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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Request, identification, begin and end

.1 Is shore based radar assistance available?

.1.1 Yes, shore based radar assistance is available.

.1.2 No, shore based radar assistance is not available.

.2 Shore based radar assistance is available from... to... UTC.

NAV 46/INF.4


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.3 Do you require navigational assistance to reach...?

.3.1 Yes, I require navigational assistance.

.3.2 No, I do not require navigational assistance

.4 What is your position?

.4.1 My position is bearing... degrees..., distance... kilometres / nautical miles from....

.5 How was your position obtained?

.5.1 My position was obtained by GPS / DECCA / RADAR / cross-bearing /

astronomical observation /...

.6 Repeat your position for identification.

.7 I have located you on my radar screen.

.7.1 Your position is bearing... degrees, distance... kilometres / nautical miles from....

.8 I cannot locate you on my radar screen.

.9 What is your present course and speed?

.9.1 My present course is... degrees, my speed is... knots.

.10 What is the course to reach you?

.10.1 The course to reach me is... degrees.

.11 Is your radar in operation?

.11.1 Yes, my radar is in operation.

.11.2 No, my radar is not in operation.

.12 What range scale are you using?

.12.1 I am using... miles range scale.

.12.2 Change to a larger / smaller range scale.

.13 You are leaving my radar screen.

.14 Change to radar... (name) VHF Channel....

.15 I have lost radar contact.


.1 You are entering....

.2 Your position is.../ bearing... degrees, distance... kilometres / nautical miles from....

.4 You are passing....

You are

~ in the centre of the fairway.

~ on / not on the reference line (of the fairway).

~ on the... (cardinal points) side of the fairway.

.5 You are approaching the... (cardinal points) limit of the fairway.

.6 Your position is buoy number... distance... metres / cables

to the... (cardinal points) of the reference line

.7 Your position is distance... metres / cables from the intersection of reference line...

and reference line... and distance... metres / cables to the... (cardinal points)

of reference line....

.8 MV... has reported at way point....

.9 You are getting closer to the vessel ahead.

.10 Vessel on opposite course is passing to the... (cardinal points) of you.

.11 MV... is metres / cables... (cardinal points) of you

~ is ingoing / outgoing.

~ has stopped.

~ is at anchor.

~ is on a reciprocal course

~ will overtake to the... (cardinal points) of you

.12 Vessel has anchored... metres / cables... (cardinal points) of you in position....

.13 Vessel... (cardinal points) of you is obstructing your movements.

NAV 46/INF.4


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.14 You will meet crossing traffic in position....

.15 Vessel is entering / leaving the fairway at....

.16 Buoy... distance... metres / cables... (cardinal points).

.17 Vessel... (cardinal points) of you is

~ turning.

~ anchoring.

~ increasing / decreasing speed.

~ overtaking you.

~ not under command.


Note: The user of this phrase should be fully aware of the implications of words such

as "track", "heading" and "course made good".

.1 Your track is

~ parallel with the reference line.

~ diverging from the reference line.

~ converging to the reference line.

.2 What is your present course / heading?

.2.1 My present course / heading is... degrees

.3 You are steering a dangerous course.

.4 Course to make good is... degrees.

.5 Vessel... (cardinal points) of you is on same course... degrees.

.5.1 Make a course of... degrees.

.5.2 Keep your present course.

.5.3 Alter course to... degrees in position....

.6 Have you altered course?

.6.1 Yes, I have altered course - my new course is... degrees.

.6.2 No, I have not altered course - my course is... degrees.

.7 You are running into danger -

~ shallow water... (cardinal points) of you.

~ submerged wreck... (cardinal points) of you.

~ fog bank... (cardinal points) of you.

~ risk of collision (with a vessel bearing... degrees, distance... kilometres /

nautical miles).

~ bridge is defective /....

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