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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Periphrasis, simile, hyperbole

Periphrases – SD which consists in renaming the object by a phrase or sentence with the aim of bringing out and intensifying some features of object.

Types: 1) Logical – is based on one of the inherent qualities or on general knowledge about the object, eg. instrument of distrucion – weapon. 2) Figurative – is based on either metonymy or metaphor, eg. to tie the knot – to get married.

The variety of periphrases is euphemism – is the word or phrase which is used to replace an unpleasant word which can’t be spoken aloud or the expression which the speaker consider offensive by a more acceptable one. Eg. To die = go west, pass away.

Euphemisms: ●religious; ●moral; ●medical; ●political – are called double-speak & the primary aim is to mislead public opinion.

Hyperbole – is a deliberate exaggeration which means to be understood as exaggeration with the aim to intensify one of their features to such an extent that it will show you absurdity. It costs only 100$.

Types: 1) tried; 2) fresh.

A variant of hyperbole is called understatement in which smallness is exaggerated.

Simile – is based on comparison of 2 objects. The ground of comparison is marked by such structural elements as: like, as if, such, to see, to resemble.

Structurally: simple, complex (sustained). Semantically: fresh, tried.


16. Lexical stylistic devices: stylistic function of set expressions.

Allusion – an indirect reference or a hint by a word or phrase to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact which is presumably not to the reader or listener. There is no source of allusion, because they are based on accumulated experience on the writer who presupposes a similar experience and knowledge of the reader, eg. the letter contained the Trojan horse.

Decomposition of a phrase – phraseological unit is used as expressive means of lng, because many of them have their own stylistic coloring their mng can be understood only as a combination of a whole.

The SD of decomposition consists in volitional set phrases and reviving the independent mngs of each element of a set phrase. When it is done the unit acquires a new life and new expressiveness.

Types of volition of set expressions: ●prolongation (additional elements are put into the body of a set phrase) – eg.to fly into a rage.

●interaction – 2 or more phrases interact in the context: to be fed up with smth + to fed to the teeth = to be fed up with the front teeth

●substitution – 1 word or element is replaced by another. Rome=home.

A cliché – is a word or expression which lost its originality because of frequent use.

Proverb is short well-known saying usually in a simple lng.

Epigram – is a short clever amusing saying or a proverb. In most cases epigrams a witty statements point by some individuals whose manes we know.

Quotation – is a phrase or sentence taken from a work of literature or other piece of writing in order to prove or support an argument.


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