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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


DBMS - Database management systems 5 страница. 5.6 Conclusion of Safety



5.6 Conclusion of Safety

Biological factors play a large role in the called rooms because a large number of people can lead to an infection and spread of viruses.

The harmful and dangerous factors connected with use of the computer it can be minimized at the correct organization of a workplace which include the correct arrangement of the employee and use of system of grounding.

Other possible problem with health in operating time at office is musculoskeletal frustration and weakening of eyes sight.

Many recommendations can be found in sanitary and epidemiologic the rules developed by official establishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The computer on a workplace has to be are properly organized, and it also demands that users for performance of simple actions, to, in time and after work. These actions help to avoid dangerous situations, violations of health, and also the equipment of breakage.

Numbers with a high density of technological details create a constant risk of fire. In this regard, the people working with computers have to be ideally prepared what to do in case of fire detection and how to eliminate potential economic losses. Rooms have to be equipped also with special fire-prevention devices and systems for fast fire and a smoke to respond to the requests.

Other big problem on a workplace is lighting. There are standard and recommendatory descriptions about light, and from calculation has been established that the office conforms to requirements in artificial lighting. Industrial noise can be the cause of psycho physiological frustration and shouldn't exceed norms.

At institute of space equipment and technologies of office operating conditions at which or completely to eliminate influence of dangerous and harmful factors are created, or are in the acceptable range.

In computer office of institute of space equipment and technology there are no harmful factors of environment.




- The game has been tested for performance

- Objective achieved in full, the tasks are solved.

- Made similar analysis of games

- Made design, database, scenario, program code.

Game product was created to provide efficient access to volumes of information necessary for gamers. Project have animation tools, interactive controls and useful game strategy, including events plot, my soldiers, enemies, heroes, towers, barracks. Is the useful program for pupils who want to know history of Kazakhstan. In the future I plan to transfer my project to Unreal Engine.


After gathering the necessary material and examination the actual development issues, within the confines of diploma project was developed information site for a research institution. This was established following problems were solved:

- Introduction of modern mobile development techniques and use them in their development;

- Manipulating the audio and text programmatically using native Java code

- Drawing a route between multiple places using Google maps API.

- Handling different types of data into database.

Mobile audio guide represents a relatively new trend in the field of tourism and involves the use of mobile devices as a electronic tourist guides. While a lot of

similar technology is already available, there are still open challenges with respect to design, usability, portability, functionality and implementation aspects. For the

stated reason, was developed the smart mobile audio guide with rich content that matches user preferences.

The importance of the diploma work is based on the fact that this kind of mobile audio guide is new to Kazakhstan's tourism and it helps to enhance in overall

tourism of our country that can increase the number of foreign tourists.


Developed mobile application in this diploma project has an intuitive interface that greatly facilitates the working process. Moreover, the optimizing the memory usage was one of the vital important to make application more responsive and performing operations as fast as possible.

As a further activity, research on the validity and reliability of the system is proposed. It would also be convenient to find if the system can be improved and customized for other moments.

The system should solve following problems:

Giving more reliable information to users in form of text and audio.

Helps to improve tourism industry of Kazakhstan.

Showing the correct and more exact path and location of users.



1. Game design concepts (no date) Available at: http://makeflashgames.com/gamedesign/overview.php (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

2. Gamasutra: Mark Klocek’s Blog - the online Browser games industry - flash and HTML5 (2016) Available at: http://gamasutra.com/blogs/MarkKlocek/20151005/255335/The_Online_Browser_Games_Industry__Flash_and_HTML5.php (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

3. Investopedia.com (2003) ‘Economics’, in Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economics.asp (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

4. 5140, pap (2013) Technical definition and description. Available at: https://sites.psu.edu/techwritingfall13/technical-definition-and-description/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

5. Quality (business) (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_(business) (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

6. Rivello, S.A. (2015) Getting started with flash platform game development. Available at: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/games/articles/getting-started-flash-games.html (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

7. Problem statement (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_statement (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

