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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы




I. Запишіть англійською мовою наступні кількісні числівники.

а) 3, 13, 30, 2, 12, 20, 8, 18, 80;

в) 22, 34, 47, 54, 72, 88, 93;

с) 143, 331, 205, 248, 576, 777, 876;

d) 1,182; 7,111; 3,765; 9,935; 3,174; 6,837; 2,679;

e) 15,726; 27,846; 75,228; 67,889; 44,551; 11,927; 90,337;

f) 332,847; 123,832; 854,194; 756,936; 632,174; 447,917; 547,824;

g) 1,746,882; 5,739,991; 54,645,991; 362,884,143; 948,662,771.


II. Утворіть порядкові числівники та запишіть англійською мовою.

а) 3, 7, 14, 34, 54, 45, 73;

b) 100, 293, 431, 832, 109, 734, 374.


III. Запишіть наступні дати.

12/XII 1937, 31/X 2013, 23/IV 1971, 14/III 1872, 07/VIII 1998.


IV. Прочитайте та письмово перекладіть 2, 3 абзаци тексту

Notes to the text:

cosmogonic – космогонічний (космогонія – галузь науки, що вивчає походження всесвіту, сонячної системи) arbitrary – умовний, довільний
primordial – первинний, прадавній misty past – туманне минуле
resurrection – воскресіння auspicious – сприятливий
orthodox – православний crucifixion – розп’яття
to paste over – заклеювати, обклеювати shell – лушпиння шкаралупа
to gild – посипати золотом hen house – курятник
enamel – емаль harvest – врожай
bead – намисто to feature – бути характерною рисою

Pysanka – An Easter Egg

The symbol of an egg is present in many ancient cultures of the world. The egg features in the ancient cosmogonic myths. It is from the primordial egg that gods and heroes were born. The egg also features prominently in fairy tales, legends and rituals. In Ukraine, one of such rituals is decoration of eggs done shortly before Velykden – The Great Day – Easter.

Shortly before the Feast of Christ’s Resurrection, all across the Orthodox Christian lands eggs begin to be decorated in a great many ways – they are painted, pasted over with little pieces of all kinds of materials, wound around with multicolored threads, and gilded Easter eggs are made of stone, metal and decorated with enamel, beads and precious stones. The most popular way to decorate Easter eggs in Ukraine is to paint them. The patterns used in decoration are not arbitrary – they have their own symbolism that goes back into the misty past. Pysankas – Ukrainian Easter eggs – are distinctly recognisable among any other Easter eggs. Pysanka has become a sort of trademark of Ukrainian culture; pysankas are collected, the symbolism of the painted patterns is researched and studied. They are beautiful to look at and they appear on the covers of books; they prominently feature in magazine articles; pysankas are one of the most popular souvenirs to be brought home from Ukraine.

There are many legends and stories about the origin of pysanka. One of the legends has it that on the day when The Virgin Mary gave birth to a son, a hen laid an egg all in red dots. It was looked upon as an auspicious sign and the egg was presented to The Virgin. Thus originated the tradition of decorating eggs on Easter and giving them as presents. Another legend tells a story to The Virgin painting eggs in different colours to give them to the Infant Jesus to play with. Still another legend has Mary Magdalene presenting a painted egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius and saying, “Christ is Risen!” and then telling the emperor the story of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

Many rituals are associated with pysanka. The first Easter meal begins with an Easter egg the head of the family chooses the best decorated pysanka, breaks the shell and removes it, and then the egg is cut into as many pieces as there are members of the family; then the head of the family walks around the table at which the family are sitting, beginning from the eldest and down to the youngest, kisses each one three times, and gives every one a piece of the Easter egg saying “Christ is risen!” The shell is thrown either to the henhouse – it will cause the hens to lay more eggs, or into the field – it will ensure a good harvest, or it can be saved and kept hidden until the time a new house is to be built – then it will be put into the foundation and will bring happiness to the,inhabitants of the house.


1. Перекладіть англійською наступні слова та словосполучення:

Символ яйця; прадавні культур; казки; воскресіння Христа; православні землі християн; обклеювати матеріалом; кольорові нитки; прикрашати бісером; туманне минуле; обкладинка книжки; походження писанки; в червону крапочку; сприятливий знак; розп’яття; кинути в курятник.


2. Доповніть наступні речення:

1. Many rituals are associated with ….

2. When the Virgin Mary gave birth to a son, a hen ….

3. In Ukraine, one of such rituals is decoration of eggs done shortly before ….

4. The shell is thrown either to the hen house or ….


3. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. Where does an easter egg feature?

2. When is decoration of eggs done in Ukraine?

3. What is the most popular way of decorating Easter eggs in Ukraine?

4. What is pysanka legend about with the Virgin Mary?

5. What is the family ritual associated with pysanka?


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