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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The stylistic function of the verb and its categories

Transposition in verb categories (tense, aspect, voice, etc.) may also impart stylistically coloured expressiveness to the utterance.

The present tense forms, being temporarily indefinite (‘omnitemporal’ or timeless), may be used instead of the past tense forms, i.e. express past actions.

E.g. And there opens the door and in he comes. - ‘dramatic’ or ‘historical present’,artistic illusion of reality and visibility.

The Present Indefinite referred to the future often renders determination.

Continuous forms do not always express continuity of the action and are frequently used instead of the common aspect forms to convey the speaker's state of mind, his mood, his intentions or feelings (conviction, determination, persistence, impatience, irritation, surprise, indignation, disapproval, etc.).Verbs of physical and mental perception do not regularly have continuous forms. When they do, however, we observe a highly emphatic structure.

The passive voice of the verb when viewed from a stylistic angle may demonstrate such functions as extreme generalisation and depersonalisation where the utterance seems to be devoid of the doer of an action and the action itself loses direction.

Through this technique the author lifts the responsibility.

Since the sentences containing the infinitive or participle I have no explicit doer of the action, these sentences acquire an impersonal or generalized universal character. As a result, the world of the personage and the reader blend into one whole and empathy is created.

The communicative aspect of modal verbs is of particular interest to stylistics as they render a wide range of emotions.

The use of the auxiliary do in affirmative sentences is a notable emphatic device.

Completely ‘ungrammatical’ and thus showing through the speech the ‘low’ social status of the speaker (and acquiring a functional stylistic meaning) are the following forms of ‘faulty grammar’: -the use of the singular instead of the plural and vice versa, -the attempts ‘to regularize irregular verbs’ by analogy, -the omission of an auxiliary verb in perfect forms,



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