8. Restrictions (no date) Basic flash concepts and terms by Ron Kurtus - succeed in flash development: School for champions. Available at: http://www.school-for-champions.com/flash/basic_concepts.htm (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

9. Oryl, M.F. (2001) What is adobe flash? - definition. Available at: http://www.mobileburn.com/definition.jsp?term=Adobe+Flash (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

10. Brimelow, L. (2012) Six reasons to use ActionScript 3.0. Available at: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/actionscript/articles/six_reasons_as3.html (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

11. Unicsoft (2016) Life after flash: Alternatives for In-Browser Rich-UI applications. Available at: http://unicsoft.net/technology/life-after-flash/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

12. Kingdom rush (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_Rush (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

13. comments, submission of, ideas, requests, feature, governed, is and A, the (2014) Flash ActionScript and component - adobe labs. Available at: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flash/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

14. Rocheleau, J. (2012) ‘A history lesson on the rise and fall of adobe flash’, Recommended, 5 September. Available at: https://speckyboy.com/2012/09/05/a-history-lesson-on-the-rise-and-fall-of-adobe-flash/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

15. Nyman, R. (2009) Adobe flash – pros and cons - Robert’s talk. Available at: https://robertnyman.com/2009/03/02/adobe-flash-pros-and-cons/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

16. Is it possible to connect adobe flash CS to database of any kind? (2016) Available at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6724821/is-it-possible-to-connect-adobe-flash-cs-to-database-of-any-kind (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

17. How to make a flash game (no date) Available at: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Flash-Game (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

18. Adobe flash (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

19. Corel (1997) CorelDRAW graphics suite. Available at: http://coreldraw-graphics-suite.en.softonic.com (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

20. Burns, M. (2015) Photoshop CC 2015: Ten new features for artists, designers and photographers. Available at: http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/news/creative-software/photoshop-cc-2015-x-new-features-for-artists-designers-photographers/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

21. Senocular.com (no date) Available at: http://www.senocular.com/flash/tutorials/starumltoas3 (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

22. UML elements (no date) Available at: https://docs.kde.org/trunk4/en/kdesdk/umbrello/uml-elements.html (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

23. STUDIOFPS–Game development methodology (2014) Available at: http://www.studiofps.com/development_methodology.html (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

24. 51, 868 8581, England, No, W. and Reg, V. (2002) Flash games developer. Available at: http://www.dotsquares.com/solutions/game-development/flash-games/ (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

25. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 29 "Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to health."- Официальный сайт Парламента Республики Казахстан (2016) Available at: http://www.parlam.kz/en/constitution (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

26. "On Civil Protection" Act (as of 29/10/2015)

27.“Sanitary-epidemiological requirements to working conditions with sources of physical factors (computers and video terminals) that have an impact on the person” from January 21, 2015 № 38.

28. “Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2016 (from November 23, 2015 № 414-V).

29. State standard specifications of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Казахстане, С. сайтов В. (no date) ГОСТЫ РК. Available at: http://azpo.kz/gosty-rk (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

30. “ST Republic of Kazakhstan 12.0.004-2010”. Occupational safety standards system. - National standards (2006) Available at: https://wto.memst.kz/en/information/plans/National%20standards.pdf (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

31. HM Government (2013) SAFETY STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT IN EXPLOSIVES FACILITIES CONTENTS. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/198283/C8_Edt4_FINAL.pdf (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

32. Sanitary regulations "Sanitary-epidemiological requirements to ensure radiation safety" dated on March 27, 2015 № 261 on Radiation Safety of the Population.

33. International Organization for Standardization

copyright (2016) Taking management consultancy services to another level. Available at: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.html (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

34. “Rules of Fire Safety of Republic of Kazakhstan” on October 9, 2014 № 1077.

