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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Поставьте глагол в скобках в Passive или Active Voice и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The man (to arrest) by the police, but now they (to release) him.

2. The verdict (to pass) by the jury and the sentence (to pass) by the judge.

3. His appeal (to reject) by the higher court last week.

4. The unlawful decision (to appeal) against by the procurator last week.

5. A group of police officers (to investigat) a serious crime now.

6. The procurator (to prepare) to speak on the case tried by the Regional Court.

7. This case of murder (to be) investigated now.

8. The case (to be) prepared for trial when the investigator (to give) some new important evidence.


Переведите следующие предложения в Active Voice.


1. All the questions must be answered.

2. The door has been left open.

3. Betty was met at the station.

4. The girl was not allowed to go to the concert.

5. The roast chicken was eaten with appetite.

6. It was so dark, that the houses could not be seen.


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Разделите текст на несколько логических частей и озаглавьте их.

Вариант III

Criminal law

Criminal law is the body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders.

Criminal law is only one of the devices by which organized societies protect the security of individual interests and assure the survival of the group. There are, in addition, the standards of conduct instilled by family, school, and religion; the rules of the office and factory; the regulations of civil life enforced by ordinary police powers; and the sanctions available through tort actions. The distinction between criminal law and tort \ law is difficult to draw with real precision, but in general one may say that a tort is a private injury while a crime is conceived as an offense against the public, although the actual victim may be an individual.

The traditional approach to criminal law has been that crime is an act that is morally wrong. The purpose of criminal sanctions was to make the offender give retribution for harm done and expiate his moral guilt; punishment was to be meted out in proportion to the guilt of the accused. In modern times more rationalistic and pragmatic views have predominated.

With the development of the social sciences, there arose new concepts, such as those of the protection of the public and the reform of the offender;

In the United States, a Model Penal Code proposed by the American Law Institute in 1962 states that an objective of criminal law should be «to give fair warning of the nature of the conduct declared to constitute an offense» and «to promote the correction and rehabilitation of offenders.» Since that time there has been renewed interest in the concept of general prevention, including both the deterrence of possible offenders and the stabilization and strengthening of social norms.


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