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Unit? The Adjective / The Adverb



Exercise 9

1. Take this suitcase, it is lighter than yours. 2. There are the most expensive shops in the West End. 3. What are you going to do next? 4.1 think he is older than you but younger than me. 5. This is the most talented pupil in our group. 6. Though we had the worst seats, we liked the performance very much. 7. Where is the nearest post-office? 8. The last train arrived at midnight. 9. The latest news \vas not interesting at all. 10. They received the further information on this question.



Exercise 10

L The more he speaks, the less he is listened to. 2. The longer the night is, the shorter the day is. 8. The sooner you start work, the quicker you'll do it. 4. The more you stay out-of-doors, the better you will feel. 5. The less we love a woman, the more she likes us. 6. The more carefully you do your homework, the fewer mistakes you will make. 7. The more he worked, the less time he devoted to his family. 8. The more he played, the more he lost. 9. The farther we were going, the less familiar the forest seemed to us. 10. The older he got, the more he looked like his father,



Exercise 11

1. He spent not so much time to translate this article as you did. 2. She played her part as well as two days ago. 3. That day Tom wrote as many letters as he did the day before. 4. This news is not as interesting as the one we heard last week. 5. He received the same education as you, 6. Today the frost is not as severe as it was yesterday. We can go for a walk. 7, Goods in this shop are not as expensive as in that one. 8. The living standard in Russia is not so high as in the USA. 9. Michael's new car is as powerful as mine. 10. The traffic is not so heavy in this street as in the centre.


Exercise 12

1. You essay is twice as long as mine. 2. This tree is twice as tall as that one. 3. Do you like the coat? -- Yes, but it is three times as expensive as that one. 4. Today it's twice as cold as it was yesterday. 5. She looks twice as young as her sister. 6. All his friends are twice as old as he is. 7. Though this flat is twice as small as that one, I like it better. 8. This translation is two times as simple as that one. I am sure you will cope with it. 9. The Speedometer shows that the car is going two times as fast as it went before. 10. If you go there by train, you'll get there several times as slow as by plane.



Exercise 13.

Translate into English paying attention to the adjeetrves end adverbs in bold type.

1. У него сильно болкт голова. Он едва может го-ворить. 2. Почему ты каждый день опаздываешь на работу? Ты" наверное, встаешь слишком поздно. 3. Как ты себя чувствуешь сегодня? -- Спасибо, хорошо. 4, Ты говоришь слишком быстро. Они тебя не понимают. 5. Я люблю ходить в ресторан. Еда там всегда вкус-ная. 6. Он не очень хорошо себя чувствует сейчас. 1, Он упорво готовится к экзаменам. 8. Я очень устал. Я плохо спал вчера ночью. 9. Он бегает очень быстро. 10, Я не видел его последнее время. 11. Ну же, Ник! Почему ты всегда ешь так медленно? 12. Как приятно пахнут твои духи! 13. Ее работа очень трудная. Ей при-ходится упорно работать. Она едва успевает поесть.

14. Поезд опоздал, и поэтому я приехал домой поздно.15. У нее беглый английский. Она говорит по-англий-ски очень хорошо.


Unit 8

The Numeral



Exercise 14.

Translate into English. Write the numbers in full.

1. Он заплатил за это ожерелье (necklace) пятнад-цать с половиной тысяч долларов. 2. Подождите пол-часа, пожалуйста. Документы скоро будут готовы. 3. Нам нужно спешить. Самолет улетает через полто-Ра часа. 4. Сколько безработных (unemployed) в этом городе? -- На сегодняшний день 2338 человек. Джейн купила три дюжины яиц. 6. Он родился

3 октября 1979 года. 7. На митинге присутствовало три тысячи студентов. 8. Тысячи студентов заканчивают колледжи Оксфорда к Кембриджа ежегодно. 9. Мил-лионы звезд ярко мерцали (spai kle) на черном южном небе. 10, Если тебе нужно вызвать пожарную команду (fire brigade), звони 01. 11. Его состояние (fortune) со-ставляет три миллиона долларов. 12. Одна четверть равна 25-ти процентам. 13. Этот замок (castle) был по-строен во времена Генриха V. 14. Один дюйм (inch) равен двум с половиной сантиметрам. 15. Эти дома были построены в девяностые годы девятнадцатого века.



Unit 10

The Verb

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