![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Reporting and cleaning up spillage.1 Leak at manifold connection! .1.1 Overflow at...! .2 Stop pumping! .3 How much spill? .3.1 Spill is about... tonne(s). .4 Remove spill with.... .5 Stand by oil clearance team and report. .5.1 Oil clearance team standing by. .5.2 All crew assist to remove the spill. .5.4.1 Spillage stopped. .5.4.2 Spill removed. .6 Oil /... escaping into sea / harbour water! .6.1 Inform pollution control! Ballast handling .1 Plug the scuppers and report. .1.1 All scuppers are plugged. .2 Open / close the sea suction valve / ballast tank valve no.... and report. .2.1 Sea suction valve / ballast tank valve no.... is open / closed. .3 Start the ballast pump and report. .3.1 Ballast pump started. .4 Stopthe ballast pump (- ballast overflow!) and report. .4.1 Ballast pump stopped. NAV 46/INF.4 ANNEX Page 95 I:\NAV\46\INF-4.DOC .5 Pump out ballast tank no.... and report. .5.1 Ballast tank no.... is pumped out. .5.2 Stop the ballast pump - ballast dirty! Cleaning tanks .1 Pump slops into the slop tank. .2 Dispose sludge into the sludge tank. .3 Order a shore slop tank / slop barge. .3.1 We have... tonnes of slops / sludge. .4 Start / stop pumping slops. .5 Keep a safe working pressure. B3/1.4 Preparing for sea .1 Close and secure the hatch covers for sea and report .1.1 Hatch covers closed and secured. .2 Lash and secure the goods for sea and report. .2.1 Goods lashed and secured. (In ro/ro-ferries: The execution of the instructions 3,4 and 5 given from the bridge on radio should be confirmed from the person in charge of the corresponding station using phrases 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1) .3 Close and secure the bow door / stern door and report.. .3.1 Bow door / stern door closed and secured. .4 Fold and secure the bow ramp / stern ramp / side ramp and report. .4.1 Bow ramp / stern ramp / side ramp folded and secured. .5 Lash and secure all cars / trucks / waggons /... and report. .5.1 All cars / trucks / waggons /... lashed and secured. .6 Lower and secure the derricks / cranes and report. .6.1 Derricks / cranes lowered and secured. .7 Check the seaworthiness of the holds and report .7.1 Holds seaworthy. .8 How much ballast can we take (down to her marks)? .8.1 We can take... tonnes of ballast. .9 Check the trim. .9.1 Fill the forepeak to decrease the stern trim. .9.2 Fill the double-bottom tank(s). .9.3 Pump fuel from... tank to... tank to bring the vessel upright. B3/2 Cargo Care B3/2.1 Operating shipboard equipment for cargo care .1 Is the equipment for cargo care operational? .1.1 Yes, the equipment for cargo care is operational. .1.2 No,.the... (equipment) is not operational (yet). .1.3 The... (equipment) will be operational in... minutes. .2 What is the air change rate of the hold ventilators? .2.1 The air change rate of the hold ventilators is... -fold. NAV 46/INF.4 ANNEX Page 96 I:\NAV\46\INF-4.DOC .3 Are the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) operational? .3.1 Yes, the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) are operational. .3.2 No, the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) are not operational (yet). .3.3 The temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) will be operational in... minutes. .4 Instruct the crew how to connect reefer plugs / clip-on units /... and report. .4.1 The crew is instructed how to connect reefer plugs / clip-on units /.... B3/2.2 Taking measures for cargo care Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: