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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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The narrator in the literary text. Types of narrators.

A narrator is the speaker or 'voice' of the narrative discourse. He or she is the agent who establishes communicative contact with an addressee (the 'narratee'), who manages the exposition, who decides what is to be told, how it is to be told (especially, from what point of view, and in what sequence), and what is to be left out.“ by Genette

Criteria for narrator’s typology

1. Narrative level

2. The extent of his / her participation in the story

3. The degree of perceptibility of his / her role

4. The reliability of the narrator


? 1st person narrator - narrator who is present as a character in

his/her story, events she/he has experienced himself / herself, narrator (narrating I) is also a character (experiencing I), I-as-protagonist / I-as-witness (Moll Flanders/

2nd person narrator - “For years children whimpered and tugged: “Tell us, tell us.”

You promise to tell the children some other time, later, when they were old enough.

“Tell us The Important Things.”

You tell your children there are six continents and five oceans, or vice versa….

3rd person narrator – he/she wanted to…..it was a struggle to him…

Narrative perspective shows the author’s position as regards the story as a whole and it’s specific minor aspects in particular. And as a result, 2 cases are possible:

1) Heterodiegetic – is not present, outside the story, according to Genette,

2) Homodiegetic – the narrator takes part in the story

3) autodiegetic narrator: narrator who tells the story of his or her own life

According to the relationship between the narrator and the implied author:

1) extradiegetic – the narrator who is above and superior to the story (Short story by Hemingway)

2) intradiagetic – the narrator who is different from the author, he is a fictitious figure, created by the author

3) extra-heterodiegetic – the narrator who doesn’t belong to the story and is not opposed to the author

4) extra – homodiegetic – the narrator who is inside the story and is not opposed to the author

5) intra – heterodiegetic – the author is outside the story and is opposed to the author

6) intra – homodiegetic – the author is inside the story and is opposed to the author

According to The degree of perceptibility of his role

Who Speaks? (G. Genette)

? covert narrator:

? invisible

? voice that reports information

? overt narrator:

? seems to have a distinct personality

? makes his or her own opinions known

? makes explicit judgements or implicit evaluations

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