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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


A. General hand signals

START Attention Start of command   Both arms are extended horizontally with the palms facing forward.
TAKING THE STRAIN or INCHING THE LOAD The right arm points upwards with the palm facing forwards. The fi ngers clenched and then unclenched.
STOP Interruption End of movement The right arm points upwards with the palm facing forwards.
END of the operation (operations cease) Both hands are clasped at chest height.
  OR Both arms extended at 45˚ downwards and lower arms crossed back and forth sharply across torso.
B. Vertical movements
RAISE The right arm points upwards with the palm facing forwards and slowly makes a circle,
LOWER The right arm points downwards with the palm facing inwards and slowly makes a circle.
DERRICKING THE JIB Signal with one hand. Other hand on head. Jib up Jib down
TELESCOPING THE JIB Signal with one hand. Other hand on head. Extend jib Retract jib


VERTICAL DISTANCE The hands indicate the relevant distance.
C. Horizontal movements
MOVE FORWARDS (Travel to me) Both arms are bent with the palms facing upwards and the forearms make slow movements towards the body.
MOVE BACKWARDS (Travel from me) Both arms are bent with the palms facing downwards and the forearms make slow movements away from the body.
RIGHT To the signalman’s (in the direction indicated)   The right arm is extended more or less horizontally with the palm facing downwards and slowly makes small movements to the right.
LEFT To the signalman’s (in the direction indicated)   The left arm is extended more or less horizontally with the palm facing downwards and slowly makes small movements to the left.
HORIZONTAL DISTANCE The hands indicate the relevant distance.
SLEWING (In direction indicated)   Both arms close to side extending one arm 90˚ from elbow.

D. Danger

DANGER EMERGENCY STOP   Both arms point upwards with the palms facing forwards.
E. Other
SECURE   Secure the load Both arms are crossed closely to the chest with hands clenched.
TWISTLOCKS Twistlock on/off   The left arms points upwards. Rotate wrist of left hand clockwise signalling twist on, and anticlockwise for signalling twist off.


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