ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
1. They’re building a new supermarket near the church. - …………………………………... 2. Someone was cleaning the windows while I was there. - ………………………………… 3. They are taking the refugees to a camp outside the village. - ……………………………... 4. They were questioning us and searching our vehicles at the same time. - ………………... 5. They’re opening the case again because they are not satisfied with the verdict. -…………
1. They have changed the date of the meeting. - ………………………………........................ 2. We have just discussed this question. -.……………………………………………………. 3. He has already collected his nephews from school. - ………………………………………. 4. She had made a delicious plum pie by the evening yesterday. - …………………………… 5. They had sold the house before the real estate agent arrived. - ……………………………. 6. We will have taken 5 business courses by the next year. - …………………......................... 7. He will have robbed the bank by the next week. - ………………………………………….
1. Ми зараз дуже заклопотані, оскільки ми від’їжджаємо завтра. 2. Поїзди відходять і прибувають через 5 хвилин. 3. Увійшовши до будинку, вона побачила чоловіка, який намагався відкрити двері силою. 4. Коли ви прийдете до мене, я буду працювати в лабораторії. 5. Я буду відпочивати в цей час. 6. Охоронець не впізнав людину, що пограбувала банк. 7. Я щойно прибув із Італії. 8. Протягом року тут вирощували овочі та фрукти. 9. Килими все ще чистять.
Notes to the text:
Gothic Revival The earliest manifestations of an interest in the medieval era were in the private domain, but by the 1820s public buildings in England were also being designed in the Gothic mode. Later, the desire for more elegant and sumptuous landmarks created the last flowering of the style. There were several reasons for the change of direction from Neoclassicism to the Gothic Revival. The first, sparked by the general Romantic revolution, was the literary interest in medieval times that produced Gothic tales and romances. By setting their stories in medieval times, authors such as Walpole and especially Sir Walter Scott helped to create a sense of nostalgia and a taste for that period. The ruins of medieval castles and abbeys depicted in landscape paintings were another manifestation of this spirit. The second was the writing of the architectural theorists who were interested, as part of church reform, in transferring the liturgical significance of Gothic architecture to their own times. The writings of the French architect Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc provided the inspiration to sustain the Gothic Revival movement. His own work, however, was often weak Gothic, and his restorations were frequently fanciful. The Gothic Revival was to retain one of the most potent and long-lived of the 19th-century revival styles. Although it began to lose force after the third quarter of the 19th century, buildings such as churches and institutions of higher learning were constructed in the Gothic style in England and in the United States until well into the 20th century. Only when new materials and concern for functionalism began to take hold did the Gothic Revival disappear. ЗАВДАННЯ ДО ТЕКСТУ:
Перші прояви, середньовіччя, приватне володіння, розквіт стилю, декілька причин, змінити напрям, створювати відчуття ностальгії, замки / монастирі, зображати, перенесення значення, реставрація, утримувати стиль, набувати силу, зникати.
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