ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Would rather/sooner and prefer/would preferThere is no difference between would rather and would sooner, but would rather is more often heard. A would rather/sooner is followed by the bare infinitive when the subject of would rather/sooner is the same
as the subject of the following action: Tom would rather read than talk. 1 would rather/sooner + infinitive can be used instead of prefer + gerund for present actions: Tom prefers reading to talking. Note: would rather + infinitive + than + infinitive, but prefer + gerund + to + gerund. prefer can also be followed by a noun, but would rather always requires a verb: He prefers wine to beer = He would rather drink wine than beer. 1 prefer tennis to golf = I'd rather play tennis than golf. Some statements with prefer + noun have no exact would rather equivalent: He prefers dogs to cats and He would rather have dogs than cats are not exactly the same. o would rather + infinitive cannot express preferences in the past, so the past equivalent of Tom would rather read than talk would be Tom preferred reading to talking/liked reading better than talking. But see 4 below. 3 would rather + infinitive can also be used instead of would prefer + infinitive: I'd rather fly than go by sea/I'd prefer to fly. Note that with would prefer, only the preferred action is mentioned; see above. If, therefore, we want to mention both actions we must used would rather. Similarly with nouns: Would you like some gin? ~ I'd prefer a coffee or I'd rather have coffee than gin. 4 Both would rather/sooner and would prefer can be followed by the perfect infinitive: We went by sea but I'd rather have gone by air/I'd prefer to have gone by air. (I wanted to go by air, but didn't get my wish.) This is somewhat similar to would like + perfect infinitive, which expresses an unfulfilled wish. (See 296 D.) В Subject + would rather/sooner is followed by subject + past tense (subjunctive) when the two subjects are different: Shall I give you a cheque? ~ I'd rather you paid cash. Note the use of would rather + subject + didn't for a negative preference: Would you like him to paint it? ~ No, I'd rather he didn't (paint it). Ann wants to tell Tom, but I'd rather she didn't (tell him). prefer, however, like like, can take object + infinitive: I'd prefer you to pay cash. I'd prefer him not to paint it. I'd prefer her not to tell Tom. 298 More examples of preference A / like hot weather better than cold = I prefer hot weather to cold = I'd rather/sooner have hot weather than cold. I like skiing better than skating = I prefer skiing to skating = I'd rather/sooner ski than skate. В / liked playing in matches better than watching them = I preferred playing matches to watching them. (would rather/sooner could not be used here.) С Would you like to start today or would you rather wait/would you prefer to wait till tomorrow? —I'd rather go today (than wait till tomorrow). I'd rather not wait. Or I'd prefer to start today. I'd prefer not to wait. I'd rather deliver it by hand than post it. He says he 'd rather go to prison than pay the fine. I'd rather pay his fine for him than let him go to prison. rather than... would + infinitive is possible in formal English: Rather than let him go to prison I would pay his fine myself. D Do you want Ann to repair it herself? ~ I'd prefer her to ring/I'd rather she rang the electrician or I'd rather she didn 't try to repair it herself. They want to camp in my garden but I'd rather they didn't. I'd rather they camped by the river. He usually has a pub lunch, but she 'd prefer him to come home for a meal/she 'd rather he came home for lunch. She 'd rather he didn't spend money in pubs. Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: