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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 1. Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs to.

1. There's nothing for any of us to do. (Snow) 2. Both these people were resolved to treat Mr. Polly very well, and to help his exceptional incompetence in every possible way. (Wells) 3. Tom presented himself before Aunt Polly, who was sitting by an open window in a pleasant rearward apartment, which was bed-room, break fast-room, dining-room, and library combined. (Twain) 4. Such were the reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. (Galsworthy) 5. It was the sort of solemn warning that a sanguine man gives to others, because he ought to give it to himself. (Snow) 6. Elizabeth and George talked and found each other delightful. (Aldington) 7. What we need is a higher and purer political morality. (Dreiser) 8. She hesitated a moment, and then sat down beside me, and laid her hand on mine. (Dickens) 9. The uniform had been cut for a stouter person than myself, but one, fortunately, of approximately the same height. (Clark) 10. "I didn't know anything about it," cried Charlie indignantly. "I came to see you about something else." (Priestley) 11. What about this coal strike? Will it ruin the country as the papers say? Isn't it a foolish thing on both sides? (Galsworthy) 12. She sat in a state of irresponsible exaltation, watching him, with that strange passive cruelty which is natural and proper in her sex and age. (Wells) 13. None of us except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister thought of Roger or his policy. (Snow) 14. There were. some aviators in the compartment who did not think much of me. (Hemingway) 15. Then a guarded voice said, "Who goes there?" (Twain) 16. Husbands and wives never listen when they talk to each other, only when the other is talking to somebody else. (Fowler) 17. Let me tell you something. (Priestley) 18. There was at least one person in the world who knew that he was alive and attached some importance to the fact. (Saroyan) 19. What are you talking about? (Snow) 20. I can only say what I think. (Hemingway) 21. He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. (Leacock) 22. We said good-bye to one another and arranged to meet in the autumn. (Maugham) 23. What was it in this girl that reminded turn of that one with whom he had lived but two years, and mourned fifteen? (Galsworthy)-



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