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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Leaving the anchorage

.1 How much cable is out?

.1.1... shackle(s) is / are out.

.2 Stand by for heaving up.

.3 Put the windlass in gear.

.4 How is the cable leading?

.4.1 The cable is leading

~ ahead / astern.

~ to port / to starboard.

~ round the bow.

~ up and down.

.5 Heave up port / starboard / both cable(s).

.6 How much weight is on the cable?

.6.1 Much / too much weight is on the cable.

.6.2 No weight is on the cable.

.7 Stop heaving.

.8 How many shackles are left (to come in)?

.8.1... shackles are left (to come in).

.9 Attention! Turn in cable(s).

.10 The anchor(s) is / are aweigh / clear of the bottom.

.10.1 The cables are clear.

.11 The anchor(s) is / are clear of the water / home / foul / secured.

AII/3.6 Tug assistance

.1 We will take... tug(s).

.2 The tug(s) will pull / push.

.3 We use the tow line(s) of your vessel.

.3.1 We use the tow line(s) of the tug(s).

.4 Stand by for making fast the tug(s).

.5 Use the centre lead / panama lead.

.5.1 Use the fairlead

~ on port side / starboard side.

~ amidships.

~ on port bow / starboard bow.

~ on port / starboard quarter.

.6 Send heaving line(s) to the tug(s).

.7 Send two two lines to the tug(s).

.8 Lower tow line(s)

~ to the tug(s).

~... metre(s) from the water.

.9 Slack away tow line(s).

.10 Make fast the tug(s).

.10.1 Make fast the tug(s)

~ forward / aft.

~ on port bow / starboard bow.

~ on port quarter / starboard quarter.

.11 Make fast the forward / aft tug(s) alongside on port side / starboard side.

.12 Make fast... tug(s) on each bow / quarter.

.13 Put the eyes of the tow line(s) on bitts.

.14 The tug(s) is / are fast (on...).

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.15 Keep well clear of tow line(s).

.16 Stand by for let go the tug(s).

.17 Let go the tug(s).

.18 Tow line is broken.

AII/3.7 Berthing and unberthing


.1 Is the propeller clear?

.1.1 Yes, the propeller is clear.

.1.2 No, the propeller is not clear.

.3 Keep the propeller clear.

.2 Stop the propeller.

.3 Are fenders on the berth.

.3.1 Yes, fenders are on the berth.

.3.2 No, fenders are not on the berth.

.4 Have fenders ready fore and aft.


.1 We will berth port side / starboard side alongside.

.2 We will moor

~ to buoy(s) (ahead and astern).

~ alongside.

~ to dolphins.

.3 Send out

~ the head / stern / breast lines.

~ the... spring(s) forward / aft.

.4 Do you have tension winches?

.4.1 Yes, we have tension winches (forward and aft).

4.2 No, we do not have tension winches.

.5 Have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.

6 Send the heaving / head / stern / breast line(s) ashore.

.7 The linesmen will use shackles / lashings for securing the mooring.

.8 Use

~ the centre lead / panama lead.

~ the bow lead.

~ the port quarter / starboard quarter lead.

.9 Heave on the... line(s) /... spring(s)..

.10 Pick up the slack on the... line(s) /... spring(s)..

.11 Heave away.

.11.1 Stop heaving.

.12 Slack away / check the... line(s) /... spring(s)..

.13 Hold on the... line(s) /... spring(s).

.14 Heave in easy.

.14.1 Heave alongside.

.15 Keep the... line(s) /... spring(s) tight.

.16 Report the forward / aft distance to....

.16.1 The forward / aft distance to...... is metres.

.17 We have to move... metres ahead / astern.

.18 We are in position.

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.19 Make fast fore and aft.

.20 Finished with manoeuvring stations.


.1 Stand by engine(s).

.2 Are you ready to get underway?

.2.1 Yes, we are ready (to get underway).

.2.2 No, we are not ready (yet) (to get underway).

.2.3 We will be ready to get underway in... minutes.

.3 Stand by for let go.

.4 Single up the... lines and... springs fore and aft.

.5 Slack away / hold on / heave on the

~ head / stern line.

~ breast line.

~ fore / aft spring.

.6 Let go

~ the head / stern line.

~ the breast line.

~ the fore / aft spring

~ all (forward / aft).

.7 Let go the tug line(s).

.8 Stand by bow anchor(s).

.9 Finished with manoeuvring stations.

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