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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate form. 1. Have you visited your doctor?

1. Have you visited your doctor? – Yes, I visited him two hours ago. – What did he tell you? – He advised to keep to a diet.

2. Have you read the letter you received? – No, I do not want to read it now. I will read it when I am in a better mood.

3.The dwarf came home late and was already having supper when a friend of his who had just arrived in the kingdom rang him.

4. The witch had been sleeping for only half an hour when a strange noise woke her up.

5. Are you enjoying the performance or do you want to leave?

6. As the day took sunny the dwarf decided to go swimming. He was already locking (had locked) the door when he remembered that he had not phone his friend.

7. The ogre suddenly realized that the princess was no longer listening to him. Something had distracted her.

8. I have told you a million times not to take my sweater without a permission! So, why are you wearing it? If you put it on again we will quarrel.

9. The witch left last week and the dwarf has not seen her since then.

10. What is the witch going to wear at the ball? – I don’t know. Perhaps she will buy herself a new dress as she has worn out all her clothes. – I don’t think she will do it. She never pays (has never paid) attention to her looks.

11. Pinocchio has deceived the fairy again and she no longer believes him.

12.When Shreck and the donkey were given a task to save the princess, they immediately left for the dragon’s castle. They learnt the way to the castle from the map they had bought from a kiosk. They had been walking for an hour or so when the donkey began insisting on a taxi.

13. Last night Mr. Pitt was furious as someone drove in his car when he was parking.

14. What are you going to tell the boss? – I am not going to tell/won’t tell him anything until he asks me to.

15. The ogre has been offered a job as a hotel receptionist and he is going to take it. But the trouble is he needs to improve his social English for this job. So he is looking for a good language school at the moment.

16. Sorry, Liz, I am giving a lecture in a few minutes. I will call you when I finish it.

17. The teacher is being sad today. It doesn’t look like her. I think something has happened.

18. I am no longer interested in collecting stamps. Now I have a new hobby – astronomy! I have already bought a telescope and I am studying the books I found in the attic.

19. The crow was already having breakfast when a fox approached the tree where the crow was sitting.

20. When the dwarf looked out of the window and saw it was no longer raining he thought that he hadn’t been to the lake for three days.


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