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Are All the Young Violent?


познавательный аспект — знакомство с понятием «молодежная преступность», понятием vandalism;

развивающий аспект — развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и доказательности;

воспитательный аспект — формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности осознания права человека на собственное мнение;

учебный аспект — совершенствование речевых навыков;

сопутствующая задача — развитие умения вести диалог с обменом мнениями с использованием речевой функции “saying you approve / you do not approve / asking if someone approves”.

Речевой материал:

продуктивный: to approve of, gang; конструкции для выражения функций saying you approve (... ’s very good, etc.), saying you do not approve (I can’t approve of..., etc.), asking if someone approves (Are you in favour of...?, etc.).

Ход уроков

1. Brainstorm activity. Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения о том, что связано с понятием «насилие». Работа может быть организована в парах, небольших группах.

2.1) Учащиеся читают или воспринимают на слух три точки зрения. После знакомства с точками зрения учащиеся определяют, кому они могут принадлежать: A. An elderly person, В. A middle age person, C. A teenager.

2.2) Учащиеся находят в высказываниях ответы на вопросы:

• All those groups or subcultures are awful, because all of their members are violent. They only think about rebellion against society, its laws, they reject everything, they protest against their parents. I think they are potential criminals, their groups are like gangs. I think all these groups should be forbidden.

• Violence is the symptom of social dysfunction. Some social and economic problems may give rise to youth violence. Teenagers don’t live in a desert. Home, school, and neighbourhoods are part of the individual immediate environment and play a great role in the expression of violence. A society cannot suggest anything really worthwhile for teens. That’s why they are rebellious. Crime for teens is an expression of their inability to integrate at a social, economic or cultural level.... It seems to me that the media makes the situation worse. The bad image of subcultures is presented by the press.

• But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world for the better. Subcultures are for teens. Then teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. Someone who was a hippie became a president of a big country.

3.2) Обсуждение проходит в группах (по 4—5 человек). Подключается функция asking if someone approves. Можно организовать работу так, чтобы в разных группах обсуждались разные субкультуры и организации, а затем вынести это на обсуждение класса.

3.6) (Reader) Keys:

10. Drawings or writing on a wall, esp. a rude, humorous, or political nature — graffiti;

Carrying on trade, esp. of an illegal kind — trafficking;

Intentional and needless damage or destruction — vandalism;

Complete freedom to take whatever action one believes to be necessary — blanks;

Guns, esp. small ones — firearms.

3.7) (Reader) Keys:

11.2) The place where the gangs met — Joseph Terrace

The name of a street — Crown Street

The names of the gangs — The Cats, Chick’s Lot (Chick’s group of people)

The name of a member of the gang — Chick, Kitten

The names of the boys — Billy, Beady, Rocky

The name of Rocky’s sister — Suzie

The nicknames of the boys — the Spadge, the Nabber (to nab — catch sb doing wrong)


  Equivalence Contrast Cause Consequence Explanation Guessed meaning
Sinister dark         threatening
Shunned     deserted     avoided, kept away from
Cautiously       sinister atmosphere, you could never tell   carefully to avoid risk
Fists   fought with sticks       hands with the fingers closed in tightly
Hurled themselves         at each other throw with force
Grunts cries         cries
Stumble         out of the dark, past Billy walk unsteadily
Shiver         suddenly cold shake slightly


Billy Suzie Beady Rocky
(was) frowning trough his glasses holding Suzie firmly. He wished they wouldn’t fight. He just wished they wouldn’t! Billy shivered, suddenly cold. He’d seen plenty of violence, one way and another, in the streets round the flats, and he hated it. while she jumped up and down and shouted wildly stumble out of the dark mass and run towards him crying loudly; holding his hands to his head murmured to the Nabber; raised his voice

Материал раздела рассчитан на два урока.

При двух часах в неделю английского языка первый урок рекомендуется закончить после упр. 2. На дом — упр. 3.5) и 6), которые проверить в конце следующего урока.

При одном часе английского языка в неделю рекомендуется выполнить упр. 2, 3.2). На дом — упр. 3.5) и 7).

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