35. SNIP RK 2.02-05-2009. “Fire safety of buildings and structures” (with changes and additions as of 01.10.2015).




Application source code

File name GameController.as:



import flash.display.*;

import flash.events.*;

import flash.geom.*;

import flash.text.*;

import flash.utils.*;

import flash.ui.*;

import flash.display.Bitmap;

import flash.display.BitmapData;

import flash.display.Graphics;

import flash.display.Sprite;

import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.MouseEvent;

import flash.geom.Point;

import flash.text.TextField;

import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;

import flash.text.TextFormat;


// [SWF(width = 465, height = 465, frameRate = 30, backgroundColor = "#ffffff")]


import Game.*;


public class GameController extends MovieClip


private var currTower;

private var placings, towers:Array;

public var monsters, bullets:Array;

private var life, timer, waveStartTime:Number;

private var currGold, currWave, maxWave:Number;

private var hitEscape:Boolean;


public function GameController()





public function startMenu()


btnPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoGame);



private function gotoGame(evt:MouseEvent)


btnPlay.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoGame);




public function startGameWin()


btnRestart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMenu);



public function startGameOver()


btnRestart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMenu);



private function gotoMenu(evt:MouseEvent)


btnRestart.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMenu);




public function startGame()


currGold = C.START_GOLD;

currWave = 0;

maxWave = C.MAX_WAVE;


placings = new Array();

monsters = new Array();

towers = new Array();

bullets = new Array();


timer = 0;





//Initialise the UI event listeners


MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTowerFire);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showTowerFireHelp);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, clearHelp);



MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTowerIce);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showTowerIceHelp);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, clearHelp);



MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTowerLightning);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showTowerLightningHelp);


MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, clearHelp);


mcGameUI.mouseEnabled = false;




//Handle event when this game is being preloaded

addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gameAddedToStage);


//Handle situations when this game is being run directly

if (stage!= null)






private function gameAddedToStage(evt: Event):void





private function keyDownHandler(evt:KeyboardEvent):void


if (evt.keyCode == 27) //ESC Key


hitEscape = true;




private function setupGame()


//Loop through all items on stage

for (var i=0; i< mcGameStage.numChildren; i++)


var currObject = mcGameStage.getChildAt(i);


//Look through the objects to see if it is class Placing

if (currObject is Placing)













private function turnOnPlacing(evt:MouseEvent)


var currPlacing = evt.currentTarget as Placing;

if (currPlacing.currentLabel == "possible")




private function turnOffPlacing(evt:MouseEvent)


var currPlacing = evt.currentTarget as Placing;

if (currPlacing.currentLabel == "on")




private function clickTowerFire(evt:MouseEvent)


//Check if the player has already clicked on a tower

if (currTower!= null)



currTower = null;



if (currGold >= C.TOWER_FIRE_COST)


currGold -= C.TOWER_FIRE_COST;


//Create a Fire Tower now, referenced by the variable currTower

currTower = new Tower_Fire();



//Turn on all placings

for (var i in placings)


if (placings[i].canPlace)






private function clickTowerIce(evt:MouseEvent)


//Check if the player has already clicked on a tower

if (currTower!= null)



currTower = null;



if (currGold >= C.TOWER_ICE_COST)


currGold -= C.TOWER_ICE_COST;


//Create a Fire Tower now, referenced by the variable currTower

currTower = new Tower_Ice();



//Turn on all placings

for (var i in placings)


if (placings[i].canPlace)






private function clickTowerLightning(evt:MouseEvent)


//Check if the player has already clicked on a tower

if (currTower!= null)



currTower = null;







//Create a Fire Tower now, referenced by the variable currTower

currTower = new Tower_Lightning();



//Turn on all placings

for (var i in placings)


if (placings[i].canPlace)






private function showTowerFireHelp(evt:MouseEvent)


mcGameUI.txtHelp.text = C.TOWER_FIRE_HELP;



private function showTowerIceHelp(evt:MouseEvent)


mcGameUI.txtHelp.text = C.TOWER_ICE_HELP;



private function showTowerLightningHelp(evt:MouseEvent)


mcGameUI.txtHelp.text = C.TOWER_LIGHTNING_HELP;



private function clearHelp(evt:MouseEvent)


mcGameUI.txtHelp.text = "";



public function update(evt:Event)



if (hitEscape)


if (currTower)


//cancel build

if (currTower is Tower_Fire)


