
Популярная публикация

Научная публикация

Случайная публикация

Обратная связь

ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Orders for damage control

.1 Close all openings / outlets / valves (in...) and report.

.1.1 All openings / outlets / valves (in...) closed.

.1.2 Openings / outlets / valves in... not accessible / not operational.

.2 Switch on / off power (at / on / in) and report.

.2.1 Power (at / on / in...) switched on / off.

NAV 46/INF.4


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.2.2 Power supply (at / on / in...) not operational.

.3 Close watertight door(s) (in...) (by hand) and report.

.3.1 Watertight door(s) (in...) closed.

.3.2 Watertight door(s) (in...) not accessible / not operational.

.4 Switch on (bilge) pump(s) (in...)and report.

.4.1 (Bilge) pump(s) (in...) switched on.

.4.2 (Bilge) pump(s) (in...) not operational.

.5 Switch over (bilge) pump(s) from... to....

.5.1 (Bilge) pump(s) switched over.

.5.2 Switching over (bilge) pump(s) not possible.

.6 Start damage control.

.6.1 Take one / two /... damage control team(s) to scene.

.7 Go following route:....

.7.1 Go through engine room / no.... hold(s)/tank(s) / superstructure / manhole /

... space /... deck /....

.8 Go from

~ outside / inside to....

~ port side / starboard side to....

~... to....

.9 Take following (additional) safety measures and report.

.9.1 Have two /... members in one damage control team.

.9.2 Have lifeline to each other / to outside.

.9.3 Have rescue team on stand by and report.

.9.3.1 Rescue team standing by.

.9.4 Maintain visual contact / radio contact on walkie-talkie.

.10 Damage control team must have following outfit(s).

.10.1 Damage control team must have

~ protective clothing

~ safety helmets.

~ lifejackets.

~ diving equipment /....

.11 Manning of damage control team as follows:....

.11.1 Chief Officer / Chief Engineer /... in command of damage control team (no....)...

.11.2 Following officer(s) / crew member(s) in damage control team (no....):...

.12 Restrict action (in...) to... minutes.

.12.1 Agree on retreat signal and report.

.12.1.1 Retreat signal....

.13 Use following damage control materials:....

.13.1 Use leak cases / plugs/ mats / tarpaulins /... (in...).

.14 Stop leak from inside / outside (... space / area) and report.

.14.1 Leak stopped

.14.2 Stopping leak from inside / outside not possible.

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