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Случайная публикация

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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Describing damage to the cargo

Also see section B2/1.2.3 "Reporting incidents"

.1 The... (cargo) is in a bad condition.

.2 The packages of... (cargo) are

~ wet / damp / mouldy.

~ marked by fresh water / sea water.

.3 The metal of... (cargo) is rusty.

.4 The bands of... (cargo) are broken / missing / rusty.

.5 The crates / cases with... (cargo) are renailed.

.5.1 The boards of crates/cases with... (cargo) are loose.

.6 The marks / labels on... (cargo) are unclear / illegible /false.

.7 The contents of drums / barrels /... are unknown.

.8 The weight of the... (cargo) is unknown.

.10 The boxes / crates / cases /... with... (cargo) are damaged.

.11 The bags / bales with... (cargo) are torn / resewn / spilling.

.12 The drums / barrels /... with... (cargo) are deformed / spilling.

.13 The boxes / cartons / cases/... with... (cargo) are crushed.

NAV 46/INF.4


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.14 The bags / boxes / cartons /... with... (cargo) are not full / slack / empty.

.15 The bags / boxes / cartons /... with... (cargo) are second hand.

.16 The boxes/cartons/cases/... with bottles of... (cargo) are (partly) broken.

.17 The.. .(cargo) is (partly)

~ eaten by rats /worms.

~ infected by vermin.

~ missing.

.18... container(s) are damaged.

.18.1... container(s) were damaged

~ before loading.

~ during loading.

~ by shifting on board.

~ by heavy seas.

.19... container(s) were washed overboard (- inform on radio).

.20 The temperature in no.... hold is

above normal / below normal / critical /... degrees Celsius.

.21 The humidity of... (cargo) is above normal / below normal / critical.

Taking actions

Also see section B2/1.2.4 "Action in case of incident"

.1 Switch on the hold ventilation to supply / exhaust air.

.2 Switch off the hold ventilation (in case of shipping seas).

.3 Switch on / off the automatic temperature control / recorder.

.4 Relash the container(s) /car(s) / trucks(s)... in no.... hold / on... deck.

.5 Replug the reefer container(s) in no.... hold/on deck.

.6 Secure the shifting cargo in no.... hold / on... deck.

.7 Protect the deck cargo of... (cargo) against sun / rain / shipping seas.

.8 Keep the deck cargo of... (cargo) wet / dry.

.9 Check the contents of drum(s) / barrel(s) /container(s) /... with false labels.

B4 Passenger Care

The phrases of this chapter should help Masters, officers and crew members of passenger

vessels and passenger ferries to inform passengers on safety aspects and to manage them in

case of an emergency.

B4/1 Briefing and Instruction

B4/1.1 Conduct of passengers on board

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