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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Chemical Properties of Soil. Soil Texture.

Soil is the stuff from which plants normally derive their nutrients. The three main components of soil which provide nutrients for plant growth are the organic matter, the derivatives of parent rock materials and the clay fraction. The organic matter in soils is a potential source of N, P and K for plant growth. The chemical properties of soils refers to the nature of the chemical changes taking place in them which in turn depend upon their chemical compositions and the nature of the inorganic and organic materials contained in them.

Texture refers to size of the soil particles. Texture is a basic physical property of soil and is one of the major features for different kinds of soils. Generally, soils of medium texture (loams) would be most desirable, especially for plant growth. Texture is an inherited property of soil and is not changed by agricultural cultivation except when the topsoil might be mixed in with the subsoil during deep ploughing.

Crop rotation

Farms in Ukraine use a variety of crop-rotation schemes, some including four or more crops, some only two. A six-year crop rotation in the winter grain region will often include two years of wheat and one season of "clean fallow," during which no crop is sown.

The main reason for including fallow in the rotation is to replenish soil-moisture reserves, and it is more widely used in southern eastern Ukraine where drought is not uncommon. A typical crop sequence might be: winter wheat, spring barley, corn, winter wheat, sunflowers, and fallow. Some crop rotations include several years of a forage crop. The perennial forage is usually alfalfa; farmers will get three to four cuttings per year, five if the crop is irrigated. In southern Ukraine, clean fallow is frequently omitted and a crop rotation will likely include sugar beets and/or sunflower, the region's main industrial crops. The vast majority of field crops, including grains, sunflowers, and sugar beets, are not irrigated. Traditionally, irrigation is used only on forage crops and vegetables. Roughly 5 percent of grains and 10 percent of potatoes, vegetables, and forage crops are irrigated.

Word List

composition - склад coarse sand- крупний пісок (гравій) silt - мул clay - глина loams - суглинок to provide - забезпечувати nutrients – живильні речовини plant growth – ріст рослини derivative of material- походження матеріалу fraction- співвідношення source - джерело to depend upon- залежати від to contain - вміщувати soil particles – частки грунту inherited properties – успадковані властивості farm – фермерське господарство cultivation - обробіток topsoil/ subsoil – верхні/нижній шар грунту ploughing - вспашка crop rotation - сівозміна to include- включати clean follow – чистий пар replenish - поповнювати moisture reserve – водний запас drought - посуха sequence - послідовність spring barley – яровий ячмінь alfalfa- люцерна to be irrigated - зрошуватись to omit - пропускати

Вправа 1

Підберіть терміни, подані ліворуч, до їх визначень праворуч:

1 composition of the soil 2 coarse texture 3 loam lands 4 clay fraction 5 to provide nutrients 6 to influence plant growth 7 to depend upon the derivative of material 8 to contain soil particles 9 including inherited properties 10 cultivation of subsoil 11replenish moisture reserve 12 sequence of crop rotation a впливати на ріст рослини b склад ґрунту c обробіток нижнього шару ґрунту d піщана структура e включаючи успадковані властивості f суглинок g послідовність сівозміни h співвідношення глини i забезпечувати живильні речовини k поповнювати водний запас l залежати від походження матеріалу m вміщувати частки ґрунту

Вправа 2

Визначте значення слів за слово утворюючими суфіксами, зробіть переклад:

Cultivation, composition, including, used, different, inorganic, classify, chemical, ploughing, cuttings, frequently, physical, traditionally.


Вправа 3

Закінчіть речення:

1. There are different kinds of soil based on ……………

2. The mechanical composition includes follows: ………

3. Plants normally derive their nutrients from …………...

4. ……………………provide nutrients for plant growth.

5. Loams are most desirable for………………….

6. The main reason for including fallow is ………………

Вправа 4

Відкоректуйте твердження:

1. Different kinds of soil are based on the chemical changes.

2. The mechanical composition studies the nature of the inorganic and organic materials in the soil.

3. Soils of medium texture (loams) are not good for plant growth.

4. Texture can be changed by agricultural cultivation.

5. Deep ploughing when the topsoil is mixed in with the subsoil can change the texture of the soil.

6. A six-year crop rotation in the winter grain region will not include “clean fallow”.

Вправа 5

Перекладіть речення:

1. Фермерські господарства України використовують різні схеми сівозміни.

2. Види ґрунту основуються на вмісті неорганічних чисток з яких складаються.

3. Грунт – це речовина, з якої рослини зазвичай отримують поживні речовини.

4. На південному сході України часті посухи.

5. На півдні України стадія чистого пару часто пропускається.


Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and rural settings) of land resources. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which may include organic agriculture, reforestation, water resource management and eco-tourism projects.

The work of land manager demands good knowledge in basic subjects such as Mathematics, Geometry, and Physics; as well as in some specific fields. The specific subjects are History of Land relationships, Basic Agriculture, Drawing, Land management, Geodesy, Planning and building of rural settlements and roads and Land law. The basis of the further studying is to learn the principles of surveying.

Surveying or land surveying is the technique and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional space position of points and the distances and angles between them. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes.

The object of surveying (or Geodesy from the Greek words earth, land and to divide) is the measurement of land and the study of the form and the size of the Earth. Surveying is extensively used in everyday life. Surveying has been an essential element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history (ca. 5000 years ago). The earliest applications of surveying were for the purpose of establishing the boundaries of land. Now it is a requirement in the planning and execution of nearly every form of construction. It is most familiar modern uses are plotting of plans and mapping, setting out of engineering work, construction of rail - and motor-roads, of irrigation and navigable canals, of pipelines, tunnels, subways, ets. - all require an active participation of the surveyor. He is also a prominent figure in land reclamation, forestry and mining projects as well as in town-planning.

Types of surveys

There are different types of surveys but two types of them are used in agricultural land management: Plane Survey and Topographic Survey. The determination of the shape and size of relatively small areas of land falls within the scope of plane surveying. Topographic Survey shows constructions and relief of the site.

Word List

land management – землевпорядкування urban/ rural settings – місцеві/ сільські будівлі land resources- земельні ресурси to demand - вимагати specific fields – особливі галузі History of Land relationships – історія земельних відносин Basic Agriculture – основи сільського господарства Drawing - креслення Geodesy - геодезія Planning and building of rural settlements and roads – планування та забудівля сільських будівель та доріг Land law – земельне право Surveying - зйомка accurately determining – точне вимірювання surface of the Earth – поверхня Землі boundaries for ownership – межі володінь   measurements- вимірювання human environment – оточення людини earliest application – найперше застосування requirement - вимога execution - виконання plotting of plans – створення планів setting out of engineering work – проведення інженерних робіт irrigation canals – зрошувальні канали pipelines - трубопроводи to require - вимагати prominent figure – значна фігура land reclamation- зрошення земель mining projects- шахтні роботи Plane survey – горизонтальна зйомка determination - визначення

Вправа 1

Перекладіть словосполучення українською мовою:

land management, rural settings, land resources, History of Land relationships, Planning and building of rural settlements and roads, surface of the Earth, boundaries for ownership, plotting of plans, setting out of engineering work, Plane survey, water resource management, good knowledge in basic subjects, three-dimensional space position of points, the study of the form and the size of the Earth

Вправа 2

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What kind of process is Land management?

2. What purposes are land resources used for?

3. Is surveying the basis for studying Land management?

4. What is Surveying?

5. Should one use three or two dimensional space position of points in land surveying?

6. What is the object of surveying?

7. How do we use surveying in everyday life?



Вправа 3

Вставте пропущені слова:

1. Surveying is ……… in everyday life.

2. …………. are used for a variety of purposes.

3. The basis of the further studying is to learn …………...

4. …………… is the measurement of land and the study of the form and the size of the Earth.

5. Land surveying is …………of accurately determining the terrestrial points.

6. ……………… is the process of managing the use and development of land resources.

7. …………is also a prominent figure in in town-planning.

Вправа 4

Розмістіть речення таким чином, щоб вони були планом прочитаного тексту:

1. Surveying is extensively used in everyday life.

2. Land surveying are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership.

3. The principles of surveying are the basis of Land management studying.

4. Land management is the process of managing land resources.

5. The object of surveying is the measurement of land and the study of the form and the size of the Earth.

6. Land resources are used for organic agriculture, water resource management and eco-tourism projects.


Вправа 5

Складіть діалог, використовуючи запитання з вправи 2.

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