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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Restricted visibility

. 1 What is visibility in your position / in position...?

. 1.1 Visibility in my position / in position is... metres / nautical miles

. 1.2 Visibility is restricted by mist / fog / snow / dust / rain.

. 1.3 Visibility is increasing / decreasing / variable.

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. 2 Is visibility expected to change in my position / in position... (within the next hours)?

. 2.1 No, visibility is not expected to change in your position / in position...

(- within the next hours).

. 2.2 Yes, visibility is expected to increase / decrease to... metres / nautical miles

in your position / in position... (within the next hours).

. 2.3 Visibility is expected to be variable between... metres / nautical miles

in your position / in position... (within the next hours).


. 1 What is the latest ice information?

. 1.1 Ice warning. Ice / iceberg(s) located in position... / reported in area around...

. 1.2 No ice located in position... / reported in area around....

. 2 What ice situation is expected in my position / area around...?

. 2.1 Ice situation is

~ not expected to change in your position / area around....

~ expected to improve / deteriorate in your position / area around....

. 2.2 Thickness of ice is expected to increase / decrease

in your position / area around....

. 3 Navigation is dangerous in area around... due to floating ice / pack ice / iceberg(s).

. 4 Navigation in area around... is only possible

~ for high-powered vessels of strong construction.

~ with ice-breaker assistance.

. 5 Area around... temporarily closed for navigation.

. 6 Danger of icing in area around....

Abnormal tides

. 1 The present tide... is metres above / below datum in position....

. 2 The tide... is metres above/below prediction.

. 3 The tide is rising / falling.

. 4 Wait until high / low water.

. 5 Abnormally high / low tides are expected in position... at about... UTC / within...


. 6 Is the depth of water sufficient in position...?

. 6.1 Yes, the depth of water is sufficient in position....

. 6.2 No, the depth of water is not sufficient in position....

. 6.3 The depth of water is... metres in position....

. 7 My draft... is metres - can I enter / pass... (charted name of place)?

. 7.1 Yes, you can enter / pass (charted name of place).

. 7.2 No, you cannot enter / pass (charted name of place) - wait until... UTC.

. 8 The charted depth of water is increased / decreased by... metres due to sea state /


AI/3.2 Navigational warnings involving

Land- or sea-marks


.1... (charted name of light / buoy) in position...

~ unlit / unreliable / damaged / destroyed / off station / missing.

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.2. .. (charted name of lightbuoy / buoy) in position...

~ (temporarily) changed to... (full characteristics).

~ (temporarily) removed.

~ (temporarily) discontinued.

New and moved

.3... (charted name of light / buoy)... (full characteristics)

~ established in position....

~ re-established in position....

~ moved... kilometres / nautical miles in... (direction) to position....

.4 (Note: Only for major fog signal stations.)

Fog signal... (charted name of light / buoy) in position... inoperative.

Drifting objects

.1 Superbuoy / hazardous mine / unlit derelict vessel /... (number) container(s)

adrift in vicinity... (position) at... (date and time if known).

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