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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


PORTABLE DARKNESS, An Aleister Crowley Reader

Miscellaneous writing and excerpts from Crowley's works

Edited by S.Michaelsen

Harmony Books, NY HB, 1989


Note: We have chosen to include only parts of this book into the listing. Pieces which are simply extracts from Magick in Theory & Practice, Magick Without Tears, Yoga, The Book of Lies or other full volumes are not listed.



The Equinox Vol.I:2 pg.196 HB, 1978

Gems from The Equinox (excerpt) pg.xvi HB, 1988

The Equinox Vol.VII:1, SOTO pg.149 HB, 1992

The Mystical & Magical System of the AA, by J. Eshelman

College of Thelema, Oroville, CA pg.32 PB, 1993


POWER (poem)

The Collected Works Vol.I pg.51 PB, 1905

Songs of the Spirit pg.86 PB,1992





PRAEMONSTRANCE OF AA, A Manifesto of The Great White Brotherhood

The Equinox Vol.III:1 pg.11 HB, 1973


PRAYER (poem) - (Creator of the Universe! Lord of the Visible World!)

Crowley Notebook, Yorke collection, circa 1899


PRAYER (poem) - (The Light streams stronger...)

Gargoyles pg.55 PB, 1906

The Collected Works Vol.III pg.95 PB, 1907

Ambergris pg.161 HB, 1910



The Collected Works Vol.II pg.209 PB, 1906

Thelema Lodge Calendar, May 1992


Note: Prayer: A Note is an excerpt from Liber LXVII The Sword of Song taken from The Collected Works Volume II page 178 "Some years ago I thought to try Prayer" and page 209 "This fish-story is literally true."


PRAYER AT SUNSET (poem) To the Hon. Ralph Shirley

OLLA pg.30 HB, 1946

The Giant's Thumb pg.234 PB, 1992


PRAYER OF ARCHAIS (poem) from The Tale of Archais.

The Collected Works Vol.I pg.17 PB, 1905


PREFACE (Preface: part 1 of 12)

The World's Tragedy pg.xi, Falcon Press, AZ PB, 1985


PREFACE (to Sepher Sephiroth) by Perdurabo (Aleister Crowley)

The Equinox Vol.I:8 pg.255 HB, 1978

Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia by David Godwin

Llewellyn Publications, Inc., MN pg.354 HB, 1979


Note: Both editions of Sepher Sephiroth which appeared in Qabalah & 777 omit the PREFACE. The editor, Israel Regardie, admitted such, claiming, "It is a nasty malicious piece of writing, and does no justice to the system with which he (i.e.Crowley) is dealing."



1: Preface, 2: The Plymouth Brethren, 3: A Boyhood in Hell, 4: Adolescence, 5: The

Writing of The World's Tragedy, 6: Alice Wesley Torr or Aleister Crowley?, 7:

Pornography, 8: Sodomy, 9: Christianity, 10: The Poem Itself, 11: The English Spirit

and 12: Proem.



PRELIMINARY INVOCATION, NOTHUNG (poem), from The Sword of Song.

The Collected Works Vol.II pg.141 PB, 1906

In the Continuum Vol.I:8 pg.15, 1976

In the Continuum Vol.IV:10 pg.7, 1991


PRELUDE (poem) - (Before the darkness, earlier than being)

Jephthah pg.xiii HB,1899


PRICHARD, KATHARINE S. - (alias used by Aleister Crowley)

see - DIANA OF THE INLET (story)


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