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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Interior Design and its Styles

Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment.

The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis, and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals.

A style, or theme, is a consistent idea used throughout a room to create a feeling of completeness. Styles are not to be confused with design concepts, or the higher-level party, which involve a deeper understanding of the architectural context, the socio-cultural and the programmatic requirements of the client. These themes often follow period styles. Examples of this are Louis XV, Louis XVI, Victorian, Islamic, Feng Shui, International, Mid-Century Modern, Minimalist, English Georgian, Gothic, Indian Mughal, Art Deco, and many more.

The evolution of interior decoration themes has now grown to include themes not necessarily consistent with a specific period style allowing the mixing of pieces from different periods. Each element should contribute to form, function, or both and maintain a consistent standard of quality and combine to create the desired design. A designer develops a home architecture and interior design for a customer that has a style and theme that the prospective owner likes and mentally connects to. For the last 10 years, decorators, designers, and architects have been rediscovering the unique furniture that was developed post-war of the 1950s and the 1960s from new material that were developed for military applications. Some of the trendsetters include Charles and Ray Eames, Knoll and Herman Miller.


  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання:
  1. What is interior design?
  2. What does interior design process follow?
  3. What’s the difference between style and design concept?
  4. What are the examples of style mentioned in the text?
  5. What style does a designer usually develop for a customer?
  6. What furniture have most of designers been rediscovering for the last 10 years?
  1. Перекладіть англійською мовою слова та словосполучення в дужках:
  1. (Дизайн інтер’єру) is a multi-faceted profession in which (творчі та технічні рішення) are applied within a structure (для досягнення конструктивного інтер’єрного оточення).
  2. Styles are not to be (сплутаний) with design concepts.
  3. (Розвиток тематики інтер’єрного оздоблення) has now grown to include themes not necessarily (сумісний з) a specific period style.
  4. Some of the (законодавець моди) include Charles and Ray Eames, Knoll and Herman Miller.
  5. A designer develops (домашня архітектура та дизайн інтер’єру) for a customer that has a style and theme that the (майбутній власник) likes and mentally connects to.
  1. Перекладіть вирази та слова подані в дужках:

Законодавець моди, конструктивне інтер’єрне оточення, досягати, мета проекту, відчуття завершеності, послідовна ідея, багатоаспектна професія, процес мислення, сплутати, бажаний задум, робити вклад, поєднання знань, унікальні меблі, майбутній клієнт.

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