intellectual retardation in terms of an intelligence quotient score of below 70. A child, who obtains an intelligence quotient of 68, however is not necessarily more retarded mentally than a child with an intelligence quotient of 72, since many factors must be taken into consideration in the interpretation of intelligence test scores. Pr. Tredgold defines mental retardation as follows: ... a state of incomplete mental development of such a kind and degree that the individual is incapable of adapting himself to the normal environment of his fellows in such a way asto maintain existence independently of supervision, control or external support. We may note that this definition stresses the degree of social adequacy of the person - how well he is able to adjust to the demands of society in comparison with others of his age group. "Inability to adapt" is emphasized as an important factor. Children who are "average" in intelligence quotient are between 95 and 104. About 3% of the total group is considered to be "feebleminded". This group has intelligence quotient below 65.
mental retardation умственная отсталость intellectual level уровень интеллектуального развития subnormal аномальный mentally defective умственно-отсталый oligophrenic олигофрен feebleminded слабоумный connotation дополнительное значение condition зд. состояние intelligence quotient интеллектуальный коэффициент
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