//refund gold

currGold += C.TOWER_FIRE_COST;


else if (currTower is Tower_Ice)


//refund gold

currGold += C.TOWER_ICE_COST;


else if (currTower is Tower_Lightning)


//refund gold




currTower = null;


for (var i in placings)






hitEscape = false;


if (currTower!= null)


currTower.x = mouseX;

currTower.y = mouseY;




if ((currWave < maxWave) && (monsters.length == 0))




//spawn the monsters




for (var i=monsters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)


if (monsters[i].currLife > 0)





//Check if monster reaches the end of their path

if (monsters[i].hasReachedDestination())



life -= 1;



if (monsters[i].currentLabel == "remove")





//Award Gold

currGold += C.MONSTER_GOLD;




//Update all the towers

for (var i in towers)





//Update all the bullets

for (var i=bullets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)




if (bullets[i].currentLabel == "remove")







//Check for end game

if (life <= 0)




//stop all subsequent code in this update to run



else if ((currWave == maxWave) && (monsters.length == 0))






mcGameUI.txtLife.text = String(life);

mcGameUI.txtGold.text = String(currGold);

mcGameUI.txtWave.text = String(currWave) + " / " + String(maxWave);



private function gameOver()





for (var i in placings)


placings[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, turnOnPlacing);

placings[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, turnOffPlacing);






private function gameWin()





for (var i in placings)


placings[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, turnOnPlacing);

placings[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, turnOffPlacing);






//public functions for children to invoke

public function placeTowerAt(xPos,yPos)


currTower.x = xPos;

currTower.y = yPos;





currTower = null;

for (var i in placings)






//Spawning of monsters

private function spawnMonster(xPos, yPos)


var monsterToSpawn = new Monster();

monsterToSpawn.x = xPos;

monsterToSpawn.y = yPos;




private function spawnMonster1(xPos, yPos)


var monsterToSpawn1 = new Monster1();

monsterToSpawn1.x = xPos;

monsterToSpawn1.y = yPos;





private function spawnMonster2(xPos, yPos)


var monsterToSpawn2 = new Monster2();

monsterToSpawn2.x = xPos;

monsterToSpawn2.y = yPos;






private function spawnBoss(xPos, yPos)


var monsterToSpawn = new Boss();

monsterToSpawn.x = xPos;

monsterToSpawn.y = yPos;





private function spawnWave(currWave)


if (currWave == 1)




else if (currWave == 2)


for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)


spawnMonster1(C.MONSTER_START_X_1 - 40*i, C.MONSTER_START_Y_1);



else if (currWave == 3)


for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)


spawnMonster2(C.MONSTER_START_X_2 - 40*i, C.MONSTER_START_Y_2);



else if (currWave == 4)


for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++)


spawnMonster1(C.MONSTER_START_X_1 - 40*i, C.MONSTER_START_Y_1);



else if (currWave == 5)


spawnBoss(C.BOSS_START_X - 40*i, C.BOSS_START_Y);











File name gallery.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image1.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb1.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image2.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb2.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image3.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb3.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image4.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb4.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image5.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb5.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image6.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb6.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image7.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb7.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image8.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb8.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image9.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb9.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image10.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb10.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image11.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb11.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image12.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb12.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image13.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb13.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image14.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb14.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image15.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb15.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image16.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb16.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image17.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb17.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image18.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb18.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image19.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb19.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image20.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb20.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image21.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb21.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image22.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb22.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image23.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb23.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image24.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb24.jpg" />

<IMAGE FULL="full_images/image25.jpg" THUMB="thumbs/thumb25.jpg" />



File name Tower_Fire.as:

package Game


import flash.display.MovieClip;

import flash.events.*;

import flash.geom.*;


public class Tower_Fire extends MovieClip


private var isActive:Boolean;

private var range,cooldown,damage:Number;


public function Tower_Fire()


isActive = false;




this.mouseEnabled = false;



public function setActive()


isActive = true;



public function update()


if (isActive)


var monsters = GameController(root).monsters;

if (cooldown <= 0)


for (var j = 0; j < monsters.length; j++)

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