ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Finishing with SAR - operations.1 What is the result of search? .1.1 The result of search is negative. .2 Sighted ~ vessel in position.... ~ lifeboats / life rafts in position.... ~ persons in water /... in position.... .3 Continue search in position.... .4 Can you pick up survivors? .4.1 Yes, I can pick up survivors. .4.2 No, I cannot pick up survivors. .5 MV... / I will proceed to pick up survivors. .5.1 Stand by lifeboats / liferafts. .6 Picked up ~... survivors in position.... ~... lifeboats / liferafts (with... persons / casualties) in position.... ~... persons / casualties in lifejackets in position.... ~... in position.... NAV 46/INF.4 ANNEX Page 33 I:\NAV\46\INF-4.DOC .7 Survivors in bad / good condition. .8 Do you require medical assistance? .8.1 Yes, I require medical assistance. .8.2 No, I do not require medical assistance. .9 Try to obtain information from survivors. .10 There are ~ still... lifeboats / liferafts with survivors. ~ no more lifeboats / liferafts. .11 Total number of persons on board was.... .12 All persons /... persons rescued. .13 You / MV... may stop search and proceed with voyage. .14 There is no hope to rescue more persons. .15 We finish with SAR - operations. AI/1.3 Person overboard . 1 I have / MV has... lost person overboard in position.... . 2 Assist with search in vicinity of position.... . 3 All vessels in vicinity of position... keep sharp lookout and report to.... . 4 I am / MV is... proceeding for assistance - ETA at... UTC / within... hours. . 5 Search in vicinity of position.... . 5.1 I am / MV is... searching in vicinity of position.... . 6 Aircraft ETA at... UTC / within... hours to assist in search. . 7 Can you continue search? . 7.1 Yes, I can continue search. . 7.2 No, I cannot continue search. . 8 Stop search. . 8.1 Return to.... . 8.2 Proceed with your voyage. .10 What is the result of search? .10.1 The result of search is negative. .11 I / MV... located / picked up person(s) in position.... .12 Person picked up is crewmember / passenger of MV.... .13 What is condition of person(s)? .13.1 Condition of person(s) bad / good. .13.2 Person(s) dead. AI/1.4 Requesting medical assistance . 1 I require / MV... requires medical assistance. . 2 What kind of assistance is required? . 2.1 I require / MV... requires ~ boat for hospital transfer. ~ radio medical advice. ~ helicopter with doctor (to pick up person(s)). . 3 I / MV... will ~ send boat. ~ send helicopter with doctor ~ send helicopter to pick up person(s). ~ arrange for radio medical advice on VHF Channel... / frequency.... . 4 Boat / helicopter ETA at... UTC / within... hours. . 5 Do you have doctor on board? NAV 46/INF.4 ANNEX Page 34 I:\NAV\46\INF-4.DOC . 5.1 Yes, I have doctor on board. . 5.2 No, I have no doctor on board. . 6 Can you make rendez-vous in position...? . 6.1 Yes, I can make rendez-vous in position at... UTC / within... hours. . 6.2 No, I cannot make rendez-vouz. . 7 I / MV... will send boat / helicopter to transfer doctor. . 8 Transfer person(s) to my vessel / to MV... by boat / helicopter. . 9 Transfer of person(s) not possible. AI/2 Urgency traffic Safety of a vessel (other than distress). Note: An urgency trafic has always to commence with stating the position of the calling vessel if it is not included in the DSC alert. Technical failure . 1 I am / MV... not under command. . 2 What problems do you have / does MV... have? . 2.1 I have / MV... has problems with engine(s) / steering gear / propeller /.... . 3 I am / MV is... manoeuvring with difficulty. . 4 Keep clear of me / MV.... . 5 Navigate with caution. . 6 I require / MV... requires tug assistance / escort /.... . 7 I try / MV... tries to proceed without assistance. . 8 Stand by on VHF Channel... / frequency.... .8.1 Standing by on VHF Channel... / frequency.... Cargo . 1 I have / MV has... lost dangerous goods of IMO-Class... in position.... . 2 Containers / barrels / drums / bags /... with dangerous goods of IMO-Class... adrift near position.... . 3 I am / MV is... spilling ~ dangerous goods of IMO-Class... in position... ~ crude oil /... in position.... . 4 I require / MV requires oil clearance assistance - danger of pollution. . 5 I am / MV... is dangerous source of radiation. Ice damage . 1 I have / MV... has damage above / below waterline. . 2 What kind of assistance is required? . 2.1 I require / MV... requires ~ tug assistance. ~ ice-breaker assistance / escort /.... . 3 I have / MV... has stability problems - heavy icing. . 4 Can you proceed without assistance? . 4.1 Yes, I can proceed without assistance. . 4.2 No, I cannot proceed without assistance. . 5 Stand by on VHF Channel... / frequency.... . 5.1 Standing by on VHF Channel... / frequency.... NAV 46/INF.4 ANNEX Page 35 I:\NAV\46\INF-4.DOC AI/3 Safety Communications AI/3.1 Meteorological and hydrological conditions Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: