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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Methods of characterization of the literary text personage.

The process of conveying information about a character is called characterisation.


Direct statements about a character's personality and telling what the character is like, Person as a combination of qualities



• Through appearance/ environment

• Through actions

• Through speech/thoughts

• Through other characters


• Analogous names

• Analogous characters

• Analogous environment

59. Perceptive semantics of the literary text. The notion of “split addressee”. Major criteria for the differentiation of literary text addressees.

It is the literary text that makes its choice of the reader, suggesting a pattern of interpretation and thus constructing an image of its intended reader, i.e. the ghost of the addressee.

Linguistic signals of addressee orientation (SAO) – patterns of interpretation, inscribed in text as codes, which affect the real audience’s perception through the creating the image of the intended reading audience.

All aspects and manifestations of textual addressee orientation are embraced by the umbrella term “receptive semantics”. In essence, it can be understood as property of literary text that embodies an in-built dialogue between the author and the intended reader. Epistemologically(относящийся к теории познания), it is an area of literary semantics that studies various ways and means to construe the intended reader’s psychological and linguistic portrait.

R.Jacobson introduced the tripartite correlation of split reference, split addresser and split addressee.

Literary text addressee are classified according to 2 criteria:

1) external (interpretational) - applied to multitude of empirical (опытный) readers

2) internal (textual) – various textual dimensions of the reader’s image, already inscribed in text

60. Reader-in-the-text as a literary text construct. Typology of “in-text” readers.

Unlike the conventional discourse, where the recipient is oriented towards the immediate reader, multiple recipients or non present party, literary discourse addresses a hypothetical/intended reader/ target audience. Prototypical addressee type is an idealized reader. The implied reader (model reader, reader’s image) constitutes the mediating link between the author and reader. Te narrative presence of the implied reader in literary discourse is called the narratee, the narrator’s counterpart which in text is signaled by various SAO. The communicative goal in literary discourse envisages an aesthetic response based on defamiliarization as seeing familiar things in a new light. It makes a literary discourse processing complicated, prolonged and deautomated. The response mechamism in literary communication departs from prototypical understanding, focuses on several interpretations.

As literary communic. Has 3 different dimensions:

Empirical (real)

Hypothetical (virtual)


Its addressees fall into 3 categories

1) real readers

2) hypothetical reading audience (idealized reader)

3) textual readers (ideal reader/impied/model and the mock reader/fictitious reader, a narratee)

1) from a naive through average to critical reader (for IDEAL reader)

2) from alienated to involved naratee (for MOCK reader)

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