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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Application of Message Markers

In order to especially facilitate shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication or when one of the

Standard Marine Communication Phrases will not fit the meaning desired, one of the following eight

message markers may be used to increase the probability of the purpose of the message being

properly understood.

It is at the discretion of the shore personnel or the ship´s officer whether to use one of the message

markers and if so which of them to apply depending on the user`s qualified assessment of the

situation. If used the message marker is to be spoken preceding the message or the corresponding part

of the message. The IMO VTS Guidelines recommend that in any message directed to a vessel it

should be clear whether the message contains information, advice, warning, or instruction and

IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases should be used where practicable.

For further standardized VTS communications, also see other sections of PART AI. For VTS

Standard Reporting Procedures see " IMO Resolution A.648(16) on General Principles for Ship

Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents

involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and / or marine pollutants".

Note: All of the following phrases must come as the culmination (message content) of a radio

message exchange between two stations in the Maritime Mobile Service, as laid down by the

ITU Regulation, and the relevant calling procedures have to be observed.

Definite instructions on how to carry out these procedures may be found in the Seaspeak

Training Manual (ISBN 0 08 031555 0).

Message Markers


This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others

by a Regulation.

Comment: This means that the sender, e.g. a VTS - Station or a naval vessel, must have the full

authority to send such a message. The recipient has to follow this legally binding

message unless s/he has contradictory safety reasons which then have to be reported

to the sender.

Example: "INSTRUCTION.(You must) alter course."


This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others

by a Recommendation.

Comment: The decision whether to follow the ADVICE still stays with the recipient. ADVICE

does not necessarily have to be followed but should be considered very carefully.

Example: "ADVICE. (Advise you) stand by on VHF Channel six nine."

NAV 46/INF.4


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This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to inform others about


Comment: This means that any recipient of a WARNING should pay immediate attention to

the danger mentioned. Consequences of a WARNING will be up to the recipient.

Example: "WARNING. Obstruction in the fairway."


This indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts, situations, etc..

Comment: This marker is preferably used for navigational and traffic information, etc..

Consequences of INFORMATION will be up to the recipient.

Example: "INFORMATION. Tanker stop in area Cod End Bank due to poor visibility."


This indicates that the following message is of interrogative character.

Comment: The use of this marker removes any doubt on whether a question is being asked or

statement being made, especially when interrogatives such as What, Where, Why,

Who, How are additionally used at the beginning of the question. The recipient is

expected to return an answer.

Example: "QUESTION.(What is) your present maximum draft?"


This indicates that the following message is the reply to a previous question.

Comment: Note that an answer should not contain another question.

Example: "ANSWER. My present maximum draft is zero seven metres."


This indicates that the following message is asking for action from others with respect to the vessel.

Comment: The use of this marker is to signal: I want something to be arranged or provided,

e.g. ship´s stores requirements, tugs, permission, etc..

Note: REQUEST must not be used involving navigation, or to modify COLREGS.

Example: "REQUEST. I require two tugs."

NAV 46/INF.4


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This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action

intended to be taken.

Comment: The use of this message marker is logically restricted to messages announcing

navigational actions by the vessel sending this message.

Example: "INTENTION. I will reduce my speed."

AI/6.1 Phrases for acquiring and providing data for a traffic image

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